Many thanks for clearing this out bananabrain.
I have a thought in my mind that I wanted to share. Please concired these examples form the IRF lectures first.
(Q) Salaamualaikum. I am Kashmira Nazda, I am a revert Muslim. I am a student of final C.A., my question is actually in the first part of your lecture, you said there are no contradiction in the Qur’an, okay but there is a ayah in the Qur’an which the number I am not aware of but Allah says in the Qur’an that he seals the hearts of certain people and hence they do not understand. But we all know that it is the brain that thinks and the mind. Can we clarify that?
(Dr. Zakir) The sister has asked a very good question and I would like to congratulate her too thrice for reverting to Islam. She said... she said that Allah says in certain parts of the Qur’an and I do agree with her that Allah seals the heart, ‘Mohur Lagai’, on the heart and so that people who do not come close to the truth, they have been sealed. She has asked the question that today science is advanced and we know that brain is the main organ required for thinking not the heart. Previously people thought it was the heart, so is not there an error in the Qur’an. If you realize, in the beginning of my talk I also quoted a verse of the Qur’an, the third quotation Verse from Surah Ta Ha, Ch. No. 20, Verse No. 25 to 28, which says...(Arabic)... ‘O my Lord, increase my breast for me’ ...(Arabic)... ‘Increase my breast for me and make my task easy for me and remove the impediment from my speech so that they will understand’. Now here the word again ‘Sadr’ - heart. So why should Allah increase my heart, the Arabic word ‘Sadr’ has got two meanings. One is heart and the other is center. If you go to Karachi, you will find ‘Sadr’ so and so ‘Sadr’ so and so, center so and so. So ‘Sadr’ in Arabic, besides meaning heart, also means center. So here Qur’an says that we have sealed your centers- brain. I asked Allah (SWT)...(Arabic)... ‘O my Lord, increase my center(intellect) and remove the impediment between me and the audience’. Hope that answers the question.
(Q) As salaamualaikum brother Zakir, my name is Israt Ansari and I am a science graduate, presently doing my MA in Islamic studies. My question to you is in the Qur’an it has been mentioned that no one besides God knows the sex of the child in the mothers womb. However modern science have developed certain tests by which we can determine the sex of the child in the Qur’an?
(Dr. Zakir) Wa laikum salaam sister. She has posed a question that Qur’an mentions that no one besides Allah (SWT) knows the sex of the child in the womb and today I do agree with her that there are many medical tests for example, Amiocentencis, ultra sonography, which can determine the sex of child so is not there a mistake. A scientific error in the Qur’an? What the sister is referring to is referring to a verse from Surah Luqmaan, Ch. No. 31, Verse No. 34, which says... ‘Only Allah knows the hour that is the day of judgement, no one besides Allah knows the day of judgement when will it rain what is in the womb of the mother what will a person earn and where will he die’. These five things no one besides Allah (SWT) knows. Her main question is that Qur’an says that no one besides Allah knows the sex of the child in the womb. Sister the misconception is because there are a few translation, there are a few translations especially the Urdu translation which has mentioned that no one besides Allah knows the sex of the child in the womb. In the Arabic the word sex is not mentioned. The Qur’an says no one besides Allah knows what is in the womb. The Qur’an does not refer here to sex, it refers to how will the child be? Will he be honest? Will he be dishonest? Will he be a boon for the society? Will he be a bane for society? What will he become? Will he be an engineer? Will he be a doctor? And believe me with all your medical scientific knowledge you can never tell in advance what will a person be.
Now, my purpose for presenting these example is that though the Holy Quran has been translated by many people and in many languages, these translations are handiwork of man and not the work of Allah(all mighty God). Thus, there are bound to be mistranslations, bound to be errors. Thus by keeping the Arabic text, the clarification of these errors can be made. This also promotes the Arabic language.
The Bible has a record of being translated in the most languages and several times in one language alone. The researchers say that there are over thousand coppies of the Holy Bible, and sadly, no one is exactly the same. There are in smaller or lesser quantity, fewer or in many plases, mistranslations and misquotations. So, why don't the Christians keep the original text with the Bible translations as well? This will surely remove the Bible from curroption.