I looked up the definition of adore in Merriam Webster. There were three: the first said to honor or worship as a deity- Definitely not, I’ll give you that. The second: to regard with loving admiration and devotion, example: He adored his wife, that one is mine, and three : to be very fond of, example: adores pecan pie. I’ll take that one, also.
Every man DID die in Adam, in the sense we are discussing here. Remember that garden incident back in Genesis? All of us inherited Adam’s disobedience and denial doesn’t change the facts. We were, in a sense (and this is what we are talking about here), born dead spiritually. Some of us just don’t know or acknowledge it, and this is the problem.
“We”- who? Nobody has told me that. In Hebrews 9:27 , “It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment.” Revelation speaks of a second death, so I’m not sure I follow. I think Hebrews may be speaking of a physical death. We are talking spiritual death.
It's nice to talk with you Q. Sorry about my vile beginnings at the start of this thread. Ditzy me didn't even see it at first.