Your screen name

wil , does it mean that you and I are one.?? pardon me for being a bit thick
Yes it does. Now we explainin not only screen names but catch phrases as well?? I'm thinking of getting that as a license plate.
Methinks wil could really use that coffee...:D
Never been one for stimulants. Well there was a couple times we were trying to get a job done and worked thru the night...leaving about the same time our regular shift should have started...hang drywall for twenty four hours and you need more than coffee...
Yes it does. Now we explainin not only screen names but catch phrases as well?? I'm thinking of getting that as a license plate.Never been one for stimulants. Well there was a couple times we were trying to get a job done and worked thru the night...leaving about the same time our regular shift should have started...hang drywall for twenty four hours and you need more than coffee...
OK, then, greymare gets the coffee. :)
Somewhere around here, buried so deep I don't remember where, is another thread like this one... ;)

Oh yeah. I think I remember posting in that thread come to think of it! Oh well, a little refresher can't hurt.
No I don't drink the stuff. But I'll sit around and jaw with you and Path whilst you partake! (just like I don't smoke, but I go ahead and take the breaks!!)

Alas, in a city where you can't go more than a half-block without running into a coffee shop, I can't have coffee. But I'll take you up on your offer and have a nice hot chocolate or herbal tea! :)

And I'll take some of that mango and macadamia nut sundae, greymare!

I'll gladly bring some chocolate chip cookies and maybe a cheesecake...
Tao equus to me means 'way of the horse'. Quite how I arrived at it is difficult to explain. My Chinese astrological sign is the Horse and I find in them a nobility that I admire. But choosing the latin for horse, Equus, probably stems from my love of that old play/movie of the same name. In that the horses are blinded. A sort of metaphor for how I feel the societies we live in would have us if they could.

Sure, why not senior undo dos tres...

Seen the film 23? With Jim Carey? Or, know of the main plot line? That was KIND of me with 17.... I would be obssessed ages back with relating everything to the number seventeen, everything I calculated/manipulated into the number... I was telling Sally about this some age back.... The 9/11 I got so down to 17 on every detail was stunning lol but I guess unhealthy I even have a tattoo of the number on my right shoulder, I was fixed on it.

Where was I, sorry faded off and got a coffee.... So I believe to a degree it did become like an illness, the point where it was most high was when, I erm, got dishonorable discharged from the Army.... Heh, yeah I may of said I "damaged" my leg to some, that isn't exactly true...

I had medical things going on and felt slightly like back when I was a kid in school with a psychologist I had a military one this time.... Started getting my constant dreams... Where there were 16 angels, and they showed me things..... (and yeah I am sounding freaking nuts now lol...) I was/Could be the 17th..... I just had to you know stop and change my way.... And what would come from it, was truly awesome.... lol...

I have left that all behind me now.... So yeah, it was an obessession....

SG just read your post, very close made quite alot of images on rev 17... Especially 17:17, especially.
China Cat Sunflower is my favorite Grateful Dead song.

I had thought Greymare came from that song about the old gray mare. "She ain't what she used to be", apparently.

TE- I was always curious if you were a rider. There is actually a book called the Tao of Equus as well.

Alex- Glad you're over your obsession, my friend. Fascinating though. Why 17? Did you ever figure it out? I never obsess over particular numbers, but sometimes I get on kicks where I obsess over processes- as in, figuring out the patterns and processes behind really complicated stuff. Most of the time, I never know if I'm right. I work feverishly on some idea for a while and then just snap out of it or get bored with it. My brain is really into patterns and symbols. I have a lot of odd dreams that play into this, but I got used to it since it's just how I dream. I've been like this, well, forever (at least as far back as I can remember- maybe 4 years old) so I just deal with my brain's tendencies.

Ever see the movie Pi (the symbol)? That was one freaky movie that, in a scary way, I understood. I mean, not the ending, but his fascination with pi. I actually know two mathematicians that are pretty eccentric because of their obsession with shapes or numbers. But they are also brilliant and fascinating people...
If I were you, my screen name would be Help on the Way/Slipknot/Franklin's Tower. Or rather, if I were me. Choosing a screen name the way you did.


Without love in the dream, it'll never come true...

In a similar situation, mine would be If_I_Had_the_World_to_Give. :eek: I know, too obscure of a song for any board members.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I like to read comic books, and there's somebody named 'Dream' in one of them. I think its also the nickname Joseph's brothers gave him. Its supposed to be such an impressive name that it scares you. Be afraid.
C L .......... my initials of given name on Earth. :)

And Ciel.........

For years i painted the sky until we knew and understood each other.

- c -
That's on Shakedown Street, isn't it?


Yes, it is. :) It's one of those songs a local radio station refers to as a "deep cut" (a song that is rather obscure or is overshadowed by other songs on the particular album.)

"Everybody" has heard of Shakedown Street, but when I request If I Had the World to Give, I get dirty looks and find myself scooting over to the "Mope Corner" in :eek:.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
"If I had the world to give
I'd give it to you
for as long as you live
would you let it fall,
or hold it all in the palm of your hand?"

Or something like that. I can hear Jerry's plunk-a-plunk-a-plunk guitar riff in my head.

i've around in various guises online since i think about 1996. originally i was a pirate, captain bananabrain, d'ye see, wi'a curse, damme for a handspike else, by the powers, then moved onto satirical rabbinics, running an online yeshiva (religious school) be'ezrat haShem, then eventually ended up in online interfaith dialogue as just plain old bananabrain when i realised i probably wasn't joking about religion quite as much as i thought. hey ho. either way the word itself originally popped up in the britcom "blackadder goes forth", ep 5 "general hospital", as an insult. i liked the sound of it. curiously enough, the only person who has ever asked me what it "meant" was a retired german investment banker who dabbled in sufism, now sadly gone to the great country club in the sky - he wasn't about to take any flippant explanations, so i said something about bananas representing curved tangents to the reality of cerebration and he seemed happy enough with that, don't ask me why, germans, eh. i find it most convenient to be bananabrain online so i can say things that i probably wouldn't say officially offline.

