YesDoes truth exist independently of man's conceptualization of it?
Words are man’s conception (universal truth #1). It is that ‘consciousness’ that each experience. Knowledge evolves so the conscious can understand within the mind.
For example; At the births of cain and abel, could eve describe the umbilical cord and know what vaccinations to give. Over time, they will through their grrrrreat ++ grand kids. Equally, each of the lines of children contribute knowledge over time.
Still the single form of truth; must combine the varied knowledge to exist in physical form (words to comprehend).
Yes, in a sense. As equality of foundation is built, then equality of choice can remain true to existence versus opinion. That would mean to combine the varied opinions and establish physical facts (science) then combine the religious renditions and philosophical values to establish the framework. When the three branches of knowledge can combine then the foundations to establish the base values can be made.So, the only way we can ascertain the "truth" is to get together and vote on it?
And then to combine the knowledge under One form will cause a paradigm shift to global understanding. The truth of the matter is for describing natural facts to the realities of life and death, the religious offered only what they could describe, thanks, but now the knowledge to comprehend existence itself and understand what life’s purpose is; can be singularly understood by comprehending how light interacts with mass. Good (interactions): supports life to continue; formally last longer. Bad (selfish isolation from existence): loss to the common……… go extinct by failing within their environment. These are literally grounded in all nature.
Exactly! Seems true that each experience is still known to existence and each varied face is of the total; all a part of the single One. (god if you like)Just because the truth affects each one is differently (which is only a testimony to its diversity), does not make it irrelevant, in the least. If it did, the whole of existence would be irrelevant. So, in that sense, the truth of reality (or its constructs) must in fact be absolute.
Annihilate the self to realize how much there is to know.From that perspective truth is irrelevant because to get to it you would have to essentially annihilate yourself in the process of deduction