When is it appropriate to share your religious faith with others?

But it doesn't say HOW to make disciples of all nations. Hence this conversation.

Jesus Christ set his followers an excellent example as an evangelizer.

Regarding the ministry of Christ and his apostles, God’s Word states:

"He went journeying from city to city and from village to village, preaching and declaring the good news of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with him." (Luke 8:1)

What about the apostles themselves?

After the outpouring of holy spirit at Pentecost of 33 C.E., "every day in the temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus."—Acts 5:42.

Jesus Christ set his followers an excellent example as an evangelizer.

Regarding the ministry of Christ and his apostles, God’s Word states:

"He went journeying from city to city and from village to village, preaching and declaring the good news of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with him." (Luke 8:1)

What about the apostles themselves?

After the outpouring of holy spirit at Pentecost of 33 C.E., "every day in the temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus."—Acts 5:42.

Perhaps, but where does it say to be obnoxious and to pester those who aren't ready or willing to hear? There is a correct way and an incorrect way to share one's beliefs.
Perhaps, but where does it say to be obnoxious and to pester those who aren't ready or willing to hear? There is a correct way and an incorrect way to share one's beliefs.
the bible does not say to pester people or be obnoxious ,and yes there is a correct way to do it .

and as Jesus said,. he would be with them until the conclusion of the system .

and even if people do not want to listen that is their choice .

when it comes to the door to door work of Jehovahs witnesses if people are not interested it is on to the next door , they are looking for those who are interested to learn about what the bible REALLY teaches.

and at the end of the day the preaching of the GOODNEWS of the kingdom , is for a witness, or in other words to put people on notice .
and as matthew 24; is talking about the signs of the times, it is all part of the composite sign that Jesus spoke of that would be happening in out time .

And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. matthew 24;14 :)
when it comes to the door to door work of Jehovahs witnesses if people are not interested it is on to the next door , they are looking for those who are interested to learn about what the bible REALLY teaches.

Maybe this is how it SHOULD be, but it often isn't. I've had many times that people came back every so often, when it was clear I am not and will not be a JW.

Second, Christ said that if someone didn't want to listen, to shake the dust off your feet/robe and move on. But this doesn't seem to happen until all resources have been exhausted- that is, until people come back with an elder or somesuch and eventually get annoyed you don't comply with all their beliefs.

Third, Jesus and the disciples did not just preach. They did stuff. They fed people first. They healed people first. They took care of people's needs and THEN they preached. And they didn't ALWAYS just preach. Sometimes, they just hung out with people and loved them. There is an excellent reason for this: people cannot learn when they are hungry, or worried, or scared, or ill. Most people's brains shut down that learning center due to the negative feelings. Jesus knew to care about the person- to love- first. Preaching came second, and then it was not about doctrine, but about God's love and being good to one another (ethical action).

I have yet to see a truly loving person come to my door. I have seen a lot of people who want to convert me to this or that, but none of them actually shows love. They show that they want to add to their group and validate their beliefs by having me agree with them. I'll hang out and talk, but faith is not about joining any group to me. Faith is about loving others and God, and showing this in one's actions.
And just to avoid confusion and possible confrontation, the NO SOLICITORS sign on the front door includes, but is not limited to, people who feel it imperative to share their personal beliefs with me. When anyone decides they can ignore my wish for privacy and ring the doorbell anyway I can become very unfriendly.
Unfortunately here in the UK they recently banned bloodsports so I do not even answer the door anymore.
It is amazing how many folks can't read the no solicitation and similar signs.

However when we were 5 bachelors living in a house and had our sign on the door, it seems everyone read it, and we didn't have any issues with any of the typical door knockin types.
Knock softly but firmly. We like soft firm knockers.
Telling people to piss off is a survival skill. There are too many different interests reaching out to snag my attention, time, and resources. I don't have an interest in entertaining salesmen. Not on my precious time. I don't care if you're selling Jesus or vacuum cleaners, don't waste my time and I won't waste yours. That's the Golden Rule, brutha.

This is a mistake... I see the Golden rule more as: Listen to the sales pitch or beliefs of others as you would that others listen to your sales pitch or beliefs. The issue is how to contend with a liar or an empty unsolicited sales pitch, or the bulk misguided SPAM, or the undesired cold knocker, or the person whose vocabulary does not include the word 'NO'. I submit that more innovative techniques are available than to be so closed that it is assumed the unsolicited approach of a stranger is a crime. In the USA the lifestyle of so many allegedly independent folks is hardened or paralyzed to the unsolicited approach of a stranger that it is considered politically incorrect for a person to even ask another person if they are interested in dinner.

We had a snow storm this last year and a lot of people got stuck and were walking miles to get home... so I went out and offered them rides home. Some are brave enough to accept the act of kindness. Some behave appalled as if they are pissed off over the unsolicited act because in that moment they are paying for being an independent stranger. Some would like to accept the kindness but their belief that everyone is a potential criminal is greater than their belief that someone is potentially trying to help them.

Just because the lifestyle of many people in the USA today is to be an independent and unapproachable stranger does not mean it is the best way of life. Yet many of the religious who knock are not really interested in being anything more than a stranger either. The issue is how to contend with them... to reveal to them that what they are doing is also potentially a bit... empty hearted.
Faith is about loving others and God, and showing this in one's actions.
very true indeed , thats what being a true christian is all about :) but i have to disagree about the feeding with litral food first, because Jesus fed people in a spiritual way first, then he fed them litral food , the fact that the crowds were there to listen to Jesus meant that he fed them with the baskets of fish , if they were not there they would have missed out on good spiritual food and litral food .

the focus was always the spiritual food first , the GOODNEWS of the kingdom is the answer to all of the problems in the world matthew 24;14 Daniel 2;44

Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first. mark 13;10

And this good news of the kingdom will be preached
(Or, "be heralded." )
in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. matthew 24;14

in this time that we are living in , the heralding of the GOODNEWS gives people hope that soon all of the litrally starving will be a thing of the past .
Remember, though, that in the apostle John’s vision the black horse of famine followed the red horse of war. Correspondingly, many of the food shortages of our day have been a direct result of war. (Revelation 6:3, 4)

and Gods kingdom will put an end to all of that :)

Those who have a proper hunger and thirst for righteousness and truth will always be spiritually filled. (Mt 5:6; Joh 6:35)

This includes those of the "great crowd" who have hope of surviving "the great tribulation" and of whom it is written that "they will hunger no more nor thirst anymore." (Re 7:9, 13-17)

And under the rule of God’s Kingdom there will also come to be an abundance to satisfy the physical hunger of all mankind.—Ps 72:16; Isa 25:6.:)

Maybe this is how it SHOULD be, but it often isn't. I've had many times that people came back every so often, when it was clear I am not and will not be a JW.

and then there was a time when it was clear that mee was not and thought they would never be a JW .

but look at mee now :) the GOODNEWS of the kingdom is mees focus matthew 24;14 Daniel 2;44

and it is very good
Second, Christ said that if someone didn't want to listen, to shake the dust off your feet/robe and move on. quote]

very true on to the next door .:) AND ALWAYS IN PEACE:)

and with YOUR feet shod with the equipment of the good news of peace EPHESIANS 6;15

How, in turn, will they preach unless they have been sent forth? Just as it is written: "How comely are the feet of those who declare good news of good things!" ROMANS 10;15

Bringing Good News of Something Better

"How comely upon the mountains are the feet of the one . . . bringing good news of something better."—ISAIAH 52:7.

I have yet to see a truly loving person come to my door. quote]

If they were not displaying love of God and neighbour they would not bother to be going out on the work Jesus commanded matthew 28;19-20 .

so the fact that they are stood at your door means they are putting love into practice . making know GOODNEWS OF BETTER THINGS is a good thing to be doing .

but many are not enterested in goodnews and that is there choice .

and at the end of the day if Jehovah draws a person they will respond to the GOODNEWS. matthew 24;14

never forget that the most high is behind the preaching work it is not the person at your door .

"Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you."—JAMES 4:8.
This is a mistake... I see the Golden rule more as: Listen to the sales pitch or beliefs of others as you would that others listen to your sales pitch or beliefs. The issue is how to contend with a liar or an empty unsolicited sales pitch, or the bulk misguided SPAM, or the undesired cold knocker, or the person whose vocabulary does not include the word 'NO'. I submit that more innovative techniques are available than to be so closed that it is assumed the unsolicited approach of a stranger is a crime. In the USA the lifestyle of so many allegedly independent folks is hardened or paralyzed to the unsolicited approach of a stranger that it is considered politically incorrect for a person to even ask another person if they are interested in dinner.

We had a snow storm this last year and a lot of people got stuck and were walking miles to get home... so I went out and offered them rides home. Some are brave enough to accept the act of kindness. Some behave appalled as if they are pissed off over the unsolicited act because in that moment they are paying for being an independent stranger. Some would like to accept the kindness but their belief that everyone is a potential criminal is greater than their belief that someone is potentially trying to help them.

You've got a point. It's amazing nowadays how much of a stranger our next door neighbor is. Why, I remember pickets fences as a means to communicate. Now those picket fences they are higher and intended as fortresses to protect and insulate ourselves in our cocoons. Shame really. The other day, I was cutting grass and a neighbor two houses down came out to his car and looked over in my direction. I waved to him and he quickly turned away with not the slightest hint of acknowledgement. Well, piss on him. The hell's happening to people in this world?

cyperpi said:
Just because the lifestyle of many people in the USA today is to be an independent and unapproachable stranger does not mean it is the best way of life. Yet many of the religious who knock are not really interested in being anything more than a stranger either. The issue is how to contend with them... to reveal to them that what they are doing is also potentially a bit... empty hearted.

Is it? The ulterior motive for those trying to spread the good news of Jesus Christ is to see people saved. The conviction is that they are responsible to see that the gospel is preached to every creature. If one believes in Hell, of any form that means separation from God, which the Bible repeated warns about, does that not present a sense of urgency of the part of believers to try and impel as many as they can to escape from that possibility. Sure, they are strangers. But they are people, too. They are part of God's creation. No one wants to see another person go to Hell. Whether you agree there is a Hell or not, I don't see the empty-heartedness in that. It take a lot to have the courage to tell others about Christ to strangers.

path_of_one said:
I have yet to see a truly loving person come to my door. I have seen a lot of people who want to convert me to this or that, but none of them actually shows love. They show that they want to add to their group and validate their beliefs by having me agree with them. I'll hang out and talk, but faith is not about joining any group to me. Faith is about loving others and God, and showing this in one's actions.

From your perspective it is an annoyance. Fair enough. But I can find any number of people who are eternally grateful that someone knocked on their door and subsequentlly their lives have changed for better. Our associate pastor used to be a drunken sailor. Spend his paycheck on copius amounts of alcohol every week. At the expense of his family. He was on that downward spiral. But then someone spoked to him about Christ and in accepting Christ as Savior, his whole perspective changed. By the power of God, he got cleaned up, quit drinking cold turkey, reconciled with his wife and family, and got his life straightened out, and now he says that it was the best thing that has ever happened to him.

I could relate similar stories from dozens of members of our church.
It's not all about trying to recruit members. It's not about forcing someone to convert. Nor a stroke of ego to prove that our beliefs are right. It's about seeing people's lives change. But it has to start with that spark of hope that God in His Word has provided.

When Jesus taught the multitudes, He was addressing people who had religion already. What was He doing then that changed peoples lives so? Jesus didn't go after those after those who did not need a physician, but those who were sick. Furthermore, He went after those who didn't even know they were sick, like the woman at the well.

Those of you who are annoyed by door knockers don't need a physician, but wouldn't you be so kind as to put up an occasional annoyance for the sake of those who do. Someone who comes to your door won't know you are not sick until you answer. In which case, they will move on to the highways and by-ways until they do find one in need.
Yeh...but watch out for those encyclopedia salesmen...
the bibles better :)
As regards anything besides these, my son, take a warning: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion [to them] is wearisome to the flesh. Ecllesiastes12;12

As regards anything besides these, my son, take a warning: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion [to them] is wearisome to the flesh. Ecllesiastes12;12

Which can also be translated as "Except from what I tell you to read remain completely ignorant" Not at all surprised to see a JW quote that.
From your perspective it is an annoyance.

On the contrary, I find it interesting to talk with people about religion. I welcome neighbors, strangers, homeless people, and door to door people to talk with me.

What I find annoying and why I say I have only encountered people trying to add to their group, not actually spread love and faith, is because none of them could take "no" for an answer. Tellingly, none could take "no" for an answer even though they claimed to be Christian and I go to a Christian church already. Somehow, that just wasn't good enough.

That indicates to me that it wasn't about sharing Christ's message or about loving me. It was about them being threatened by any person who was strongly standing in her faith, but whose beliefs and congregational affiliation was not the same as their own.

I can contrast this with numerous friends and acquaintances who, after meeting them early in our relationship, invited me to church or shared their faith with me. I shared mine with them and told them I had a church, and they were excited and happy for me.

I am sure there are some churches who truly are about going out and loving others and spreading faith. I just haven't met them at my door yet. So far in my experience, the more prone to door-knocking a denomination/church is, the more intolerant they are of other churches and Christians, let alone people of other faiths.

To come to my door is not the annoyance. To not take no for an answer is.

Those of you who are annoyed by door knockers don't need a physician, but wouldn't you be so kind as to put up an occasional annoyance for the sake of those who do. Someone who comes to your door won't know you are not sick until you answer. In which case, they will move on to the highways and by-ways until they do find one in need.

I put up with it, and I am kind about it, despite being annoyed at people's tendency to think my beliefs are irrelevant or errant and that their own are superior, and despite their insistence that their little group is the only way to Christ. I think it's just human nature to think this way, so I will continue to discuss with them until they are tired of me. I'm warm and friendly. I still think it's an invasion of my privacy and that the general attitude is arrogance, but that doesn't mean I am mean to them. I figure everyone needs kindness and to be heard.

It's not my own way of spreading the Gospel- I wait until I feel called to talk to a particular person, and that small still voice within tends to lead me to those who need me to be with them spiritually. But I tolerate that other people do this. Upon probing, I find most seem to do it out of fear for others rather than out of love and joy, but it's still based (even though I think in a problematic way) on concern for others. I can appreciate the concern, though I don't appreciate the delivery.
Maybe this is how it SHOULD be, but it often isn't. I've had many times that people came back every so often, when it was clear I am not and will not be a JW.

and then there was a time when it was clear that mee was not and thought they would never be a JW .

but look at mee now :) the GOODNEWS of the kingdom is mees focus matthew 24;14 Daniel 2;44

and it is very good

So basically, you are saying that your statement about JW's moving on once it is clear a person will not convert is inaccurate.
Namaste Dondi,

thank you for the post.

When is it appropriate to share your religious faith with others?

most folks in the west have a very unusual view regarding Buddha Dharma, by and large they have the impression that Buddha wanted the monks and such to avoid any sort of evangelism however the Suttas quite clearly indicate otherwise.

so my answer would greatly depend on the culture that i happen to be in. in the United States i would generally wait until asked though i have been known to volunteer some information during the course of a discussion if the situation presents itself.

The OP of that forum listed some methods that have been used to get the 'message' across:

-Knocking on doors

mostly i find this approach to be quite off putting and can't really imagine how it could possibly be successful.

-Passing out written materials

in what way? like at a public function, having an information booth or something of that nature?

-Inviting friends to religious services

depending on the tradition i actually like this one quite a bit. some traditions i couldn't go to even if i were invited but of the major world religions i'm be happy to be invited.

i wouldn't extend the same courtesy, however, as Buddhist praxis at the temple is usually fairly lengthy and involves some aspects which require a bit of practice beforehand, meditation for instance. there are some events at the temples which aren't like that and are designed for the non-Buddhist public so i'd invite to those.

-Telling friends about your beliefs, with or without invitation

with, yes; without.. depends.

-Mission trips to share beliefs and do good works

engaging in positive actions is always beneficial but i, personally, am not so keen on trips just to spread my views.

-Faith-based movements or attempts to change laws or politics, from the Puritans to Dr. Martin Luther King to pro-life groups

no. changing laws based on ones religious beliefs is the quickest way to get me opposed to those views.

-Sharing beliefs with someone who is in distress


-Faith-based help projects such as homeless shelters that require text studies, hospitals with religious ministries to patients, drug treatment programs (e.g., Scientology's Narconon), etc.

no. you either help someone or you don't. requiring religious study in exchange for treatment isn't helping someone. nothing $cientology is involved in can be supported.

-Pointing out weaknesses or faults in someone else's beliefs

in a debate forum or context, sure. outside of that there seems to be little value in such tactics.

-"Slacktivist Witnessing" - e.g., holding up signs at football games, religious graffiti, T-shirts, etc.

i always wondered why God liked the Packers so much.

