When is it appropriate to share your religious faith with others?

I think most people function in a sort of bi-polar manner- that is, we all have "highs" and "lows." Bi-polar people experience this to an extreme that is disruptive in their lives. But if you look at the symptoms, probably everyone experiences "highs" where they feel really good, optimistic, high sex drive, etc. and "lows" where they feel kind of crappy. I think it has to be pretty severe to be clinically bi-polar, from what I understand. It seems like the process of proselytizing and those sorts of beliefs (i.e., everyone is going to hell unless I save them, the world is ending, etc.) would lend itself to creating a more bi-polar roller coaster of emotions in a person.

Loading up on fear and guilt (I'm not a good person, I'm worthless but God loves me anyway, people I love will go to hell or be permanently ended after this life if I can't convince them to join the church, etc.) and then getting optimistic (but I'm a child of God! I can fix this!) and then going out and acting on that (knock, knock!) and then being rejected and realizing no, you won't fix it (is that because I'm not good enough? Or because they are just destined for hell/ending?).

Seems like the cycle and belief would create the imbalance, rather than the other way 'round. But who knows...

I really think part of it is a superiority/inferiority thing. That is, people generally feel inferior- afraid and guilty. I've noticed some churches really guilt-trip people and play on the fear thing a lot. There's a lot of "you sinner, you worthless" going on. So, to boost self-esteem (because we all need it or we get really depressed), the answer is to feel superior to everyone who is not in the church. "I may be a worthless worm and a sinner, but I figured out The Answer and need to share it with all these people who are not only worthless worms, but also lost!" This is why many of these folks find people who are strong in their faith but not in agreement to be threatening and uncomfortable- because this threatens their fragile sense of self-esteem and identity. If you strip away the "I'm right, you're wrong," all you have left is "I'm guilt-ridden and fearful." Who wants to be that?
when is it appropriate to share the goodnews

2 Timothy 4:2, 5.

preach the word, be at it urgently in favorable season, in troublesome season, reprove, reprimand, exhort, with all long-suffering and [art of] teaching. 3 For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories. 5 You, though, keep your senses in all things, suffer evil, do [the] work of an evangelizer, fully accomplish your ministry.:)

anytime it seems

It's appropriate to teach when you have a student, to speak when an ear is listening. If no one is listening, then there's no point of talking. But if someone is listening, then speak. If someone wants to learn, teach.
But if someone is listening, then speak. If someone wants to learn, teach.
true, and if they dont want to listen go on to find others who want to listen .

It appears that it was not until after Jesus’ death and resurrection that these half brothers of his reviewed the things that they had heard but to which they had not listened, and now came to the conclusion that he was indeed the Messiah.

But their not listening during his lifetime cost them the opportunity and joy of serving with and being taught directly by Jesus during the three and a half years of his preaching the good news. It was only because of the undeserved kindness of Jehovah and of Jesus himself that they finally had their eyes opened and were accepted as followers of Christ and made his spiritual brothers.

which reminds me of in the final judgement

With regard to Christ’s coming, the Bible says

"Look! He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him." (Revelation 1:7) People will not see him with their literal eyes. Since his ascension to heaven, Jesus is a spirit person "who dwells in unapproachable light, whom not one of men has seen or can see."—1 Timothy 6:16.

Jesus does not need to take on a human form to be "seen" by the inhabitants of the earth any more than Jehovah needed to do so when he brought the Ten Plagues on the Egyptians in the days of Moses. The people of that time had no doubt that Jehovah was causing the plagues, and they were forced to recognize his power. (Exodus 12:31)

In a similar way, when Christ takes action as God’s Executioner, the wicked will be forced to "see," or perceive, that Jesus is being used by God to judge them.

They will know this because mankind will have been warned in advance

Yes, "every eye will see [Jesus], and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief because of him."—Revelation 1:7.

The destruction of the wicked and the removal of wicked rulership are essential before true peace and prosperity can be restored to the earth. Christ will accomplish that. Then he will take full control of all affairs on the earth, and momentous changes will follow.

"Happy is the man that is listening to me . . . For the one finding me will certainly find life."—PROVERBS 8:34, 35.
In a similar way, when Christ takes action as God’s Executioner, the wicked will be forced to "see," or perceive, that Jesus is being used by God to judge them.

So if you teach to save... When Christ comes down again, he will give others the chance to change..... And, be saved? Right? So.... Why do you need to teach to save? If end of the day, it will come down to one on one with Christ? Even those out teaching, may fall short when it comes to confronting Christ.... Ugh I'd be upset if I had that job... Having to judge every soul that had ever lived... "won't be home for tea honey... Yea, going to be pulling a late one in the office."

When Christ comes down again, he will give others the chance to change..... quote]

Jesus will never come in the flesh to the earth again ,but there will come a time when he will go into action against his enemies , those enemies who are known as Goats to Jesus, will already have shown what their attitude to Jesus and Jesus followers are , by their actions and what they are doing on the earth they will be showing themselves up to be a sheep or a goat. but it is Jesus who will be the one to have the final Jugement to say if they are a sheep or a goat, and he will also have the angels with him . NOW is the time to change our ways and to do a complete turn around if we are not acting in the right way ,it will be to late when Jesus comes with the holy angels . NOW mee is going along with Jesus and the channel Jesus is feeding it is the only channel Jesus is feeding matthew 24;45-47

then hopefully i can be judged as a sheep who is willing to help Jesus brothers in a good way . i like to help Jesus brothers with the PREACHING OF THE GOODNEWS MATTHEW 24;45-47

Even those out teaching, may fall short when it comes to confronting Christ.... quote]

If they fall away and behave like a goat they will only have themselves to blame if Jesus judges them as a goat .

and yes , anyone can fall away and allow place for the devil .

it would be best to act like a sheep then we would be in a more likely chance of Jesus judging us as a sheep . matthew 25;31-33

When the Son of man arrives in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit down on his glorious throne. 32 And all the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 And he will put the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on his left.

And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also I must bring, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd. john 10;16

A swing and a miss.... lol.

What I was saying is, Jesus is the one you have to go through? He is the one which shall judge and punish/forgive.... He has the power to set you free? (strange I'd of thought that would be up to the Creator.... But ok... We'll go with jesus.) So... What I mean is, You cannot save me... You can try to teach me... But only jesus can save me... So say I was in the market for a religion... If I was to be a Christian... I can sure teach others, great, but the isn't going to save anyone... So I would live by example, and teach if asked.... but it would be my actions not my teaching that would effect the world/people more effectivley. Something I have learnt recentley... Less talking of what I should be doing, and more time doing it.

"NOW is the time to change our ways and to do a complete turn around if we are not acting in the right way - mee(possibly watchtower quote)."

I don't think we need to be taught, to -know- when we are doing wrong... Something inside you, your gut, consciousness, guilt, whatever... That should tell you you are doing something wrong....

"If they fall away and behave like a goat they will only have themselves to blame if Jesus judges them as a goat . and yes , anyone can fall away and allow place for the devil . - Mee(possibly watchtower quote)."

But, then what I meant by the "teacher" falling short... I didn't mean like, goes crazy and has some smack and kills a hooker in LA... I simply mean, carrying on living like they are, yet maybe forgetting something? Or just simply not matching up to the requirements on Judgement day....

I guess in short.... Let it be.
Path, Dream, and Alex,

I have become aware of a connection between aggressive proselytizing and bipolar disorder. Here is a good overview of bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder and manic depression information - MayoClinic.com

What caught my eye was similarities in symptoms between the two groups.

Bipolar disorder and manic depression information: Signs and symptoms - MayoClinic.com

I am going to take a closer look at this. I am curious as to what anyone else comes up with.

That's interesting. JW's seem to have a higher than normal incidence of clinical depression. I've wondered what the nature of that connection is.

Nick, is this the part that got your attention?

Severe episodes of either mania or depression may result in psychosis, or a detachment from reality. Symptoms of psychosis may include hearing or seeing things that aren't there (hallucinations) and false but strongly held beliefs (delusions)

I have a younger sister who is Bipolar and since childhood she would often state her beliefs about anything as being final regardless of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

It is an interesting connection but I see much more out there in the behavior of those who proselyte, such as NPD. Even here on the forum we have people who will resort to all kinds of manipulative strategies to exert their will and agenda.
I don't think we need to be taught, to -know- when we are doing wrong... Something inside you, your gut, consciousness, guilt, whatever... That should tell you you are doing something wrong....
when it comes to those who did have an accurate knowledge of the bible and of Gods purpose for the earth, and at one time they were out helping christs brothers (the annoited) with the preaching work , but then they start to leave off doing the will of God , verbally beating up the faithful ones , they certainly would know what they are doing. and yes they know who they are . but in the final judgement when Jesus comes with the holy angels it will be to late they will have shown themselves up as to whos side they are on .

but ONLY Jehovah and Jesus can read hearts , so its a good job that others do not have the say in the final judgement.
I find it interesting when a person resorts to claiming they are the victim of what they see and hear... or that others who speak are diseased perpetrators. Perhaps I should attend a comparative-atheism website next to test the claim. ;)
And so he sent them forth to preach the kingdom of God and to heal, luke 9;2
I find it interesting when a person resorts to claiming they are the victim of what they see and hear... or that others who speak are diseased perpetrators. Perhaps I should attend a comparative-atheism website next to test the claim. ;)

Best of luck with that. Let us know what you learn.

Jesus then gives instructions on how to approach householders with the Kingdom message. "When you are entering into the house," he instructs, "greet the household; and if the house is deserving, let the peace you wish it come upon it; but if it is not deserving, let the peace from you return upon you.
Wherever anyone does not take you in or listen to your words, on going out of that house or that city shake the dust off your feet." luke 9;4-5
Best of luck with that. Let us know what you learn.

Surely there are some outspoken atheists here who could share some good atheist forums to test the claim.

Is being an outspoken atheist here not akin to proselytizing... deemed as possibly the sign of a bipolar disorder? Perhaps I am now a potential atheist proselyte, persuaded to seek an atheist forum to... learn?
Surely there are some outspoken atheists here who could share some good atheist forums to test the claim.

Is being an outspoken atheist here not akin to proselytizing... deemed as possibly the sign of a bipolar disorder? Perhaps I am now a potential atheist proselyte, persuaded to seek an atheist forum to... learn?

Learn what? ;)

Atheism is defined by lack... lack of faith, and atheism is unprovable. As Gandhi said, there is no evidence that the soul perishes with the body.

Learn what? ;)

Atheism is defined by lack... lack of faith, and atheism is unprovable. As Gandhi said, there is no evidence that the soul perishes with the body.
Good question... I'm not certain what substance an atheist claims to teach or share. I am just challenging the theory that I'd be a victim of whatever it is that I might see, hear, or learn there.