ancient scribes

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The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls proved that those scribes did good work, Jehovah made sure didnt he :)
See! I knew you could do it! This is the Mee we want to see!
if i wasnt one of Jehovahs witnesses i would not even bother to make known the GOODNEWS OF THE KINGDOM MATTHEW 24;14
And i think you will find that the kingdom is my focus :) because the Kingdom is the theme of the bible from Genesis to revelation and the bible is the book i promote it is my way of life :)THATS MEE:)

and i would have thought on a religious site that it would be the place to speak about the bible and what the bible promises for the future .

but then maybe it is the meesage in the bible that others do not like .
We know the Kingdom is your focus. That's not the issue that is creating the stir. Everybody here on the Christianity board, and dare I say the Judaism board too, are promoting the Bible, and it is our way of life too. We all have unique perspectives on the contents of the Bible, some of us are pretty comfortable being led, and some of us are a little more self-directed in our studies, but we all are about promoting the Bible. If not, we wouldn't spend as much time as we do with each other.

So you really gotta let go of that martyr complex, you just have to. Besides the fact its unhealthy, it really gets in the way of living a productive life. Isn't that what it's all about? What does Ecclesiastes say? How you could possibly say something like "maybe it is the meesage in the bible that others do not like" after you have been here with us for over three years...I mean, come on, you know better than that. You know from having been among us that we all reap the fruit of the message of G-d's Word. So please let go of that false martyr complex, it lies to you.

And mee is ok with that , everyone to what they want to believe.
i am not saying everyone is wrong i just put over what the bible teaches .
Now you confuse me, after you just got done saying "maybe it is the meesage in the bible that others do not like," now you are saying "i am not saying everyone is wrong i just put over what the bible teaches?" Either one or the other, both statements cannot be true together.

how people respond to what the bible says is up to them its not mees fault if the bible says


PSALM 83;18:)
You're right, how people respond to the Bible is up to them. It isn't your fault if they see something differently. Different can be good. There's the possibility it isn't, and we all watch for that. But different doesn't automatically mean wrong...that's a hard lesson for some people to learn. I know it was for me, I hope it is not for you.

Back to ancient scribes
The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls proved that those scribes did good work, Jehovah made sure didnt he :)
Yes, the DSS did go a ways to provide a second witness to support the Old Testament, and it also shed a lot of light on the Qumran community and gave scholars a lot of anthropological and sociological context to help them reconstruct the history of the era. BIG help!
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Now you confuse me, after you just got done saying "maybe it is the meesage in the bible that others do not like," now you are saying "i am not saying everyone is wrong i just put over what the bible teaches?" Either one or the other, both statements cannot be true together.

dont be confused:) it is true i personally am not saying others are wrong ,it is the bible itself that puts us all on the right path ,so others maybe wrong but it is not mees job to tell them ,it is the bibles job

as 2 timothy 3;16-17 tells us

All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.

for a christian sepecially the bible is the aurthority.
But different doesn't automatically mean wrong...

well i would have to disagree with that when it comes to true worship ,because as the bible informs mee certain things are a no no in the bible and it would not be right to change what is right and what is wrong , but many religious leaders of the christian faith have changed everything around by saying good is bad and bad is good . in other words they are relying on their own wisdom and not the wisdom in the bible . and that is wrong full stop

those inspired bible writers had it right :)
dont be confused:) it is true i personally am not saying others are wrong ,it is the bible itself that puts us all on the right path ,so others maybe wrong but it is not mees job to tell them ,it is the bibles job

as 2 timothy 3;16-17 tells us

All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.

for a christian sepecially the bible is the aurthority.

I agree that the Bible is the final authority for the Christian, but I really think you are confusing interpretation for scripture. It is a common mistake.

Saw read lead. What does that mean? Precisely, that's my point.

well i would have to disagree with that when it comes to true worship ,because as the bible informs mee certain things are a no no in the bible and it would not be right to change what is right and what is wrong , but many religious leaders of the christian faith have changed everything around by saying good is bad and bad is good . in other words they are relying on their own wisdom and not the wisdom in the bible . and that is wrong full stop

those inspired bible writers had it right :)
And you are welcome to disagree, in fact I encourage it. That is why I said "different *can be* good." I also said "There's the possibility it isn't, and we all watch for that."

Those inspired writers had the benefit of a much closer connection to the source.

On the other hand; we are distanced by two thousand years, multiple languages, and a loss of cultural context. So we have to dig a little deeper to sift out the meaning.

Some of us trust the denominations and institutions to do this for us. Some of us prefer to search for ourselves. And some of us get so disgusted with the whole mess that we either give up our faith...or we put our faith into simple action and ignore the arguments that swirl around us.

You trust the JW institution, that is fine, we understand this and expect that point of view from you. That is the interpretation that works for you. Others of us find that different interpretations work for us, whether we were born into it or grew into it or sought it out deliberately. Catholism works for some of us. Pentecostalism works for some of us. Baptist works for some of us. Episcopalian works for some of us.

And I'm the lone little ol' Messianic here with an identity crisis, but it works for me. There is not a day that goes by that I don't ask for guidance from G-d. I fear falling into His hands if I am not right in His sight. I struggle with my faith daily. I am not where I am at by accident, I came to this place because this is where I was guided to.

I don't agree with many things other institutions teach, but that does not mean I love my brothers and sisters any less. If that is where they are meant to be, and they are sincere in their search, then I will leave the judging to G-d, and enjoy their company.

We are not here among thieves and brigands. We are not here conspiring to overthrow a government. We are not here for any subversive reason. We are here to commune with each other and share the blessings G-d bestows. We have all here tasted the Living Waters and found them sweet, and we all refresh ourselves with that water at every chance.

I know that includes you.

Sometimes I feel as if you do not understand these things for us. Yes, it *is* the Bible that guides us, every one of us on the Christian board, and even the Judaism board, and even a few of the curmudgeons that like to think they are no longer Christian still show the evidence of the mark the Book has made in their lives.

Let G-d be the judge. Enjoy the present company, for we don't know what tomorrow may bring. Love ya, bro!
very true not my job i am glad to say .:)
Not your job to provide your judgment? People here were personally urging you to on a number of threads. Not the JW judgment... the mee judgment. Not the judgment of a Father... the judgment of a Son.
Not your job to provide your judgment? People here were personally urging you to on a number of threads. Not the JW judgment... the mee judgment. Not the judgment of a Father... the judgment of a Son.
not sure what you mean ?
If I came to you as a kid and said, "JW's are XYZZYs because my Mom said that JW's are XYZZYs." Then would I appear to you as a kid with a mind who judges for himself, or would I appear as a kid whose mind was written by his mother. What if I next say, "Let Mom be the judge." or "Not my job to judge". Is my judgment not my own?

Is the judgment of a JW not their own?
Mee, you are repeatedly century-old rubbish. No, Babylonians did not use crosses. No, they did not even pronounce "Tammuz" with a T-sound, or spell it with a T-letter (or any kind of letters), and did not use initials. No, Egyptian priests did not "carry" ankh-crosses; it was a written symbol, derived from a picture of a sandal (nakh in Egyptian) used for any word with the consonants n-kh in it (like ankh "life").
Significantly, the Masoretic vowel points in the Leningrad Codex allow for the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton—the four Hebrew consonants making up the divine name—as Yehwah’, Yehwih’, and Yeho·wah’.

Nowhere in the Leningrad codex do any of those claimed vowel-pointings occur (I typed the entire text of the Leningrad codex into a computer in 1978; that text is the basis for all online-available Hebrew texts).
The pointing is usually YaHoWaH indicating that the cantor should sing it as `aDoNaY "LORD", except when Adonay YHWH occurs, when it is pointed as YeHoWiH to indicate that the cantor should sing it as Adonay Elohim "LORD God". At no time would a cantor sing it using the Tetragrammaton consonants.
If I came to you as a kid and said, "JW's are XYZZYs because my Mom said that JW's are XYZZYs." Then would I appear to you as a kid with a mind who judges for himself, or would I appear as a kid whose mind was written by his mother. quote]

oh i see :)

that brings something to my mind, religious leaders of christendom tell their flocks that JEHOVAHS WITNESSES are the sporn of satan, and people get to believe false lies about JEHOVAHS WITNESSES . and many have been misled by the lies of religious leaders , but right hearted ones who have come out of christendom and listened to Jesus voice have now joined themselves to a GREAT CROWD who are all waving their symbolic palm branches . revelation 7;9-10

and now they can see with the eyes of understanding just what those ancient scribes wrote down in the bible . thats because they have listened to the voice of Jesus matthew 24;45-47............ john 10;16
2 timothy 3;16-17