ancient scribes

Maybe try talking with us for a change, instead of talking at us.

putting over bible teaching is not talking at you , i focus on the truth of what the bible teaches the same way that Jesus spoke the truth , but as Jesus himself said his followers who make known the truth would be treated the same way that Jesus was treated .

and it was the religious leaders who wanted Jesus to keep quite.

the focus of the bible is all about THE KINGDOM DANIEL 2;44
and that is what mee focuses on , it is the only way to salvation . and i like to make it known it is what i am all about . AND IT IS VERY GOOD .

And an ancient book the bible , tells us all about that kingdom ,and how it will bring PEACE to the earth .from GENESIS TO REVELATION the theme is all about that kingdom .

Jehovah has made sure through ancient scribes that we have the bible today .
juantoo3;151023 It is quite unbecoming said:
would you say it is unruly to put over what the bible REALLY TEACHES:)? the bible does not teach hellfire, trinity, immortality of the human soul , would it be unruly to make known bible truth?
Mee, it isn't that 'your truth' is unruly, it is the fact that you disobey the rules of conduct of the site, which they see as unruly... Can you understand they are not getting at you because of what you believe, but just the way you always break the CoC... If you haven't I suggest you read this.

Doesn't your god teach and tell you that you have to obey laws of man/goverment but not ones that disobey his laws? There are NO laws within the CoC that would go agaisn't that, and most are in harmony with your religious laws... Which are basically treat people with respect and don't force/pressure your thoughts on another. I dunno, just have a read.

would you say it is unruly to put over what the bible REALLY TEACHES:)?
Between plagiarizing, not citing sources, and some pretty obvious proselytizing, combined with rather frequent refusals to engage in open discussion (that is, preaching rather than conversing), yes I would call that unruly. It is certainly a long standing blatant attempt to thwart the mutually agreed on standards for participation here.

Believe it or not, I'm the good cop at this moment. The others will be in shortly. The choice is yours.
It's the 'operation steel blindfold' Thing....

Like it seems your only intent is to get other to become a JW (But that is what you are meant to do! It's a mission from god via jesus christ.) Yes but this isn't a place for picking up extra sheep, it is simply a place where you share your views from a personal account, They have warned you because all they see you doing is making many a thread with nothing but cut and pastes from the watchtower. You stated yourself you have no interest or care for other faiths brother. (that is fine with me.) But it isn't seen as how to conduct yourself on this interfaith forum. I can't fully explain and tell you what is what as I am not a mod, you will need to bring that up with mods,admins,founder of the site maybe a private message to them or a thread in feedback area to find out, as I feel we are waaay in the wrong forum at the moment here talking about something that has nothing to do with belief and spirituality... (again.)
It's the 'operation steel blindfold' Thing....

Like it seems your only intent is to get other to become a JW (But that is what you are meant to do! It's a mission from god via jesus christ.) Yes but this isn't a place for picking up extra sheep, it is simply a place where you share your views from a personal account, They have warned you because all they see you doing is making many a thread with nothing but cut and pastes from the watchtower. You stated yourself you have no interest or care for other faiths brother. (that is fine with me.) But it isn't seen as how to conduct yourself on this interfaith forum. I can't fully explain and tell you what is what as I am not a mod, you will need to bring that up with mods,admins,founder of the site maybe a private message to them or a thread in feedback area to find out, as I feel we are waaay in the wrong forum at the moment here talking about something that has nothing to do with belief and spirituality... (again.)

Righto, Alex, righto on all counts. Couldn't have said it any better myself.
2. We do not allow CR to be used as a soapbox to aggressively promote any faith, or see any faith aggressively attacked.

I believe they see you under that category.
so are they saying that a persons beliefs should not be mentioned? i think it seems that way

people will believe what they want to believe but dont make it known on here, is that it .?:)

when am i aggressive ? my focus is for the most part on what the bible teaches
so are they saying that a persons beliefs should not be mentioned? i think it seems that way

people will believe what they want to believe but dont make it known on here, is that it .?:)

when am i aggressive ?

How are you agressive see the first bold part of mt previous post.... You are simply on a mission it seems. (steel blindfold.)

See the second bold part for my adivce on what to do next.

You are violating copyright rules Mee, you can get in trouble for that... But more likley to be introuble is Brian... As this is his site and it is holding information that has been taken from anothers site without permision and stated here... I think like 50% or more of the watchtower sites information is now on here... Can you see how that is breaking a law and being unfair by causing a risk to Brian?

It's the 'operation steel blindfold' Thing....

Like it seems your only intent is to get other to become a JW (But that is what you are meant to do! It's a mission from god via jesus christ.) Yes but this isn't a place for picking up extra sheep, it is simply a place where you share your views from a personal account, They have warned you because all they see you doing is making many a thread with nothing but cut and pastes from the watchtower. You stated yourself you have no interest or care for other faiths brother. (that is fine with me.) But it isn't seen as how to conduct yourself on this interfaith forum. I can't fully explain and tell you what is what as I am not a mod, you will need to bring that up with mods,admins,founder of the site maybe a private message to them or a thread in feedback area to find out, as I feel we are waaay in the wrong forum at the moment here talking about something that has nothing to do with belief and spirituality... (again.)

Thats all I have to say take it easy brother.
as I feel we are waaay in the wrong forum at the moment here talking about something that has nothing to do with belief and spirituality... (again.)
very true it was about things like ancient scribes
so are they saying that a persons beliefs should not be mentioned? i think it seems that way

people will believe what they want to believe but dont make it known on here, is that it .?:)

when am i aggressive ? my focus is for the most part on what the bible teaches
I'm trying to help you. I see that instantaneous martyr complex rearing its head again, and so soon after the last time. Nobody is persecuting you. Frankly, I *am* chastising you. You've been here for years, about as long as me, I forget which of us arrived first. So I know you know how it works.

It is not at all about what you believe and think, it is how you present it.

It seems to me the only time we get a look at the *real* mee is when you think you are in deep doo. Any other time, almost without exception (the flower thread was a very nice exception, one I personally hoped to see more of), the bulk of your posts are cut and pastes of other people's work. That is plagiarizing. Cut and pastes of specific other people's work, from a faith-based site, strictly them and no other, that is pretty blatant proselytizing. You fail to give credit to the other author, writing in a manner that seems an attempt to take credit for the composition for yourself...plagiarizing. You fail to place a reference link so others can verify your source material...which again falls into copyright laws. Either/or would be fine in my opinion, cite the author or post a link, but make it openly known that you are not taking credit for material you did not write.

These are very important legal issues, ones that should the powers that be desire could cause the site to be shut down. Not to mention the aggravation factor from everybody else who is trying their level best to play by the rules we all agreed to when we signed up.

And getting in someone's face about how if they don't see things the way you do, blah blah a personal attack. That is just plain common sense.

Think of how you wish to be treated. That is the whole deal behind "do unto others." If I were to saturate the JW website or a JW meeting site with material that boiled down to: "I'm right, you're wrong; follow me and come to the truth...", I think you would have something to say about that. But you honestly don't see how others would be offended by such "look down your nose" arrogant proselytizing? I think you really would if the tables were turned.

The mods have winced and looked the other way for a long time about these things. We have told you in the past, you comply just long enough for us to get off your back and look the other way and you start up again. That's not how a true martyr for G-d acts. Besides, this isn't really a place for martyrs or prophets. This is for average joes trying to find a way to get along together. So far the only way we have figured out to get along with JW's is to ignore them...which totally defeats your purpose other than to give you a false premise to build a martyr complex on.

So, I think I've pretty well spelled out what the major grievances are. There have been so very many complaints lately we just can't afford to continue looking the other way anymore. The mods are entrusted with the whole community, not solely one individual. As a mod I have just put a great deal of individual atttention into you in the hope it will make a difference. I don't want to see you go, but only on condition that we get to see the real mee, and only the real mee.
Use these: [] [/] with url and /url. Cut and paste the website address from the address bar in between the [] and [/]. and viola! you get Jehovah's Witnesses: Watchtower Society Official Web Site. How easy is that?

do you mean like i always do i just put a link up is that wrong

Have you ever wondered . . .
Do Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that their religion is the only right one?

click on the link . why am i doing wrong :) i am not saying it is my words it says on the link it is from JEHOVAHS WITNESSES
I don't want to see you go, but only on condition that we get to see the real mee, and only the real mee.
the real mee is one of Jehovahs witnesses i am my religion :) maybe that is what people do not like the fact that i am bringing Jehovah to the fore. and the things in the bible .
do you mean like i always do i just put a link up is that wrong

Have you ever wondered . . .
Do Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that their religion is the only right one?

click on the link . why am i doing wrong :) i am not saying it is my words it says on the link it is from JEHOVAHS WITNESSES

You do a lot of cut and paste of Watchtower Society material. All of that material is copyrighted by the Society. It's easy for anyone to google a block of text from one of your posts and trace it back to the site it came from. From what I can tell the WS doesn't want any of their material reproduced. You do have the right to fair use provided you attribute what you borrow. You and I both know that there is a veritable army of pro bono attorneys who volunteer their services to the Organization at HQ in Brooklyn and elsewhere. I thought maybe you didn't know how to do a hot link. I don't want to see you booted, that's all.

the real mee is one of Jehovahs witnesses i am my religion :) maybe that is what people do not like the fact that i am bringing Jehovah to the fore. and the things in the bible .

In all brotherly love, no, you are not your religion. Nobody on G-d's earth is their religion. Your religion is your belief, your religion is not you.

What is more, you are not the only one here "bringing Jehovah to the fore." Look around, there's a whole bunch of us with the same basic idea sharing some of the very same concepts. We just see things a little differently from each other. I'm OK with that, most of us are OK with that. We've even made room for you for a long time. Nobody here is looking to convert you. By the same token, nobody here is looking to be converted, and are quite offended when you take a position to try to do that very thing.

So what is there to not like? I've already explained the repeated copyright violations. If you have to in order to get in the habit, post *both* the link and the author's name on those things you do not personally compose.

Or, in my opinion even better yet, say the same things in your own words. Exercise your own understanding of your beliefs and your religion. You really don't need to look to the corporate office everytime you have something to say, you are welcome here to speak freely by your own understanding. That is what builds a scholar. A scholar isn't someone who can quote chapter and verse of everything everybody else has written. A scholar learns from others, and then applies what they have learned to his or her own searches.

You tell me and others you have the truth. Well, then so do the rest of us. Or more truthfully, none of us have the truth, certainly not the whole truth, including you. I've already shown you at least one very significant place where your truth is not real, so if your truth is not reality is it still true?

We all struggle with things like this. I am not here to erode your faith. I am not here to erode anybody's faith. I am here searching and learning, and fellowshipping. I have no agenda, I have no corporate offices to answer to.

My witness is my life, I live my example...*that* is the real me. On the other hand the only thing the real Mee has shown us is that he or she knows how to cut and paste other peoples' work and post in such a way as to try to make themselves appear smart, or holy, or something grand. And the hint of "join with us or be doomed" is ever present.

And Mee likes flowers. What were they? Clematis? I thought to myself, this person has a human side after all. Wow, that is the person I would want to get to know. Not the person constantly preaching at me, about lessons I already learned years ago.

How about it Mee? Nobody here is asking you to abandon the Watchtower. What we are asking is that you leave it at home when you come here. Just bring yourself. You'll do just fine, you'll be OK. You are safe with us. We are your brothers and sisters, we love you just the way you are. There's just a few things we gotta put away, to protect this place where we gather. I hope you understand.

If not...we'll cross that bridge when we get there. I hope we don't have to.
In all brotherly love, no, you are not your religion. quote]
if i wasnt one of Jehovahs witnesses i would not even bother to make known the GOODNEWS OF THE KINGDOM MATTHEW 24;14
And i think you will find that the kingdom is my focus :) because the Kingdom is the theme of the bible from Genesis to revelation and the bible is the book i promote it is my way of life :)THATS MEE:)

and i would have thought on a religious site that it would be the place to speak about the bible and what the bible promises for the future .

but then maybe it is the meesage in the bible that others do not like .
We just see things a little differently from each other. I'm OK with that, most of us are OK with that. quote]

And mee is ok with that , everyone to what they want to believe.
i am not saying everyone is wrong i just put over what the bible teaches . how people respond to what the bible says is up to them its not mees fault if the bible says


PSALM 83;18:)