Your right sis, I need to be more sensetive
This is a good point, but does the hadith clearly say that the dogs urinated in the Mosque itself?; it says the dogs used to urinate AND PASS through the mosque, now that could mean that they used to urinate some place outside the Mosque and then pass through the Mosque...
We also need to put that hadith in context with all the others and come to a contextual interpretation... which the mujtahids [those with the comprehensive knowledge to reach such contextual interpretations] have done.
All creatures are the creation of Allah Taãla and do deserve the recognition of being a creation of the Almighty.
As much as Muslims detest even the sight of pigs - it is the creation of Allah Taãla - and because Allah has placed life into it, we cannot inflict pain nor torture the pig. Similarly Allah Taãla created the dog from among His creation. This does not mean that we should love the dog.
It is perhaps the indoctrination of the Western culture that 'The dog is Man's best Friend'. The theory that 'dogs are very dependent on Human affection' is a myth - again culture and custom has helped to develop this unnatural behaviour. Allah Taãla the Creator of this Universe - having created the dog would surely have known that the dog requires Human affection and love to exist in this world. Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam) would have advised us, Muslims, to keep dogs as pets.
On the contrary, we are instructed not to keep dogs as pets and 'love' them as exemplified by the non-Muslims. Remember our life is structured and bound by the Shariah i.e. The Noble Qurãn and the beautiful example of Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam).
Consider these Ahaadith:
- The Imam mentions some hadiths allready posted up, here ... -
In the light of these Ahaadith and other narrations it is not permissible to keep dogs as pets. The household is deprived of the Mercy of Allah Taãla. However, Jurists have stated that it is permissible to keep a dog for security purposes, farming and hunting. The saliva of a dog is Najis (impure). if it touches the clothes or body, that portion also becomes impure and must be washed.
And Allah Taãla Knows Best. Mufti Ebrahim Desai FATWA DEPT.
Ask Imam :: Fatwa