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I don't think that diversity in NDE experiences means they aren't experiencing something real. Again, that is the same argument that atheists use to dismiss religious experience of God. I just find it odd to use the same basic arguments others use against spiritual experience on NDE and past life experience.
What you are saying here, then, is that there is more than one 'Truth' or one 'Reality'. I don't want to sound dogmatic in this, nor am I trying to limit what God can do, but to avoid confusion, wouldn't God reveal Himself in one modus operandi? I'm not saying that God cannot operate within different religions, at least here on earth, but one would think that all that would be cleared up via a visit to 'heaven'.
Your story of the woman is pretty fascinating and worth noting on this discussion. However, what I meant by 'resuscitated' (and perhaps that isn't the most correct word) is that there is a certain period of time after the heart stops and brain activity ceases when the body will by no be 'viable' as to support life. I think this is what is known as the 'silver chord' snapping. In this lady's case, she didn't apparently progress to that point.
Now had she been in the morgue for a day or two, and her body found decay, and THEN revived, THAT would be something.
But lets discuss the 'silver chord' for a moment, taken from a passage in Ecclesiates 12:6-7
"Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it."
Here, once the silver chord is loosed, the body returns to dust and the spirit is returned to God. Now is it possible that by saying the spirit returns to God that we necessarily will be aware of that fact. What if God keeps our memory and thoughts and everything until we are resurrected (for our life came from God, yet we are unaware of the time before we are born)? Sorta like uploading a program on disk to be downloaded later on. We might have no awareness that we are dead or of anything.
Once the Resurrection occurs, we all rise at the same time, everyone all down through history will wake up at the same moment. But we would have no sense of the passage of time. Wouldn't that be weird if Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther, Socrates, Adam, and Buddha all woke at the same time? From there perspective, they are still in there time, for that is when they left it. And how about us? We could wake up in the distant future, should the Lord tarry.
One advantage of this 'soul sleep' is that you won't have to wonder where your loved ones are. 'Cause they are still in the grave awaiting to be resurrected. They may not be in heaven yet, but they aren't in hell suffering either, at least not yet. I mean, if there is a hell, and it was a form of punishment, then it would be rather unfair for those who have died 3000 years ago to be cooking in there when someone who just died the day before the Resurresction hadn't spent any time at all.
We would all be judged together. He would divide the sheep and the goats at the same time at His coming.
ETA: FYI, I haven't bought into the idea of soul sleep, I'm just exploring the possibilities, just like anything else, trying to keep an open mind.