However, I believe God is more that a collection of individual souls. God is the source of life, love, being and all creation is utterly dependent upon God.
I do think of the soul as that aspect of our being that can be moved by God.[/quote]
I don't think either that our soul can be moved by God. It can, however, be influenced by God through others, through our experiences, and and through our hearts. I once asked a priest, how can I know if it comes from God? He answered, if their is a will and desire, then it must be coming from God. Our free will, enables us to choose, what we choose is up to us. However, God influences us in so many ways that we at times, because of our our inability to have true discernment, that we choose the wrong path. However, at the same time, our belief in God, if it is strong enough, whether we choose what is wrong or what is right, we will be able to overcome it.
Our soul has to be united with our free will and our uynderstanding of what He wants. Then it is up to us to choose.