Christ's actions and choices are not tricky at all. Jesus most likely could have wiped out the earth. However he's intent was revealed while he hung on the cross. "Forgive them, for they know not what they do."Sure, but the law specifically states to stone anyone who claims to be a prophet who proves to be a false one. Jesus would not say he was the Christ, but he could do miracles. Nowadays, its still tricky for a Christian to explain why Jesus didn't subdue the Romans, etc. His behavior continues to appear erratic to many people. He undermined the priests' authority, smashed tables in the courtyard and cured a blind man and lepers; but he wouldn't oust the Romans! Gospels say the priests' conclusion was: Take Jesus before the high priest and force him to confess he is the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One.(Matthew 26:64-65). After this its merely a matter of Scripture interpretation for the high priest to conclude Jesus has failed to fulfil the prophecies attributed to the Christ, and then to condemn him to death. (Notice, by-the-way, that the high priest uses the words Son of God and Christ interchangeably.)
And who says he did not reveal who he was? No, I opine the reality is that the "priests" knew their way of life was about to change. And they did not like it.