
Hello Glory to God :)

i hope you wont mind if i do give glory to God ;)

That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah,
You alone are the Most High over all the earth.psalm 83;18

please do :)

please do :)

Yes Jesus has been given great aurthority as Daniel 7;13-14 informs us , and it is his father the ANCIENT OF DAYS(JEHOVAH) that has GIVEN it too him.

yes the son of man Jesus christ , is the one that Jehovah said to listen too as LUKE 9;35 informs us

And a voice came out of the cloud, saying: "This is my Son, the one that has been chosen. Listen to him. luke 9;35 JESUS is the one :)
That is exactly it, I think you will find Penguin wishes to learn of the JW's but doesn't wish for others to come charging in on the topic and arguing/debating what is said... Whenever we speak of traits, faiths, values, belifes of the JW's it is 100% certainty that others will come and have to have their say..... Which isn't helpful whatsoever when you are attempting to learn of anothers faith.... As others are attempting to push their faith on you... Kinda of like a fear.....

Correct Alex :)
Correct Alex :)
its good to know that Jehovahs people are always knocking on peoples doors ready to give out the GOODNEWS, matthew 24;14

and then those who respond to that goodnews have accurate knowledge in abundance .

so those who really do want to know more about Jehovahs witnesses will be full to brim with accurate knowledge .

with no halftruths in sight :)
taste and see that JEHOVAH is good .

"Oh taste and see that Jehovah is good."—Ps. 34:8, AS.