Question about Hajibs

I am happy to know that you are thinking about Islam. May Allah All Merciful bring your heart into Islaam.

I am a Muslim, but I do not wear a hijab. I grew up in a very secular, communist country (former Yugoslavia), so seldom any women wore hijab. The only women who did were older ladies (i.e. my grandmas). Now, things are changing as people are more free to practice their faith in public, so in my homeland many women have started wearing hijab.

Unfortunately, I am still not one of them :( InshaAllah, some day. I am still weak (must admit). Because I feel this way at this time in my life, I do not want to start wearing hijab, something happens and then I stop. I would feel awful if I do that. So, I hope and pray, that Allah Almighty gives me strenght, that He leads me into a better lifestyle each day. I know He will--He listens.
Jordan's Queen Rania:


I see people always interfuse between Islamic tenets and Moslems in the west country not all people their represent christianity

This queen represent her self and her thought ...not Islam or moslems women

Um, isn't this making the outer garment covering more a comment about the bad neighborhood than about modesty?

Even so this doesn't mean that Hijab is not for modesty or to protect women from harmed behaviours

Allah said in Surat Alnoor ( The Illuminator chapter) verses number 30-31

30-((Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do. ))

31-((And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye Believers! turn ye all together towards Allah, that ye may attain Bliss. ))
This is what Allah call us women to do

and Hijab can be designed in many ways but should be covered woman hair and neck ,and covered her body and mustn't be narrowing or diaphanous

If the woman have charming beauty..she can wear this Hijab to protect her self...and some Islamic country like KSA ,,forcing women to wear this kind of hijab...because they follow wahabi school of Islamic thought

am not sure if this is the right place to post this or not
i am going to start wearing the hajib as i feel i would like to be modest
i am also wicca but have started to want to learn more about Islam

one thing i dont understand i have seen from pictures of some women who wear the Hajib with there hair line showing and other not
this is confussing to me as am unsure if it is aloud or not

can some one please tell me


Salam Serenity,

God says:"[6:161] Say, "My Lord has guided me in a straight path - the perfect religion of Abraham, monotheism. He never was an idol worshiper."

[6:162] Say, "My Contact Prayers (Salat), my worship practices, my life and my death, are all devoted absolutely to GOD alone, the Lord of the universe."

Whenever I face any trial or world temptation, I always reckon to God, holding my always motto: " I have a lover among all other lovers". I mean: no matter how some people, things may give me pleasure, I prefer to please God. I give up some of myself desires( which contradict with God's teaching) for the sake of keeping in contact with Him, and feel the delight and the sweetness of faith. The prophet Muhammed(pbuh) said:"whosoever leaves something for the sake of Allah, then Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent, will replace it with something better than it".

If we ignore God's teachings, and listen to human-made teachings, then of course we will be lost. God says:"Say, "GOD guides to the truth. Is one who guides to the truth more worthy of being followed, or one who does not guide, and needs guidance for himself? What is wrong with your judgment [10:35]

Start wearing lhijab,Serenity,and May Allah guide you towards His straight path.

This song is my deduction to you: YouTube - Free [Sami Yusuf]- percussion version
I see people always interfuse between Islamic tenets and Moslems in the west country not all people their represent christianity

This queen represent her self and her thought ...not Islam or moslems women

Hello Friend, thank you for the response.

My point of course is that there is no norm for Islam and Muslim women. The dress codes varies greatly even within the same country.

These are one person's impressions of the extent to which Muslim women wear headcovering:
Among American Muslims, probably around 5-15%

In the Middle East: 60-70%, though some areas like Saudi Arabia are around 99%, while others are lower.

South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh): 3-5%; higher in the rural areas.

East Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia): 30-40%

What percent Muslim women wear hijab? | Ask Metafilter

In some countries, most Muslim women are veiled from head to toe. In others very few are. Etc. You get the picture: there is not much consistency and based on how they conduct themselves, people do not necessarily see a need for consistency.

I agree that humility and modesty are admirable traits for G-d loving people.
I see people always interfuse between Islamic tenets and Moslems in the west country not all people their represent christianity

This queen represent her self and her thought ...not Islam or moslems women

Are you implying that Queen Rania is not really moslem? :confused:

Wouldn't that be rather shallow?
Muslims are Muslims, but what is the degree of their commitment to the Quran and the Sunnah teachings: that's the question? We all must try to commit to our religion by might and mean to get closer and closer to God.
i got my Hajib this morning and am wearing it now
I am so happy to have it

i have started to read the Quarn on line but i do want to buy me own one

thank you all for your support and replies and pictures

i got my Hajib this morning and am wearing it now
I am so happy to have it

i have started to read the Quarn on line but i do want to buy me own one

thank you all for your support and replies and pictures


This is very good news that you are wearing hijab. It is very important in Islam to dress modestly.

If you are living in Canada, you can easily order a free copy of the Quran online at this link

May Allah guide you to the straight path (ameen)
i got my Hajib this morning and am wearing it now
I am so happy to have it
Good to hear. Funny though, is the fact that while feminsts all over the world find it to be a sign of female opression, somebody from Scotland is happy to have it. God indeed works in mysterious ways.

i have started to read the Quarn on line but i do want to buy me own one
You can see my recommendations here. CAIR is giving free Quran & a book on Life of Prophet Muhammad, in USA (If that helps you in anyway)

May you find your path. :)
i got my Hajib this morning and am wearing it now
I am so happy to have it

i have started to read the Quarn on line but i do want to buy me own one

thank you all for your support and replies and pictures


I hope you will feel and touch how Hijab give you assuring and sangfriod...and how to present your mind before your inset..

And I hope you will live good experiment:)
Funny though, is the fact that while feminsts all over the world find it to be a sign of female opression, somebody from Scotland is happy to have it.

There is no oppression if the choice is a free choice. I think that's the issue feminists are concerned with.
There is no oppression if the choice is a free choice. I think that's the issue feminists are concerned with.
That, and not abusing women over whether or not they cover their head and/or face. (The practice of throwing acid into the faces of women who don't wear a veil is one thing that comes to mind. It only serves to give the custom of head covering a bad name.)
Feminism is stupid (no offense to anyone)

I am not offended, merely puzzled. I see the Prophet as a feminist and I am not alone on that. Hiba Arshad observed:
Many would argue that the first feminist of Islam was the Prophet Muhammad himself. During his prophet hood, many radical reforms were instituted that concerned the treatment and place of women. With his leadership, Islam sought out to abolish female infanticide, allowed women to possess and implement full control over their wealth and guaranteed women the right to inherit and bequeath property. Strict limits were placed on polygamy, and women were allowed to keep their dowry.

The Prophet was strongly omitted to improving the lives of women. If I recall, he was disgusted with backwards thinking about womens' rights. This was an important area of jurisprudence for him. Muslims who respect the Prophet respect his contributions in this area and his efforts towards the eradication of jahiliyyah.
Netti-Netti said:
The Prophet was strongly omitted to improving the lives of women. If I recall, he was disgusted with backwards thinking about womens' rights. This was an important area of jurisprudence for him. Muslims who respect the Prophet respect his contributions in this area and his efforts towards the eradication of jahiliyyah.

Islam is neither left nor right, neither feminist nor chauvinist. Islam is the middle path. In the time of the Prophet (alaihi salatu wa salam) women were treated like dogs, which is wrong. But now they are treated like gods, which is even worse. Now they say womens should be allowed to disobey their husband, and even control the decisions of the household. They say women should have no restrictions, they can do whatever they want, wear whatever clothes they like, even if it is inappropriate. This is one extreme we are living in which our Prophet (alaihi salatu wa salam) would never approve of. Remember he said that the majority of hell will be women because they disobey their husbands and they are ungrateful. It is in these days that we can truly see how right he was.
Islam is neither left nor right, neither feminist nor chauvinist. Islam is the middle path. In the time of the Prophet (alaihi salatu wa salam) women were treated like dogs, which is wrong. But now they are treated like gods, which is even worse. Now they say womens should be allowed to disobey their husband, and even control the decisions of the household. They say women should have no restrictions, they can do whatever they want, wear whatever clothes they like, even if it is inappropriate. This is one extreme we are living in which our Prophet (alaihi salatu wa salam) would never approve of. Remember he said that the majority of hell will be women because they disobey their husbands and they are ungrateful. It is in these days that we can truly see how right he was.
It would seem, then, that if a woman wanted to avoid going through hell, then by this logic, it could be achieved by avoiding getting married. However, this would very likely lead to an increase of violence in the world, making this world even more hellish than it already is. Gotta go through hell either way.
Hi Serenity

I would encourage you to research the character and life of Mohamed, its some interesting reading
Remember he said that the majority of hell will be women because they disobey their husbands and they are ungrateful.
Please tell us a little about the authority of the source you are quoting here.

I would encourage you to research the character and life of Mohamed,
Please tell us a little about the difference in spelling: The Prophet Muhammad versus your spelling, Mohamed.