God will step in

So in other words - not doing anything to tidy their room/garden/planet at present? Just waiting for God to clean up humanity's mess instead?
mee always has a tidy room and a tidy garden it would be a bad witness to others if i didnt do that . but mee has not lost my focus DANIEL 2;44:) AND I ALWAYS BRING IT TO THE FORE :)

Some observers of this chaotic world have made interesting observations about the remedy for mankind’s ills.

The Gazette of Montreal said: "About 150 groups of national politicians pull in different directions, steering planet earth toward chaos.

Yet most of the world’s major problems are global in scope because transportation and communications technology have shrunk the world into a global community or village." It then recommended: "Some form of world government will be necessary."

Sociologist Erich Fromm said that this world’s ills can be done away with "only if the whole [social and political] system as it has existed during the last 6000 years of history can be replaced by a fundamentally different one

And here it is spoken of in the bible at daniel 2;44

:) its good to focus on the right thing :)

preaching Something Better Than Politics

The truth Jesus taught was not political theory. Rather, it centered on the Kingdom of which he himself would be King. (Luke 4:43)

This Kingdom is a heavenly government, and it will replace all human administrations and bring permanent peace to mankind. (Isaiah 9:6, 7; 11:9; Daniel 2:44)

It is, therefore, the only true hope for mankind.

Is it not more loving to declare such a sure hope for the future than to encourage people to trust in men to provide a secure future?

The Bible says: "Do not put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs. His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts do perish. Happy is the one who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in Jehovah his God." (Psalm 146:3-5)

So rather than sending his disciples out to preach a better way of organizing governments, Jesus taught them to preach the "good news of the kingdom."Matthew 10:6, 7; 24:14.

and if we don't even attempt to clean it up what does taht say about us :/
if we seek JEHOVAH seek righteousness and seek meekness ,

zepheniah 2;2-3

and go along with Gods purpose for the earth , we will see and have a part in being part of the NEW EARTHLY SOCIETY OF PEOPLE

2 PETER 3;13
But there are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell.

and it will all come about because of the NEW HEAVENS (rulership)Daniel 2;44

we have to clean ourselves up by seeking Jehovah:)
No, what was being said was you have to step out and help others, thence showing jehovah at work. A cloistered faith is a dead faith.
No, what was being said was you have to step out and help others, thence showing jehovah at work. A cloistered faith is a dead faith.
:) VERY TRUE :) MATTHEW 28;19-20 As the verse says GO THEREFORE and make disciples , and as you mentioned ,faith without works is dead .
seek Jehovah , seek righteousness , seek meekness
as zepheniah 2;2-3 says .
plenty to be going on with in the work of the lord.
:) VERY TRUE :) MATTHEW 28;19-20 As the verse says GO THEREFORE and make disciples , and as you mentioned ,faith without works is dead .
seek Jehovah , seek righteousness , seek meekness
as zepheniah 2;2-3 says .
plenty to be going on with in the work of the lord.
A "child" does not learn by listening, but by watching the actions of others.
A "child" does not learn by listening, but by watching the actions of others.

LUKE 9;35

And a voice came out of the cloud, saying: "This is my Son, the one that has been chosen. Listen to him."

And what a great example Jesus was to us ,
following Jesus foot steps closely is the way to go about things
,no study can be undertaken by a person today that is of more importance than that of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. "Look intently at . . . Jesus," urged the apostle Paul. "Indeed, consider closely [that] one." (Hebrews 12:2, 3)

Jesus’ commission from God was to preach about his Father’s Kingdom, and he trained his followers to do the same work. "Let us go somewhere else," he told his first disciples, "that I may preach there also, for it is for this purpose I have gone out." (Mark 1:38; Luke 4:43
LUKE 9;35

And a voice came out of the cloud, saying: "This is my Son, the one that has been chosen. Listen to him."

Indeed..."After" his actions and obedience were witnessed by many.
(leaving names and denominations and dates and locations out as this is a true story....)

[Micah 7:13]
"The Earth will become desolate because of it's inhabitants, as the result of their deeds......."

Mee, I would like if I may to share a story with you....

There was this christian... His job was to repair windows, he worked for his father.... family run business, anyway there was just down from them another group of christians... and well one night in this small area a group of vandals must have come along and they had windows to their nursery (sunday school or something? The building next to their church) smashed....

Now, the before mentioned christian who I know well, his business was the only one for quite some distance that do what they do..... So the logical thing go to these people and ask them to repair your windows, now you would think this would be so, specially seeing how this is their job, and how they too are christians like these which were victimised....

Sadly, they did not repair these windows, and refused to... This was one of the turning points for me on my christian path..... They saw passed the deed of helping, they saw passed the fact that this was the job they had taken on, they had seen passed love for their fellow man, and instantly said, these are not true christians.... So, we shall not help them.....

I found that quite... astonishing... I mentioned to my friend one of his favourite quotes.... "Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds...." (Isa 3:10)
(leaving names and denominations and dates and locations out as this is a true story....)

[Micah 7:13]
"The Earth will become desolate because of it's inhabitants, as the result of their deeds......."

Mee, I would like if I may to share a story with you....

There was this christian... His job was to repair windows, he worked for his father.... family run business, anyway there was just down from them another group of christians... and well one night in this small area a group of vandals must have come along and they had windows to their nursery (sunday school or something? The building next to their church) smashed....

Now, the before mentioned christian who I know well, his business was the only one for quite some distance that do what they do..... So the logical thing go to these people and ask them to repair your windows, now you would think this would be so, specially seeing how this is their job, and how they too are christians like these which were victimised....

Sadly, they did not repair these windows, and refused to... This was one of the turning points for me on my christian path..... They saw passed the deed of helping, they saw passed the fact that this was the job they had taken on, they had seen passed love for their fellow man, and instantly said, these are not true christians.... So, we shall not help them.....

I found that quite... astonishing... I mentioned to my friend one of his favourite quotes.... "Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds...." (Isa 3:10)
Indeed, my son (a non combatant/combat medic), saw fit to carry children through fire fights, to get them to their mothers and fathers (who stared at him in disbelief), over and over again. Or he became a field surgeon trying to keep bodies together, and life intact, and it did not matter who came across his table (Fix them), was the order of the day.

But do you know what got him (nearly broke him)? Some MFr planted an IED right there by the medic tents, three days before he was to leave Iraq. That's right. They were going to kill them some doctors...and wounded patients

And he stepped on it...it didn't go off. Talk about a mind F**k...and a serious argument with God after...

But the kid stepped in and did what God expected of him, and I think, God thanked him for it. (then put up with the insanity a human can manifest after nearly getting killed). lol

mee will never get it...

Indeed..."After" his actions and obedience were witnessed by many.
yes its all about obedience and actions , and Jesus was obedient to his fathers will, and his actions proved that he was the son of God .

Obedience was central to Jesus’ mission in coming to the earth. As "the last Adam," Jesus came here to do what our first parent failed to do—remain obedient to Jehovah God, even under test. (1 Corinthians 15:45)

Yet, Jesus’ obedience was not mechanical. Jesus obeyed with all his mind, heart, and soul. And he did it with joy. Doing his Father’s will was more important to him than was eating! (John 4:34)

Because God(Jehovah) has made his Son(Jesus) the key figure in the outworking of all his purposes (Ro 16:25-27), life depends upon obedience to "the good news about our Lord Jesus," and this obedience includes making public declaration of one’s faith in him.—2Th 1:8; Ro 10:8-10, 16; 1Pe 4:17.
Alex P;163909 they had seen passed love for their fellow man said:
:confused: not sure what you mean , they must be working on lots of peoples windows who are not christians .

maybe they were fully booked . :)

the Bible does not provide a long list of rules as to what is acceptable or not in the way of work

Basically, the Bible provides us with three factors that should be taken into consideration:

(1) Is the work itself definitely wrong, consisting of activity that is in itself sinful because it violates God’s moral laws or contributes directly to the violation of such laws?

in this case the answer would be no

(2) Is it probable that observers will be given the definite impression that Christians are approving of what is wrong and will likely be stumbled, becoming themselves involved in wrongdoing?


(3) Does the Christian personally have doubts about his employment?


the christian conscience of one person , may not be the same as the next person who are we to judge others.

that good old christian conscience certainly can make us make up our mind about work issues.

for example ,i used to work in a card shop, and as most people are aware, Jehovahs witnesses do not celebrate birthdays ,christmas, easter, mothers day ,fathers day, valantines day , new years day, ect ect,

well ,when i went for the job i thought to myself , its ok i dont celebrate those things, others do but i dont ,so it is ok to work in this shop .

after working in there for about 2 years my bible trained conscience kept poking at mee,:) i felt like i was promoting false religious things and i thought to myself i feel like the biggest hypocrit out .

so the concsience is something we have to not ignore, so i gave up my Job.

and i felt so much better about things and i felt right with God again.

but that is not to say that all peoples conscience is the same , maybe for some other Jehovahs witnesses it would not bother their conscience who are we to judge others

the problems arise when we ignore our bible trained conscience


The Bible indicates that this will happen.

We read of the time when God will "bring to ruin those ruining the earth." (Rev. 11:18)

In the fullest sense, this will result in the fulfillment of Proverbs 2:21, 22: "The upright are the ones that will reside in the earth, and the blameless are the ones that will be left over in it. As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth; and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it."

yes its all about obedience and actions , and Jesus was obedient to his fathers will, and his actions proved that he was the son of God .

Obedience was central to Jesus’ mission in coming to the earth. As "the last Adam," Jesus came here to do what our first parent failed to do—remain obedient to Jehovah God, even under test. (1 Corinthians 15:45)

Yet, Jesus’ obedience was not mechanical. Jesus obeyed with all his mind, heart, and soul. And he did it with joy. Doing his Father’s will was more important to him than was eating! (John 4:34)

Because God(Jehovah) has made his Son(Jesus) the key figure in the outworking of all his purposes (Ro 16:25-27), life depends upon obedience to "the good news about our Lord Jesus," and this obedience includes making public declaration of one’s faith in him.—2Th 1:8; Ro 10:8-10, 16; 1Pe 4:17.
Sittting on one's haunches talking about God with nothing to show for it isn't doing God's will. No action, no faith. Not helping the poor or giving blood or any other deed that gives man a chance to live and learn is not doing God's will.
Sittting on one's haunches talking about God with nothing to show for it isn't doing God's will. No action, no faith. .
very true indeed. choices choices choices:)

"Doing God’s Will Brings Happiness" the Bible, outlines the best way of living. (John 13:17)

Let us read Matthew 7:21-23 and see if we can isolate a crucial factor that determines whether all worship is acceptable to God.

Jesus said: "Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will.
Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons [wicked spirit creatures] in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’ And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness."

Acknowledging Jesus Christ as Lord is essential in true worship. But something would be missing in the worship of many of those claiming to be Jesus’ disciples.

He said that some would perform "powerful works," such as supposed miraculous healings.

However, they would fail to do what Jesus said is vital. They would not be "doing the will of [his] Father." If we want to please God, we must learn what the will of the Father is and then do it.​
Alex P;163909 they had seen passed love for their fellow man said:
:confused: not sure what you mean , they must be working on lots of peoples windows who are not christians .

maybe they were fully booked . :)

the Bible does not provide a long list of rules as to what is acceptable or not in the way of work

Basically, the Bible provides us with three factors that should be taken into consideration:

(1) Is the work itself definitely wrong, consisting of activity that is in itself sinful because it violates God’s moral laws or contributes directly to the violation of such laws?

in this case the answer would be no

(2) Is it probable that observers will be given the definite impression that Christians are approving of what is wrong and will likely be stumbled, becoming themselves involved in wrongdoing?


(3) Does the Christian personally have doubts about his employment?


the christian conscience of one person , may not be the same as the next person who are we to judge others.

that good old christian conscience certainly can make us make up our mind about work issues.

for example ,i used to work in a card shop, and as most people are aware, Jehovahs witnesses do not celebrate birthdays ,christmas, easter, mothers day ,fathers day, valantines day , new years day, ect ect,

well ,when i went for the job i thought to myself , its ok i dont celebrate those things, others do but i dont ,so it is ok to work in this shop .

after working in there for about 2 years my bible trained conscience kept poking at mee,:) i felt like i was promoting false religious things and i thought to myself i feel like the biggest hypocrit out .

so the concsience is something we have to not ignore, so i gave up my Job.

and i felt so much better about things and i felt right with God again.

but that is not to say that all peoples conscience is the same , maybe for some other Jehovahs witnesses it would not bother their conscience who are we to judge others

the problems arise when we ignore our bible trained conscience

It just felt like to me that they were ignoring "bible training" as I experienced alot of do your work but do not help "false christians" as it would be seen as promoting "false religion".... You have never experienced such teachings/attitude? I am just curious is all.....
It just felt like to me that they were ignoring "bible training" as I experienced alot of do your work but do not help "false christians" as it would be seen as promoting "false religion".... You have never experienced such teachings/attitude? I am just curious is all.....
maybe you were thinking in the wrong way:)
As seen in the light of Bible prophecy, present world events signify that the time left in which you can identify yourself on God’s side is greatly reduced.

Very shortly now God will put it in the minds of the rulers of the earth to destroy completely what remains of the world empire of false religion, "Babylon the Great."

That day of the execution of God’s judgment upon false religion will come suddenly, swiftly.

Then it will be too late to make an escape from that harlot-like system that holds in bondage all those not enjoying the freedom that only true worship brings.

Therefore, it is urgent to take the positive step of declaring yourself on Jehovah’s side without delay.—Rev. 17:5, 16, 17; 18:21.


As seen in the light of Bible prophecy, present world events signify that the time left in which you can identify yourself on God’s side is greatly reduced.

Very shortly now God will put it in the minds of the rulers of the earth to destroy completely what remains of the world empire of false religion, "Babylon the Great."

That day of the execution of God’s judgment upon false religion will come suddenly, swiftly.

Then it will be too late to make an escape from that harlot-like system that holds in bondage all those not enjoying the freedom that only true worship brings.

Therefore, it is urgent to take the positive step of declaring yourself on Jehovah’s side without delay.—Rev. 17:5, 16, 17; 18:21.


My neighbor is a Jehovah's Witness. She's a very good neighbor and I enjoy her company. She's been very helpful to my family at times, and is very caring.

I am tempted to print the above and ask her if all JW's believe this, and if this is the 'good news' that JWs are bringing to the world.

Do you think she will be offended?