God will step in

My neighbor is a Jehovah's Witness. She's a very good neighbor and I enjoy her company. She's been very helpful to my family at times, and is very caring.

I am tempted to print the above and ask her if all JW's believe this, and if this is the 'good news' that JWs are bringing to the world.

Do you think she will be offended?
i am quite sure it will get a spiritual conversation going ,and she will get her bible out to show you just what the bible teaches .


and believe it or not ,it is GOODNEWS that Jehovah is protecting his people , and telling them to get out of FALSE RELIGION .

because he does not want his people to be a part of false religion because it is soon to sink and never will it be found again as REVELATION 18;21 informs us

And a strong angel lifted up a stone like a great millstone and hurled it into the sea, saying: "Thus with a swift pitch will Babylon the great city be hurled down, and she will never be found again. revelation 18;21

and the symbolic langauge in the book of revelation speaks of false religion as being thrown in the sea like a millstone .

and it would sink very quickly indeed.

honest hearted ones would like to see FALSE RELIGION Gone for good :)because false religion has done more harm than good in the world.
So... You mean, man has done more harm than good?
the true God looks on at all of the things done , how he must hate the things done in the name of religion.

it is no wonder that he is going to make it go down . killing in the name of God over the years ,:(