should we celebrate holidays?

What is false religion?

So what is a false one?? Anyone but yours?? And what is a false denomination, anyone but yours? I'm sorry mee, the bible is full of mixtures of other religions, both the old and new testament. You can find numerology, astrology, egyptian, sun god all referenced in there.

We celebrate, you sit in the corner and pout, if it suits you and yours it is fine. I'll dance, put up a tree, hang a wreath, light the yule log and set out some cookies for st. nick and carrots for the reindeer whilst you pray for my soul.
Don't forget, that people seem a little kinder this time of year...what is false about that?
I'm sorry mee, the bible is full of mixtures of other religions, both the old and new testament. You can find numerology, astrology, egyptian, sun god all referenced in there.

yes the bible is certainly not silent about the things that were worshiped in those times, it even tells about a man that chops a tree down , and makes a fire with half of it, and makes the other half into a
God , the bible does not hide anything at all.

"There is one whose business is to cut down cedars; and he takes a certain species of tree, even a massive tree, and he lets it become strong for himself among the trees of the forest. He planted the laurel tree, and the pouring rain itself keeps making it get big. And it has become something for man to keep a fire burning. So he takes part of it that he may warm himself. In fact he builds a fire and actually bakes bread. He also works on a god to which he may bow down. He has made it into a carved image, and he prostrates himself to it. Half of it he actually burns up in a fire. Upon half of it he roasts well the flesh that he eats, and he becomes satisfied. He also warms himself and says: ‘Aha! I have warmed myself. I have seen the firelight.’ But the remainder of it he actually makes into a god itself, into his carved image. He prostrates himself to it and bows down and prays to it and says: ‘Deliver me, for you are my god.’"—Isaiah 44:14-17.

Can an unburned piece of firewood deliver anybody?

Of course not.

Only the true God can provide deliverance.

How can people idolize inanimate things?

Isaiah shows that the real problem lies in a person’s heart:

They have not come to know, nor do they understand, because their eyes have been besmeared so as not to see, their heart so as to have no insight. And no one recalls to his heart or has knowledge or understanding, saying: The half of it I have burned up in a fire, and upon its coals I have also baked bread; I roast flesh and eat. But the rest of it shall I make into a mere detestable thing? To the dried-out wood of a tree shall I prostrate myself?’ He is feeding on ashes. His own heart that has been trifled with has led him astray. And he does not deliver his soul, nor does he say: Is there not a falsehood in my right hand?’"
(Isaiah 44:18-20)

Yes, imagining that idolatry can provide anything good spiritually is like eating ashes instead of nutritious food.

yes you are right ,the bible tells and informs us of many things that went on .

Mee, Do JW's celebrate anything at all.
What I mean is, do they have family "get togethers?"
Like for a wedding, a birth of a new member of the family, a funeral?
Or do they have community celebrations, like anniversaries, centenaries etc?

I am just curious.
It is very bit of this bit of that with the Jehovah witnesses... Admirable I guess how Mee mentions they wish to Keep away from "false" religion however you will see that they don't mind the following (pagan) rituals...

Wedding Rings
Days of the week
Months of the year
(many have anniversaries, although I know some that don't)

but then they don't do Easter, Christmas, Birthdays, Halloween, National holidays, Mothers day, fathers day... (Honour thy parents?) Because..... Their main and only reason... They are Pagan... (well apart from national holidays lol that tends to be because it isn't of God's kingdom.) But those that are avoided because of Paganism.. Would lead you to wonder why they still dabble with the others I mentioned....

Mee!! YOU PAGAN!!! lol... (joke...)
So, then do JWs work on public holidays? For example, I have to work on most public holidays, because of the company requirements, but i would love to not, of course.
But I know I do have JWs instore that choose not to work on public holidays. ????????????????????????? Maybe I should investigate this further.
Hmm interesting lol.... They tend to work public holidays only not working if they have no other choice.. Then they tend to do Kingdom hall work :) But because they are of the nation of god... National public holidays they -should- wash their hands with.... So yeah very interesting that the JW you is so keen to have public holidays off lol.
Don't forget, that people seem a little kinder this time of year...what is false about that?

Maybe that's why it's false. I mean the kindness. That is false. False kindness. Why do people dedicate a time of the year to be kind? It's because it's Christmas! It's a time to receive, a time to get presents. It's a time for being selfish. You give in the hope that you will receive. You do it not out of love, but for the selfish expectation that someone loves you enough (more than you love them) to give you a gift out of genuine kindness. You try to manipulate others into being nice to you!

You see, the kindness is only temporary. Once Christmas is over, it disappears. Your enemies revert back to their previous malign treatment of you. Those living in wealthy and effluent societies return to a state of apathy and ignorance of the sufferings of others to one of exclusive self-interest.

What makes Christmas false is the euphoria over tasty chocolate and the phony devotion to confectionary and sweet things. The giving of chocolate and confectionary makes people believe they are being kind when all they are doing is increasing someone else's chance of getting diabetes and their rate of tooth decay. The people receiving these sweet delicacies are the victims. The poor guys can't help themselves. You have to be kind to be cruel.

That's me being a devil's advocate. lol:D
Mee, Do JW's celebrate anything at all.
What I mean is, do they have family "get togethers?"

I am just curious.
they sure do ,:)with no pagan things attached.

it makes me laugh that people think Jehovahs witnesses do not get together to have a good time :D, its just that we dont partake of festivals that have their roots in false worship. we dont have to have an excuse to get together:) we do not want to offend our God JEHOVAH by mixing our worship with false worship . we are into pure worship instead:)
(many have anniversaries, although I know some that don't)


whether one takes note of a wedding anniversary or not is a personal matter . after all , the wedding arrangement was what God originated.
(Genesis 2:18-24; Matthew 19:4-6)

Certainly, the Bible does not put marriage in a bad light. Jesus both attended a marriage celebration and contributed to the pleasure of the occasion.—John 2:1-11.

so it would not be strange that a couple might on their wedding anniversary take time to reflect on the joyfulness of that event and on their resolve to work for success as a couple.

Whether they focus on this happy occasion in private, just as a couple, or they have a few relatives or close friends with them would be for them to decide.

So, then do JWs work on public holidays? For example, I have to work on most public holidays, because of the company requirements, but i would love to not, of course.
But I know I do have JWs instore that choose not to work on public holidays. ????????????????????????? Maybe I should investigate this further.
i would think everyones circumstance is different in life, in the past sometimes i worked ,and sometimes i didnt , if your other half was off work because the place had closed down for the christmas hols, maybe you would not want to go into work , but you perhaps could spend time at home wiith the other half. it would be the same as the summer holiday break, you would most likely have the same time off to spend time togeather . who wants to have seperate holiday dates ,:( or maybe some Jehovahs witnesses would both go into work , and have their break at another time .( and they may even get paid double time ):D if they want to pay double time for people working at that time so be it :)

or maybe some Jehovahs witnesses are living with their husband or wife that is not a Jehovahs witness, everyones life is different .
you sit in the corner and pout, .

:D thats a new one on me, another pre- concieved idea floating around

maybe they are thinking, my concience is clear in the sight of my God JEHOVAH

they sure do ,:)with no pagan things attached.

But..... They originate From Paganism... Just like the ones you do not partake in.... So the only difference is that even though they get mentioned in the bible, the fact they originate from Paganism doesn't matter? Just trying to understand the logic... *shrugs*


Reference the double pay for holidays! Why should you get it? I think that is greed lol.... If you do not celebrate the holiday you are NOT missing out on anything... And are just doing your usual day of work.... Why do you deserve to get double pay? lol... Looks like you are profitiing off Paganisim doing that.... Maybe it is just me? Could you justify the double pay for what you do anyway?
But..... They originate From Paganism... Just like the ones you do not partake in.... So the only difference is that even though they get mentioned in the bible, the fact they originate from Paganism doesn't matter? Just trying to understand the logic... *shrugs*


Reference the double pay for holidays! Why should you get it? I think that is greed lol.... If you do not celebrate the holiday you are NOT missing out on anything... And are just doing your usual day of work.... Why do you deserve to get double pay? lol... Looks like you are profitiing off Paganisim doing that.... Maybe it is just me? Could you justify the double pay for what you do anyway?
Getting into the weeds a bit aren't we? It's ok, I like it. That's where the bass and catfish hide...
I don't think it is off topic... Mee raised this thread to question the concept of holidays and simply wanting to point out they are of "false" religions and basically tell you, you're all wrong lol So I think it is good for us and in reference to the thread, to question exactly why she accepts some holidays and methods which originate from the same place.. Which I feel then goes to show her claims for things such as christmas, birthdays and so on... Not to be that valid lol....

It's like saying it's bad for your health to light a cigarette with a lighter and smoke it.... So I don't do it... I do however light cigarettes with a match and smoke them, cause that is so different.... *shrugs* Meh, high horses...
But..... They originate From Paganism... Just like the ones you do not partake in.... So the only difference is that even though they get mentioned in the bible, the fact they originate from Paganism doesn't matter? Just trying to understand the logic... *shrugs*


Reference the double pay for holidays! Why should you get it? I think that is greed lol.... If you do not celebrate the holiday you are NOT missing out on anything... And are just doing your usual day of work.... Why do you deserve to get double pay? lol... Looks like you are profitiing off Paganisim doing that.... Maybe it is just me? Could you justify the double pay for what you do anyway?
it is not for mee to question how much someone wants to pay a worker:D and my concience is clear.
Compare Exodus 32:4-10.

Notice that the Israelites adopted an Egyptian religious practice but gave it a new name, "a festival to Jehovah." But Jehovah severely punished them for this.

Today we see only 20th-century practices associated with holidays. Some may appear harmless. But Jehovah observed firsthand the pagan religious practices from which these originated.

Should not his view be what matters to us?
I don't think it is off topic... Mee raised this thread to question the concept of holidays and simply wanting to point out they are of "false" religions and basically tell you, you're all wrong lol So I think it is good for us and in reference to the thread, to question exactly why she accepts some holidays and methods which originate from the same place.. Which I feel then goes to show her claims for things such as christmas, birthdays and so on... Not to be that valid lol....

It's like saying it's bad for your health to light a cigarette with a lighter and smoke it.... So I don't do it... I do however light cigarettes with a match and smoke them, cause that is so different.... *shrugs* Meh, high horses...
Are you saying someone is being hypocritical? :eek: