New profile posts

Decent debaters get pushed off this dead site via abuse & harrassment ring-led by moderators. Troll site, not a family site. Peace!
Nice to see you back among this band of hooligans... Stlll slapping folks with fish?
Haven't done that in a while. I suppose wil is due to be doused in guinness again.
That sounds about right...
Hi there stranger, wishing you well
Hi Sufi, I hope all is well with you. I'd like to correspond but that could be too forward of me and there is also the exchange of emails. The hawkeye mods and all. I'm already close to being banned.
Hi there! The problem with emailing is, l will get too distracted. I've in the past written the equivalent of entire novels in eMail correspondence about philosophical subjects. It wasn't a waste - not at all - but l ended up letting real life matters go to pieces. Maybe start a thread about something that interests you? I could periodically drop by.
Fair enough, friend. I'll try to come up with something.
I hope you are OK Aupmanyav, India is having a bad time with Covid-19 and I hope you and family can get through the crisis.

All the best to you and family, Regards Tony
Thanks Tony. Safe till now. The big question for the day is whether lock-down ends on 17th or continues. :)
Tony Bristow-Stagg
Tony Bristow-Stagg
Great to hear, stay safe and I hope life gets back to health and normality for you all. Regards Tony
Nobody can get the truth out of me because even I don't know what it is. I keep myself in a constant state of utter confusion. -- Col. Flagg
I don't think you are alone in that.
It's not good to sulk. That is for children.

I'm not referring to you, btw
Thanks for the heads up friend. If any sulking ever has anything to do with me, remember I can just be asked, I will be honest and not hide anything.
Thank you all l'm going for a break now, my WFH plan is in tatters so l need to attend to real life biz. Covfefe. Make America British Again
thanx for your text massage ;)
Hi there thanks, but l'm not sure what text message you meant, unless you meant the one you've just replied to on my profile :) Peace
One does not hang in zero gravity, one floats.
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Not according to someone who used to play P&P roleplaying games. ALL of his spacefaring characters were pilots who would try to hang themselves in zero-gravity (unsuccessfully, I might add!)
Mr. Allen “Victor” Garaffa, age 81, of Lake City, passed away peacefully on November 29, 2016, at Doctor’s Hospice of Georgia in Fayetteville.

Mr. Garaffa was born on October 10, 1935, in Neptune, New Jersey, son of the late Joseph Garaffa and Anne Hayes. He was a Navy veteran and a devout Catholic. He was also a writer, having published 15 books on theology, science fiction, and poetry.
Old Faith is the Rebirth of the Oldest Religion, relegated to Mythology, no it makes it's return as the Religion it should always have been.
The existence of enemies means that our friendliness has not been sufficient enough.
"A Friend Come's in Time of Need" Enemies Exist so that the Lord may work it's way. "Having Good Commerce is a Desirable Thing" Without Virtue their is no Soul. "By an Alternative Attempt to Find Peace with All Men" : Live Life and Let Life as guiding principles. ― Minart Youn

'Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah' - Non-injury is the highest religion.”
― Virchand Raghavji Gandhi
To Break the Bond of Non-Injury Ego Must be Detached; Ego of the Self and Ego of the Enemy. This is to Dismiss the Ego that Roams within Both; Doing so will be faulted with aggression in Terms to Enemies/Fren. So "A Clash May Come" Depended on one's Loving Kindness it is associated to. Wherein by Calm or By Coal; Sparks Ignite.
..Without Virtue it is but a Superficial Thing. Unless the Son of Man Opens; Non Can Shut; and unless he shuts, Non Can Open: Revelation 3:7

Thought you'd be interested in knowing this. FYI a fr-end to man.

Instead, "ye ought to say:", If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. YAQUB 4:15