Cino Dec 28, 2019 Mercè, Dio! chè miei giorni ho male spesi, In trattar leggi, tutte ingiuste e vane, Senza la tua che scritta in cor si porta. (Rime CXIV)
Mercè, Dio! chè miei giorni ho male spesi, In trattar leggi, tutte ingiuste e vane, Senza la tua che scritta in cor si porta. (Rime CXIV)
HighWatch Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine HighWatch wrote on Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine's profile. Nov 20, 2019 Hello Phyllis.
Gatekeeper Nov 14, 2019 I've been a pauper a piper a puppet - a pawn and a king … Up and down over and out and I know one thing … that's life
I've been a pauper a piper a puppet - a pawn and a king … Up and down over and out and I know one thing … that's life
Gatekeeper Nov 14, 2019 Fire dragons and fire birds fly high in the sky and settle down below. I wonder what's between them though. Will you tell me if you know?
Fire dragons and fire birds fly high in the sky and settle down below. I wonder what's between them though. Will you tell me if you know?
Gatekeeper Nov 8, 2019 The phoenix is a wonderous kind of fowl or bird or would they be considered messengers? Maybe angels from far away.
The phoenix is a wonderous kind of fowl or bird or would they be considered messengers? Maybe angels from far away.
Gatekeeper Nov 5, 2019 Life and death, love and wrath, fear and comfort are coins - Like God and the devil, darkness and light, faith and doubt peace and a fight.
Life and death, love and wrath, fear and comfort are coins - Like God and the devil, darkness and light, faith and doubt peace and a fight.
Gatekeeper Nov 5, 2019 If your gate is in need of keeping - Be the keeper. If force is applied, the reaper won't hide and grim will greet them with a vengeance.
If your gate is in need of keeping - Be the keeper. If force is applied, the reaper won't hide and grim will greet them with a vengeance.
juantoo3 Oct 26, 2019 Yes, cache is set to clear when I close my browser. Doesn't matter Explorer, Edge or Chrome, result is the same.
Yes, cache is set to clear when I close my browser. Doesn't matter Explorer, Edge or Chrome, result is the same.
juantoo3 Oct 26, 2019 5 minutes, timed, for that last to post. Only this site, only my account. Trial account breezed through the site like if not signed in
5 minutes, timed, for that last to post. Only this site, only my account. Trial account breezed through the site like if not signed in
juantoo3 Oct 26, 2019 That's a liberal response for you, if they have no intelligent response, they limit or close your ability to respond, just like fascists
That's a liberal response for you, if they have no intelligent response, they limit or close your ability to respond, just like fascists
juantoo3 Oct 26, 2019 If not signed in, I can move all over the site like anywhere else on the net I wish to go, sign in here and it slows to a crawl.
If not signed in, I can move all over the site like anywhere else on the net I wish to go, sign in here and it slows to a crawl.
juantoo3 Oct 26, 2019 Would someone mind explaining why my account is throttled. Censorship continues it seems.
HighWatch Oct 19, 2019 "The lips of wisdom are sealed, except to the ears of understanding." The Kybalion
Do you get any error messages? Can you PM me what you’re seeing? Based on previous profile posts, it appears you had a similar issue last year.