What do you propose be done, then? Are you suggesting that humanity abandon those who need us most? Digging wells, sending grain, and sharing our wealth may not eliminate the problem, but it certainly helps. Perhaps education and guidance should be coupled with giving. I might also ask how those who help are the cause of the problem. I would think that the cause is that of location, over population, and limited resources.
We are one body, the brotherhood of man, and if we neglect the needs of others, thinking only of self survival, then how can change ever occur on this earth? Are we not responsible for the condition of life for all humanity? What we do today will affect the world for years to come. The least we can do is share our blessings with those in need, no?
what do i suppose should be done? drop the self and self interest until then it will continue and thats something no-one is prepared to do, hence its all our faults. so you may imply that i'm abandoning them but so are you unless you're ego-less? if you abandon your own inner transformation you abandon also the world you live in. the problem exists because of how we are, my interest is to fundamentally change that, as that is the only action that will make any real lasting difference, everything else is barely more than pointless, but in the meantime no harm in digging so long as it doesn't interupt with the necessary transgformation in ones psyche.
why are those who help, part of the cause? are they really helping? other than a short term peripheral affect, which maybe necessary but whilst their inner conflict continues and sows the seeds of future misery, or are you saying that everyone who helps is free of conflict and ego centred activity, even the more subtle kinds.
we are not one body, there is no brotherhood, thats a noble sounding nonsensical ideal, the fact is that we are in conflict with ourselves and each other and its that, that needs addressing, nothing else. everything i have typed has been about not thinking of ones
self, the difference i'm alluding to is that there is only real outward change following authentic inner transformation. i have not said don't share the coin, did you read my post?
""dig the well, give the grain and share the coin but also know that your the cause of it all""
yes, when we share our "blessings" that is the very least we could do unfortunately, the most we could do is preferable no? and that in my opinion is to drop the self and understand our inner conflict so such things
never happen. anything else is a cop out, i'm nice everyone be like me and it'll be ok, self gratifying unending thoughtless self centred misery that is the current state of affairs because we're lazy and prefer to point the finger at the horrible ones over there somewhere, peace