Absolute Truth

Yes. I don't believe promises have much value, beyond offering false hope, until they are actually fulfilled. The daily speeches of many politicians seeking favor seem to support that belief.
Certainly. But one mustn't allow that to blind them to what virtue still remains.

If you are not familiar with the Desiderata by Max Ehrmann (I hope I spelled the last name correctly), it is a beautiful poem and it is full of wisdom.

A brief passage from the middle:

"Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism."
However this is one thing I've been contemplating since leaving Catholicism that poses a bit of a problem for me. If faith is between God and a person, how do we know what's true? Different religions say that their God or gods proclaim different truths that are totally conflicting.
But they are not totally conflicting.

One of my earliest threads compared the essential teachings of the major world faiths. Most all had something that closely equated with the Golden Rule.

Morality within Evolution

As for how do we know? All I can say is you will know. If you seek with a sincere heart, you will find and you will know. It isn't hidden, we just don't know what we're looking at.
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There are the ancient immortality yogas: Kundalini yoga and Taoist yoga

Taoist Yoga Alchemy And Immortality by Lu Kuan Yu

Kundalini yoga


It's tied up with alchemy, which is really concerned with inner transformation and inner rebirth

What's that? The material world is made of energy
So....Collective Consciousness (Jung), or genetic memory

Multiple ways of saying the same thing, but all of it *points* to the reality that must be experienced.

Words are and will always be a poor substitute for reality and experience. Hence my reservation, primarily on the word "verbal." Inner teachings may have nothing to do with "verbal" words. I see it more like intuition, a hunch, a gut feeling, the hair standing on the back of your neck...
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Probably not...personal choice. My experience steers me away from any form of divination.
Divination is the entry point only. Confucius studied it and added comments to it, and Carl Jung wrote a preface to the Richard Wilhelm edition. I can't link that edition but it's accessible on a Google search.

The study of the I Ching is at the heart of Taoism, imo
It is not my place to discourage a seeker.

Having said that, my plate is full enough, overflowing, between Christianity, Judaism and Native American Animism. A smattering of teachings from other sources like Buddhism that present basic truths in easily digested and illustrative forms helps explain to others.

Truth IS. Reality IS.

Little "t" truth is a moving target, changing as needed by whomever needs to change it. The IS is immutable, unchangeable, locked. We all can see it, but what each of us sees differs from everyone else because we can only see a tiny portion.
"Reality" requires an element of faith to describe in order to prevent an inescapable philosophical feedback loop of self-reference. Reality exists - existence is reality.

The alternate is the view that reality is illusory. I don't fully grasp the concept, considering a very real fist landing a punch on my very real nose really hurts. So if you view this existence as a dream, I have no answer that will satisfy you.

To my way of understanding, reality is, it exists, we are in it. Regardless of how any of us explains it, or views it, or sees it, or interprets it...it is, what I call the IS. The universe and stars and galaxies and black holes exist, they are part of the IS, they are what IS. We are stardust.

15 thousand years ago human tribes pretty well viewed reality in the same or very similar manner...evidenced across continents with painted caves and rock shelters.

When humans became agrarian and began building fortified cities, we created delineating lines between tribes, and began focusing our myths into culturally specific and culturally meaningful dialogues, and with the development of writing put these teachings into script.

What is, simply is. How we perceive what is, is where humanity has long gotten complicated.
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Reality is the only Truth...it is real, even if not fully evident or fully comprehensible. Much of reality is unseen by the human eye.

What does a birdsong look like?

What does a foul smell look like?

What does a cool breeze look like?
I think @Tony Bristow-Stagg means you not very curious about the Baha'i religion?
Otherwise, I don't get it either?

Actually, I am interested in the Baha'i faith! I briefly considered conversion to it after leaving Catholicism. Unfortunately, Shoghi Effendi put me off it. I still think its a beautiful religion in many ways, but it is one of those religions that does claim absolute truth and it didn't hold up to (my personal) scrutiny. I think religions that claim absolute truth require more intense investigation than those that don't.