Several people have been resurrected in the Bible, each experience is proof of what actually happens, look up each resurrection and read the surrounding scriptures to determine what the difference is, if there is any.Hi Caritas.
My Question is one I asked since 1986 to my JW family.
I never received an answer.
It goes like this.
> The JW's believe that the human does not have an eternal spirit living within their body of flesh and blood.
>The JW's believe that no flesh and blood will ever enter in Heaven.
>The JW's believe there will be 144 000 JW's resurrected to God in Heaven.
Therefore the question is obvious:
What substance of these 144000 humans will live with God in Heaven?
PN, I had many answers such as
1. "God will re create these people from His Mind as He remembered you."
This answer is illogical, because what does it help anyone if God creates something else to receive everlasting life. If there is no spirit living in my body now that will end up in heaven, or at least one living cell or hair, that thing the JW god will create will not be me at all. If He uses nothing of myself, then it is not me.
2. "God will take your consciousness and will create you again." OK, This I accept. But note that all you did was to change my description of a 'Spirit' to that of a 'Consciousness'. so the Christians were right all along. God will take my Consciousness to heaven. We just called it our spirit.
3. This is the last answer I got. "God alone knows how He will be able to have these 144 000 people living in Heaven with Him. We should only trust upon him."
To me this answer is the easy way out for the simple reason. The JWO's were quick to dismiss the spirit of man early in the previous century, and they were just as quick to create the dogma about the 144000 JW's that will enter heaven; that they completely forgot that the 144000 are made of flesh and blood and if resurrected, will not be able to enter heaven! That sieve at the pearly gates is too fine to allow blood and flesh. The JW's 144000 will stay outside in the traffic trying to push the first guys through the obstacle.
In the meantime, the spirit of of Moses and Elijah, who was with Jesus on the mountain during the transfiguration, and the poor man Lazarus and all the spirits who are with Abraham, will have no problem to pass through into heaven in their spiritual bodies, which lived in their flesh and blood bodies which they had on earth.
Do you have another option on how a JW can enter into heaven?
I am a Jehovah's Witness I look for the scriptures in the in the Bible they bring me hope, joy, happiness, peace of mind and comfort, the Bible is my rock, I myself do not worry or think about details that will rob me of this joy I find in the Holy Scriptures.

Joy and Happiness will come if you keep looking for it. 144,000 is explained in the Bible. Don't let a single thing hold you back from all the wonderful thoughts you can imagine that are based on the promises God gives us in the Bible.