Recent content by jean02

  1. J

    Prayer, Magick, Spells etc, whats the difference ?

    Earthly doing is "to see is to believe" and this is what all means.
  2. J

    The real bible code God placed in the bible

    I don't see wisdom in this topic. It is not right.
  3. J


    Hi, This land is curse the time Adan and Eve disobeyed God and that is why evil tries to tempt us to commit sin. We are really good in nature since we are created in the images and likeness of God. I hope you always continue to serve God and stay righteous always. God bless you.
  4. J

    Christian Community And The Way Of Life

    Christianity is not the reason. It's the wickedness of the heart from the people who are against Christianity; from the people who's life is not in God but of the devil. How could you ever live a life with wickedness in the heart? This will only cause wars, greed, selfishness and other evil...
  5. J

    looking for answers

    To silmoon, I recommend you meditate and pray heartily. You need to release every negative feelings and thoughts which bothers you the most. Let it out and ask Him to guide you in every decisions. I hope you're ok by now.
  6. J

    Discovering Forgiveness

    To have inner peace deep inside my heart, I need to forgive and even ask forgiveness. It's a waste of time holding grudges and your life won't be as peaceful as you think it.
  7. J


    Would you believe religion can save a man from death? Due you think religion can save someone from his sin and have an everlasting life after he dies? For me no, its Jesus and in Him alone man can be saved. How about you?
  8. J

    Newbie Here

    Hello! I am new. Hope to discuss with you all about faith and worshiping God.