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  • Now that I think about it you often have purple prose, however I was referring to Tsai Luan's purple headscarf, which fills your avatar. The overall tone is between red and violet, and you have kept that avatar almost continuously since I signed on to this site.
    I can't believe that you're not purple anymore! I am surprised, but I like it.
    About the statue of liberty: At her center and hidden inside the statue of liberty in her soul of souls the great statue is actually a little girl holding a candle. She holds it up so everyone can find their way to a safe harbor, us included. The statue itself seems all grown up, however the external pomp and seriousness of the statue is really just a wrapping to pass the message of the little girl within. The outside is important unless we forget the inside. What is on the inside? Inside the girl is often lonely, the floors are cold and the nights are long. You can see the loneliness in the statues eyes, but the girl you can't see as she is spirit. Her huge statue is needed for people see her light from very far away. At the same time she is waiting for other lights to appear on the horizon, the lights of kindred spirits; and when they appear she'll leave the statue to visit them. Yes she'll leave the torch going for us.
    They sell this hot pepper chocolate, and I tried that. It was ok, but I think I'm a dark chocolate purist.
    Still haven't made the brownies. Hope things are going well at your end of the country.
    Shopping here is very diff from wherever you live. I really have looked around and have not found canned green chilis. They always have canned jalapenos or chili salsa, but no canned chilis. Apparently there are different kinds of chilis, too. I can get dried peppers of various kinds, but nothing like whats in your brownie directions.
    Seattlegal, I never did see the Giant Palouse Earthworm during my time in that area. I've moved now, so chances that I'll see one around here (in the mountains of Virginia) are slim. ;)
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