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  • Thanks! I'll be an even Older Fart by the time I've assimilated all these new bells and whistles.

    If this message does not appear in the right place, sorry, it's my first attempt!

    My page is a work in progress, but thanks for noticing. I'm still figuring out things about it. I'll check the vBulletin site for a handbook maybe.
    Wow! It's changed in here since the last time I looked. I like what you've done with the place.
    I was assigned that number by the computer there. It would be funny, but I just can't bring myself to use the moniker 'The Beast' . People's are very much like fragile jars sitting up on high, shaky shelves and I don't want to bump anybody off just for the sake of a joke. I once had a flat-mate who believed he might be 'Antichrist'--like the one in the story books. He had many ways of associating himself with the number 666! He was a lot like the guy in the movie '23', and when I saw that movie I was amazed because I know that is a real life mental fixation that some people have. I'm that way about the number 7 occasionally, which is ridiculous. So you see I'm a bit of a fragile, shaky jar myself.
    Its funny you said that, because there is a Christian forum where I am member number 666. It makes me want to post about cult issues over there, just to mess with people. I haven't been there in months, though.
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