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  • Thanks for stopping by and for sharing that lovely story about your grandmother's doxie dog and magpie. I don't think I have ever known anyone who had a pet magpie before. :))
    thanks, needed a walkabout.

    sorry to see the terrible events in Oz recently...
    Well .... Congratulations!!! I know you are a proud Grandma, too. I'll have to check out your page, and take a look at dem there pictures. :) I'm happy for you, and your son. Tell Him I said congrats on the new addition to the family, k?

    Confused??? Clearly you need to join the club based on confusion!

    Interfaith forums - The Commonwealth of Randomness
    G'day Sheila!! lol, is that what they call you ladies down under? Just dropping by to say hi, and a hope your doing well ...


    Hey!!! Yes, it has been quite a while since my last post here. I've been posting on another forum, and staying busy with school. How are you??


    I'm totally safe! I'm about 12,000 miles away. Thanks for the warning.

    I am honored by your request to be friends with me. I look forward to our conversations.

    Dr Free
    LOL... its soooooo stoopid! (yet somehow still funny!)

    YouTube - Beached Whale Beached AS Remix by Dj Kronic
    That's the neat part, all of the pleasures with none of the responsibilities... :-D

    Let the mommy and daddy take care of the poopy diapers.
    How did I manage to miss out on the newest addition? Congrats to the proud new parents!
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