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  • Thanks for looking out for me. Yes, I was of course asking it because I was wondering whether I should wear the suit with iron plating tonight or go vamp-naturale. The suit will be more suitable.
    You're everywhere, the first association to anything. Also, if it wasn't you, the second thing I'll do is to find out what I was thinking of, and who's the living index if not you? I just strike two flies with one banana, right!
    I was going to post this:
    NASA explains all the ways the world won't end in 2012
    at the thread you started about December 31 2012, but I can't find it!
    Looking very pinky/purply over meh, Good to see you too Shalom, Namaste, Mariska hargitay and how have you been Seattlegal? I just popped in to check out some old times. ;)
    That was quick! Thank you! The fist thing I did when the clock turned midnight was checking interfaith...odd addiction this one.
    Thanks for asking. I'm fine, and all the family living in the path left town before the storm hit. I'm just waiting to hear about whether there has been damage. Most likely there has been none.
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