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  • Nice to see you back among this band of hooligans... Stlll slapping folks with fish?
    Haven't done that in a while. I suppose wil is due to be doused in guinness again.
    That sounds about right...
    Mercury must be in retrograde, I find myself being introspective and missing so many old friends. I trust you are well.
    If we are stung by the same scorpion would that create a sort of fraternal connection?
    I hope that isn't tea in that cup, I don't know how many cups of tea this board can handle. But if it is, welcome to the family.
    Something to watch whenever you feel bogged down by politics (which I can empathize with you about):
    The Spice Kittens on Livestream

    From one :kitty: slave to another. <(^x^)>
    :) Thank you SG! The power just came on, getting warmed up and organized! How did you guys make out?
    She was bred and after 3 months (oct-nov) checkup found to have an embrio growing. She may have lost the foal in March as there was evidence of some sort of a discharge but no other physical evidence. from there she showing signs of pregnancy and increasing in girth. We followed a programmed feeding schedule that increased drastically in the last trimester. Theveterinarian, who specializes in equine reproduction, says it happens at time without a known cause. Now it is a matter of lowering her dietary slowly and then, which she will show her lack of amusment, exersizing her by riding.
    More pictures of Missy mare posted last week. getting down to the 'wire." As this is my first foal I am worried beyond belief. Yes I know that Nature will take its course but, in trying to be prepared, I have read of all that might go wrong and it is frightening. All of the calm and "oneness," in trying to be somewhat of a Taoist bent, has flown out of the window as I am much too much invested in this mare and soon to be foal. Where did I go wrong? Time for a pot or three of tea.
    Yes, that is the one. I should have enabled myself to find its location but there have been many distractions this week, including the breakdown of a computer. (No worries.) I was reading some of the 'Spirit = Energy' thread, and it reminded me of your toasty post. I wanted to comment about it, but for some why I could not find it.

    The Dream abides,

    Seattlegal, I am looking for something that was posted about a week ago which provided information about the Buddhist concept of what it means when the mind is extinguished. The 'Spirit = Energy' thread is related to it, since the original Buddhist conception of 'Extinguish' may have come from an early Veda concept in which the 'Fire god' goes into hiding when flame is not present but retains his power. The universe is cooling down, which is somewhat like the extinguishing of a flame. Do you remember that post, or do you remember seeing one like it?
    *:kitty:s are playing in the sakura blossoms, enjoying the fragrance that wafts through the site with each pounce and smack*

    I found an interesting tea cookie/cake that calls for sakura (albeit not a "receipt" for them.) Just thought you might be interested.

    Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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