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  1. Mason

    Questions ?

    Thanks for your reply PluckyAli. I do understand what your saying,... though That to me atleast, is extremely different to looking at some finely carved stone, and could never be compared. Anyway, so seeing carved stone depicting a nude human is against the teachings of Allah.... *noddes...
  2. Mason

    Questions ?

    I am puzzled about something (not related to my previous questions), I'd like to know if this is seen as sinful or maybe it's excepted... I'm rather in to sculpture, mostly classical greek/roman style sculptures that often portray nudity. I was wondering how would most muslims see this, i mean...
  3. Mason

    Questions ?

    Thank you, both for your replies, and the link Friend. I will look at that more, when i find some time. ^_^
  4. Mason

    Questions ?

    ^_^ Hello, i have another question, it is a religious one this time... I was wondering what the Ka'aba is? Why does it look the way it does? and are Muslims allowed to touch it? I haven't read up on it very much, but i have often wondered what it is, etc.
  5. Mason

    Questions ?

    ^_^ Ok thanks, would it be too much to ask "what if its the man with no family?"
  6. Mason

    Questions ?

    I was wondering Friend,... I hope you don't think this is a silly question, but do you know what would happen if either the man or woman had no surviving family...?
  7. Mason

    Questions ?

    Yes, thank you Friend, it does ^_^
  8. Mason

    Questions ?

    This is from the link your provided friend: With this i am still abit puzzled to how she knew,... when was the man allowed to show his interested? Could you (or someone) tell me abit about the 'hijab' (is that the right name?) and when & how, if ever, does she allow herself to be 'hit on'...? I...
  9. Mason

    Questions ?

    I was really hoping to get a reply to my second question today, as i feel i understand the basics of the Halal and Haram foods... Yes, its best to think that it doesn't really realise, anyway, how could its end ever be that pleasant when all animals what to do is survive. So honestly its, if you...
  10. Mason

    Questions ?

    Sadly, this would be too costly, and time consuming to insert a pump, etc. in each and every subject before its slaughter. Again its an idea that will most likely never happen. Also, i most doubt shooting the animal first would be exceptabley added to the traditional/original slaughter method.
  11. Mason

    Questions ?

    I have another question, this is more about the social side of being a muslim... I was wondering how muslims find a partner (girlfriend/wife), when the women wear the hijab almost all the time (am i right in thinking this, the name and use i mean?). The 'hijab' is to cover the woman's shape &...
  12. Mason

    Questions ?

    Ok, thanks for your replies Friend, quite informative. ^_^ I don't know what you think disgusting is Friend, but that was it for me,... and its enough to put be off eating a poor animal ever again. A pig is Haram, yes, but really why... do you know the actual reason? (If you don't, please...
  13. Mason

    Questions ?

    Oh, um i would like to edit the post above, i can't see how... can someone tell me please ?
  14. Mason

    Questions ?

    These 'foods' are all Haram, right? Are there anymore and (if anyone knows), why are they Haram? Also why is (1) not to be eaten? And what is (6)? (if its very disgusting, i would rather not know). ^_^ (1) Pig (2) Blood (3) Carnivorous animals (4) Almost all reptiles and insects (5) The...
  15. Mason

    What is the future of Islam?

    Thank you Friend, for elaborating, i understand what you mean this time. ^_^ I have many questions about Islam, but most wouldn't suite the topic of this thread... i know only a very little.
  16. Mason

    What is the future of Islam?

    Thanks for the reply Friend, from your post i learnt some things i didn't know. Ty You answered my question in a way that almost says yes, in a nice way.... Am i right in thinking that or have i misunderstood you? (i wont be scared away from learning more about Islam if yes is the answer) ^_^
  17. Mason

    Hello Everyone...

    Thanks for your greeting InLove. Thats good, because i want to learn more about Islam to make sure its the right religion for me. ^_^
  18. Mason

    What is the future of Islam?

    I have only began to read this thread, so i don't know where it's going at the moment, but i came across this close to be start and i was wondering if a Muslim could tell me if this is really in the Quran (as i know little about what is written in it, because i have only started reading about...
  19. Mason

    Hello Everyone...

    Thanks for your welcomes dauer, alexa, & I, Brian. Yes, i joined mostly because of that board, and because this places looks nice... ^_^ Ty
  20. Mason

    I am working on the Renewal of Islam

    Someone could not be counted as a muslim if they were a Buddhist or of any other religion for that matter, not to me atleast. I also dislike how it would diminish the name of Islam, almost to make it the common use for all religions and leaving Islam with an almost worthless name. Though this is...