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  1. Kaspar

    Respectful questions on a difficult subject

    I like SpiritualHumanist's contribution. It isn't just muslims who think homosexuality is wrong. All the Abraham religions denounce it. Not to mention widerspread opinion across the caribbean, latin America, and the world for that matter. Homosexuality is an issue regarless of faith or...
  2. Kaspar

    What is the Meaning of Life?

    Thanks for all the posts so far, Vajradhara, cavalier, Eudaimonist, wil, InquisitiveInHalifax (great name), Terrence & aburaees. I apologise to all for my poll. Its quite badly written and narrow minded. I sort of rushed it. Id like to have a look at what the difference is between the meaning of...
  3. Kaspar

    What is the Meaning of Life?

    I haven't posted on this site for almost a year but having a recent revelation I decided that here may be a nice place to seriously consider one of the most important questions of all time. What is the meaning of life? POSITIVE Love: To spread happiness, make peoples lives better, enjoy...
  4. Kaspar

    Is it kool to rape a girl?

    queenofsheba has an interesting point. but its true that women are put after money if they are ever listed. I heard a preacher say "if you devout yourself more to God the money and women will follow." Of course he was going a little far and its out of context but it still is funny the way he...
  5. Kaspar

    Which came first the Chicken or the Egg?

    The only way i can get my mind out of this problem is by looking at the assumtion that there has to be a cause for an effect. Isn't it a possibility that there have always been chickens and eggs. Before the big bang could have been the big crunch so time is going around in a circle like the...
  6. Kaspar

    Favorite Song Lyrics

    Recent favourite, is an old folk singer Woody Guthrie Its about the Dust Bowl winds when the settlers in the USA tried to use european farming methods which ended up turning the crops and dust, hench resulting in huge dust winds that would cover an entire farm in dust. Its a bit of a story really.
  7. Kaspar

    Hinduism verses Buddhism

    I think the introduction on CR World religions is quite a good starting point. and Peace
  8. Kaspar

    good versus evil

    Personally I feel like living in the present, I want to make humanity with more peace now not wait for God to tie his laces before he comes to our rescue. Jesus Christ brought lots of love but where do Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Chico Mendes etc and other great people come into the...
  9. Kaspar

    good versus evil

    I'm feeling this thread. I like that because it sounds realistic. Heres a theory Do you think good & Evil could be explained by human biology? Maybe, When we think something is Evil or wrong it is because we've got an influx of some certian chemical rushing around our blood stream. That...
  10. Kaspar

    Dreams that come true.

    Do you think that the development of computers and technology that lets us do things without having to think avout them has made this smaller use of our brains? Do you think that If we had to remember things off by heart and couldn't look them up at a click of the mouse we'd be more intelligent?
  11. Kaspar

    Dreams that come true.

    I'm so glad someones brought this up I completely agree with PM that dreams are underexplored. I had a dream on sunday night that my rabbits were going to escape from their hutch and the next day I woke up to see that my rabbits were enjoying all my mums flowers. I often redream the day ahead...
  12. Kaspar

    Jesus died: we're all saved?

    not mine :D
  13. Kaspar

    Jesus died: we're all saved?

    Quick Question I'd just like to ask a quick question that has little to do with this thread. Some Christians believe that you will only go to Heaven if you accept Jesus as the son of GOD. What happened to people when they died before Jesus was born? Did they go to hell because they didn't...
  14. Kaspar

    Is there any point?

    Lots of faiths derive from a belief or have this belief deep in their religion. That life is some sort of battle between Good and Evil or between Yin and Yan etc. I'd just like to ask; what makes people want to join into this battle? and can we actually make a difference to what goes on in the...
  15. Kaspar

    Jesus died: we're all saved?

    Dear Sacredstar, In my opinion Rational thinking is how people arrive at a conclusion. If they think their thoughts are irrational they will no longer believe them. About God. My opinion is that God is a term for a unity of things. This is my analogy. We have the emotions; hate, love, saddness...
  16. Kaspar

    What do you live for? Whats your philosophy of life?

    I'd say the answer to your question is the straightforward answer of BELIEF. For some its Religion, some its materialism, some its because they're in love etc. I'd say the reason i'm alive is because 1. i've had a really good life so far. The truth is this question is like "WHATS THE MEANING...
  17. Kaspar

    Jesus died: we're all saved?

    I have to agree with you eating someone is associated with vampires, warewolfs, Cannibals etc. This is wrong. Eating is all about taking something good and using it too live. Why do we eat food that tastes nice or is healthy because we know that; "YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT" so Obviously if you like...
  18. Kaspar

    Jesus died: we're all saved?

    Can I ask on this forum because it is lively. If the sole pupose - for a Christian - for doing good is to go to heaven and avoid going to hell? If so can I bring the skeptisicm that this is somewhat selfish and that this revolves around fear of our worst nightmare that is hell. Is it a valid...
  19. Kaspar

    evil and free will

    Thanks Dauer, I didn't realise you had a mental illness I thought you were just talking about things in general. I say mental illness but really i see it as a spectrum that we are all on of manic and depressed and some are more and some are less unbalanced so it seems that you fall heavily on...
  20. Kaspar

    evil and free will

    What does Bipolar mean?