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  1. c0de

    right on ; )

    right on ; )
  2. c0de

    Did Ancient Greek Search For Truth Have Anything to Do with Ethics?

    Parmenides, Pythagoras & Xenophanes came before Socrates Aristotle wrote books on ethics specifically
  3. c0de

    Gibson SG 61 Reissue, eh? Quite a piece of hardware u got there buddy ... now that's somethin...

    Gibson SG 61 Reissue, eh? Quite a piece of hardware u got there buddy ... now that's somethin those guitarhero tards can't put in there avatars !!
  4. c0de

    Newsbot removed

    yea take that newsBOT !
  5. c0de

    Questions about the Soul

    imo soul=consciousness=mind it is neither "eternal" nor "immortal" (nothing created is) when I die, God will "take" my "soul" away He will restore it when my body is resurrected The whole experience would be like going to sleep... This is my understanding of what is stated in the Quran
  6. c0de

    The Garden, The "Fall of Man" and Civilization

    I would like to reply your post, but I can't get past this first paragraph... Nothing personal against you Aardvaark, but its a little too romantic-sentimental for me, sorry... im sure most others will find your post "beautiful" and such... (that Twilight book was a bestseller, im told) and...
  7. c0de

    Thought Experiment for the Theists

    relax, i wuz just "funnin" ; )
  8. c0de

    The Garden, The "Fall of Man" and Civilization

    You seem pretty sure man... were u there? all i have to go on is scriptural evidence, and that doesn't seem to say what you're sayin I'll wait for the word from CERN before considering it, thanks
  9. c0de

    Thought Experiment for the Theists

    ah well, your loss It takes Black Holes to make Quasars dude lolz ok
  10. c0de

    Muslims have declared a Jihad to exterminate Christians.

    . I have many more friends (and family) than you in Pakistan... trust me, you ARE wrong.
  11. c0de

    Nominations for "Stupidity" charge..

    EPIC FAIL!! OMG!!! Thats what that was about ?? I just saw the headline, didn't know Mr. uberdoofus was the hijacker !! WoW... In pre-history, this dumbo would've been eaten by a pack dingos on account of natural selection !! and now he's flyin in the sky, hijackin planes!!?? ... makes u...
  12. c0de

    Muslims have declared a Jihad to exterminate Christians.

    . Excerpts from The Protocols of The Maulvis, I presume? Amergin, you should take Muslimwoman's advice:
  13. c0de

    Muslims Against NYC Mosque Location

    Yea, they're using Christian terminology. "Infidel" is your word. I don't think you're a "jerk" at all. I have a healthy respect for you Q. Although, some of your views are a little... you know. Here's a few examples: And what does that prove? You think I didn't experience hatred when I...
  14. c0de

    Thought Experiment for the Theists

    I meant you shouldn't use that word... it just sounds... fruity : P Fair enuff Hey, it's a fact of thermodynamics. Perhaps some scripture quoting is appropriate here, amidst the physics: By the time, Verily man is in loss, Except those...
  15. c0de

    An Agnostic Jew reads the Quran

    Lesley Hazleton: On reading the Koran | Video on 10 min TED Talk
  16. c0de

    Thought Experiment for the Theists

    funnin' ?? If there's a God, then He set off the big bang (assuming the big bang actually happened.) If there's no God, it was all just a random freak occurrence. > In both cases, where's "the absolute point" for your life? >> In both cases, you're merely an effect. It took over 13 billion years...
  17. c0de

    Thought Experiment for the Theists

    How so? But life is a product of entropy. No dude, I mean't I didn't understand what you were asking "why" to? Were you asking why is aprioricity itself debatable? Because we as a species have finally found more flaws in the concept.
  18. c0de

    Thought Experiment for the Theists

    I don't follow... I was just saying there's no absolute "point" for anything, other then what God says... (according to my POV) and that this is not a very popular way of thinking. A flash in the pan dude, that's all we are. huh? how ?? Why what ??? Dude, you're like totally confusing me with...
  19. c0de

    The Garden, The "Fall of Man" and Civilization

    God created us through evolution Why do you feel it necessary to provide lectures on the obvious? I agree.
  20. c0de

    how did you come to believe or follow a religion?

    Thanks for exposing the nature of your "humanity" Mr. Humanist. BTW, what you said is funny, coming from a "neuroscientist" who can't even tell the difference between Heat and Temperature.