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  1. D

    Fear in the God Fearing

    Well, Toa, God says: [91:7] The soul and Him who created it. [91:8] Then showed it what is evil and what is good. [91:9] Successful is one who redeems it.[91:10] Failing is one who neglects it. You may be proud of saying that you can do without refering to God, but let me say to you, Tao...
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    Did God send His messangers with more than one religion?!!

    Hello, DrDeb, I think you get near to a great deal to what Islam teaches about the reality of the three religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.. Islam teaches us the set of core truths of th three religions are one. It is after the death of both Moses and Jesus peace be upon them that...
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    Of Sanctification and Sacrifices

    I meant salvation through Jesus's crucifiction..that the Christ die for the sins of his followers...
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    Fear in the God Fearing

    Actually, Tao, I dont think you are fully understanding me, or at least you think you understand, while you are not yet... Here Ithink you are questioning, and not making a conclusion, cause making conclusion needs the consideration of all over scriptures, and not cepending on sme, and...
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    Fear in the God Fearing

    Still misunderstanding is taking place, Tao.. Fearing God is actually freeing me, brother. Fearing God gives me total freedom. I fear no person/thing. God says: [3:172] For those who respond to GOD and the messenger, despite the persecution they suffer, and maintain their good works, and...
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    Fear in the God Fearing

    Hello, Tao Actually, you seem to look at the subject from a very different point of view that has nothing to do with the real reality of the notion of fear in religion as mine is concerned.. Allah/God is not a god of revenge at all. He is free from all needs, and He can stand alone with...
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    Did God send His messangers with more than one religion?!!

    Actually, He is not. Clarity shines very very high... I have an Islamic point of view which removes this confusion, but I just need to know how you think about this matter...
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    Did God send His messangers with more than one religion?!!

    Important question, seatlegal. God is limitless, sister... He is to All..Religions, as they are sent by God, give us answers to "who" is God and how we can connect Him...
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    Did God send His messangers with more than one religion?!!

    How can you love God if you dont know Him?! Hence, the need of religion is created..
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    Did God send His messangers with more than one religion?!!

    The quesion then is: how can some cultures find the same God eventhough they are different!!?!
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    Did God send His messangers with more than one religion?!!

    Nice, that's why God chooses a man from that culture to transmit and spread His message to the rest... yeah, right..
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    Did God send His messangers with more than one religion?!!

    I get your point, DrDeb, and you ve reached my point in amazing way...I am going to explain it later.... PS: Welcome to the forums, wish you fruitful journey with us..:)
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    Did God send His messangers with more than one religion?!!

    Yes, for sure, He does. He speaks to us through His universe, through the things happning with us...He sends us signs from now and then, but are rare those who really read the signs and Listen to Him.. And more than that, darling, He listens to us...His door is always open, but are rare those...
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    Did God send His messangers with more than one religion?!!

    This question is really important. All Jewish, Christians, and Muslim brothers and sisters have to think about that... If we believe in the same God (I dont know it this is true with others), then the thought of God's sending prophets of different religions is really confusing.... The Jews...
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    Of Sanctification and Sacrifices

    Well, Dondi, shall I understand from this that salvation is a very personal matter that everyone has to work for?!
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    Controversial BBC + Discovery Channel documentaries on Jesus (pbuh) >>in Kashmir<<

    Re: Controversial BBC + Discovery Channel documentaries on Jesus (pbuh) >>in Kashmir< The crucifiction of Jesus peace be upon him was one of the subjects discusses with some Christian brothers and sisters in this thread...
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    Thank you for the inviation, dear... God bless you...what a flowery environment..It suits my...

    Thank you for the inviation, dear... God bless you...what a flowery environment..It suits my avatar a lot..
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    Thank you for the invitation of friendship, sweety Summia. God bless you, dear...

    Thank you for the invitation of friendship, sweety Summia. God bless you, dear...
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    Alaykom salaam, brother.. Yes, brother. And I think that was the question of Amica. Muslims should submit to God, and not to any other authority... Oh, yeah, brother, I may have given that impression, but this wasnt what I meant. On the contarary, brother, I am with questioning the hadiths...
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    Alaykomsalam, dear sister Well, dear sister there is nothing which prevents women from going out of the house without male family memeber. Women in the time of the prophet Muhammed peace be upon him were allowed to go mosques alone as well as doing shopping alone. The same as taking parts in...