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  1. kiwimac


    Abortion is NOT murder. It is not the killing of a baby. A foetus is NOT a baby.
  2. kiwimac

    Sufis vs Wahhabis

    Perhaps but it is the Salafi'i / Wahhabi fundamentalists that the article is talking about in Ethiopia. To assert that a decorated tomb=Shirk is to overlook Muhammad's own tomb.
  3. kiwimac


    Abortions will occur regardless of whether or not they are legal. If they are legal it is easier to define the circumstances in which abortions can occur ergo it is best to keep them legal.
  4. kiwimac

    Happy Birthday kiwimac!

    :D Why thank you kitties!
  5. kiwimac

    Sufis vs Wahhabis

    Call 'em Salafiyyah if you must but Salafi'i or Wahhabi they are still fundamentalists.
  6. kiwimac

    Thankee, thankee

    Thankee, thankee
  7. kiwimac

    Hello from a fellow seeker!

    Grace and Peace to you Deb, you are welcome here. Kiwimac
  8. kiwimac

    Why Four Versions

    Why four? Why not?
  9. kiwimac

    Do you have a demon?

    My score was 11 which is low, low, low.
  10. kiwimac

    Gudday, Yup we are fine.

    Gudday, Yup we are fine.
  11. kiwimac

    Your beliefs: what are they REALLY?

    Mine Changes from time to time. 1. Liberal Quakers (100%) 2. Neo-Pagan (93%) 3. Unitarian Universalism (91%) 4. Reform Judaism (90%) 5. Baha'i Faith (86%) 6. Sikhism (85%) 7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (84%) 8. Mahayana Buddhism (81%) 9. Hinduism (77%) 10. New Age (77%)...
  12. kiwimac

    "Justice" for a Rape Victim

    ISTM that we need to stand against this kind of thing. Write, protest, talk with leaders of countries, religions, etc. This sort of thing is unjust and unacceptable.
  13. kiwimac

    Which is your preferred Bible Translation ?

    You have missed the point Mee, JEHOVAH is a mistranslation, it SHOULD be Yahweh!
  14. kiwimac

    Which is your preferred Bible Translation ?

    Actually the name is YHWH in Hebrew and Yahweh in English. Jehovah is the English version of a German mis-translation.
  15. kiwimac

    Good bye

    1: What important psychological point is being made by referring to others in a demeaning way? 2: Are you asserting that Sarah Palin is the quality that is being torn down? 3: How is asking you to express yourself without demeaning someone "politically correct intimidation?" 4: How does this...
  16. kiwimac

    Good bye

    There is nothing politically correct in asserting that the preponderance of evidence supports Obama's US citizenship.
  17. kiwimac

    Which is your preferred Bible Translation ?

    I like the fact that it is very close to the Hebrew and Greek. I also have copies of Lahmsa's Aramaic Bible which is a very interesting document.
  18. kiwimac

    Good bye

    Nick, What on earth are you on about. Examples please. Lessons cannot be learned if examples cannot be pointed to broad statements are simply no help.
  19. kiwimac

    Which is your preferred Bible Translation ?

    I have 40+ translations in both print and etexts. I use the NASB most often but I have many, many others!