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  1. J

    Spirituality or Hallucination?

    Indeed. I actually had taken mushrooms with a group of people...about 6, as I remember. One of my good friends had seen the aftermath of my bad trip, and he was very interested in the ways in which I came to understand it as spiritual experience. However, to this day he is quite confident in...
  2. J

    What defines a Christian?

    I didn't think you did, and I didn't plan to:). No offense was taken, Ruby. Yeah, jiii is just the alias I use for all my logins on the's easy to remember that way. JIII is, itself, short for John the 3rd. My name is actually Justin, but my father was John Jr and I was his...
  3. J

    What defines a Christian?

    Yep;) Just a "grass-roots" guy. Don't mean to write like a scholar...I guess it's just how I write. So far as "this stuff", I have some difficulty with it because I'm not particularly familiar with in-depth knowledge of Chrisitianity. I thought I kept it pretty general, though (maybe it's these...
  4. J

    Is Jesus' Resurrection a Fact-Event?

    Sorry, Ruby, but if after every idea I express I felt it was important to cite that "thats one way to look at it", then my post would be 50% apologetics for expressing a viewpoint and only 50% viewpoint. So, I guess that when you read some of my posts in the future, consider that I would often...
  5. J

    What defines a Christian?

    Ruby- I think you should be aware that there are two different meanings of the word 'fundamentalist'. In my experience, it usually refers to this very general definition: "A usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence...
  6. J

    Is Jesus' Resurrection a Fact-Event?

    LOL... it seems like you and I haven't been able to communicate too effectively Ruby.:D My goal was not to go into a in-depth history of Protestantism, citing every example of every aspect. I was certainly making a broad generalization, but I don't think that so far as generalizations go it...
  7. J

    Is Jesus' Resurrection a Fact-Event?

    Well, Ruby, you have cleared up most of my confusion with your post. I am not sure though what more I can say without restating myself in different ways. From an objective standpoint, there is no reason to believe resurrection physically occurs except for accounts from antiquity. So why do...
  8. J

    Spirituality or Hallucination?

    arthra- Again, a most unfortunate incident. LSD and related drugs are certainly not "harmless" substances, and it is precisely these stories that are important to take into consideration when appraising psychedelic drugs. I don't think this instance is representative of most users, but it...
  9. J

    Mescaline, Ego Dissolution and Buddhism

    I have had an experience that I would certainly call 'ego dissolution' on psychedelics, but not on my case, it was psilocybin. At risk of repeating aspects from my post on 'Spirituality or Hallucination?', I can say with certainty that I experienced what you are asking about. At...
  10. J

    Spirituality or Hallucination?

    I am reminded of Alan Watts' sentiment about LSD: "Once you get the message, hang up the phone." That is a pretty unfortunate story, arthra. Was it specifically LSD that did this, or had he started using other drugs? I, personally, share this viewpoint, as well. I think that many individuals...
  11. J

    Spirituality or Hallucination?

    I suppose one of my large interests in the relatively modern issue of "spiritual" LSD experience is based upon the long historical use of psychedelic drugs in religion. This is also one reason why I am moved not to completely dismiss the idea of LSD as a possible, albeit awkward, source of...
  12. J

    Spirituality or Hallucination?

    Okay...but that's a pretty brief thought;) Perhaps you might expound a bit as to why?
  13. J

    Spirituality or Hallucination?

    I just watched a television show about Timothy Leary, detailing especially his promotion of LSD some decades ago. Timothy Leary, I personally believe, did just as much harm in society as good with his insisting that LSD ought to be used to "transform" the United States. However, for quite a few...
  14. J

    Is Jesus' Resurrection a Fact-Event?

    :confused: Alright...I'm still kinda confused, but I'm going to try to continue, anyway... (we'll get through this I think;) ). Before I go into the questions, I also want to ask something for clarification purposes. You defined "fact-event" as something that can be filmed. To me, this means "a...
  15. J

    Is Jesus' Resurrection a Fact-Event?

    Ruby- I had the feeling that I was still missing the point of your post, so I decided would leave it alone and just follow the thread. However, you have made it perfectly clear with your last post. Finally, I get it!:D I can see why you might've groaned at my original was...
  16. J

    Telos or Dual

    Well, the idea of dualism binding one to the opposite poles isn't necessarily how it's always expressed. In this case, it sounds like you're referring to being bound to both "light" and it's opposite/complimentary pole "darkness". For instance, take Buddhism. Arguably, Buddhism is about...
  17. J

    The Book of Balance and Harmony

    The last two lines here make me wonder if this was influenced by Chan Buddhism ("a flash of lightening in the dark"), or if perhaps this text was read in Chan Buddhism as it was developing alongside Taoism and Confucianism in China.
  18. J

    Raimon Panikkar

    Interesting articles, thanks for the link.
  19. J

    Interfaith as a Faith

    [SIZE=2] I understand your point, bolo, and I must agree with you on a certian level. Some religious faiths would seem predisposed to a one-way exchange, which is contrary to cooperation and "inter"-anything. However, I don't think that the "doctrines" of these such religions actually directly...
  20. J

    What Happened To Boldness?

    You misunderstand, Quahom1. I absolutely don't expect you would need to apologize to anyone or anything, I was just adding my two cents:) . As far as morality, I would wager that it is a little from Column A and a little from Column B so far as America goes, but some Christians that tend to...