Quahom1 said:Jiii, we do believe we have the way, and we believe that ours is the best way. I personally will not apologize to anyone for that. The only way I can think to best describe it is, we have a "get out of jail free" card, and a "pass go and collect $200.00" card.
When you say moral values of Christianity, do you mean a morally superior attitude, or the actual moral values that Christians live by? If it is the former, then yes I agree that can rub noses the wrong way, and is not what Christ teaches. If however it is that latter, then again, I make no apologize for trying to live a correct life, as I understand it due to my faith.
As far a zealous preaching, that can be startling and irritating, which tells me the people weren't ready, or they weren't prepared by the one doing the "sharing". Or that the preacher was not the right one to do the talking.
I'm not certain where your statistics came from concerning a relativistic America growing yearly, but if you are citing the ARMIS poll conducted in 1990, considering that there are 300,000,000 people in the US, I question the accuracy of a poll of only 50,000 people. However, I do have to agree with the analogy of the bounding Christian and the vegomatic salesman's "Wait! There's more!..."
The reality is people are more educated (though tend to be specialized), have to deal with a much faster pace, socially integrated, and they do not take things at face value. They analyse, expect a "catch, clause or legal tiny print", with just about everything, and are not exactly "jaded", but more like "Show me". Unfortunately Christianity can't really be taken for a "test drive", before buying. But it can build up a "reputation" for reliability and quality for the cost...however that is the job of the Christian, not the potential "customer". Less brazen isn't exactly the term I would use. More like it's back to school for an update in communication skills, folks, plus an interal inventory of self.
Thanks for your thoughts.
You misunderstand, Quahom1. I absolutely don't expect you would need to apologize to anyone or anything, I was just adding my two cents . As far as morality, I would wager that it is a little from Column A and a little from Column B so far as America goes, but some Christians that tend to expound upon their moral superiority, or their moral high ground, in general, are what I was specifically referring to. Trying to maintain value systems is just becoming difficult for many religions, I think, and I wouldn't say it's something that only Christianity is suffering from.
When I was speaking about a "relativistic" America, I was admittedly not referring to any statistics, at all. Long ago in days of antiquity, a man often was amazed if one philosophy on the Universe was divulged to him. Nowadays, though, we can read through hundreds of philosophies as to the nature of the Cosmos or God or however it is referred to. My comment refers to the massive influx of information that, I believe, becomes greater every year. People are less and less swayed by ideas, no matter what degree of conviction some may speak about them. This may not exactly be a bad thing...just an observation.
Less brazen isn't exactly the term I would use. More like it's back to school for an update in communication skills, folks, plus an integral inventory of self.
Well put.