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  1. mirrorinthefog

    I don't believe in energies, I believe in the human mind.

    Was this meant to stimulate discussion, or just as a testimony of your own beliefs? Certainly you're entitled to your opinion and it is an interesting topic, or rather, group of topics...maybe I'm not seeing the motive for it. Are you asking us what we think of these things, or asking us maybe...
  2. mirrorinthefog


    Wow, I had no idea the United States wasn't a secular country, or that it runs the way it's being presented here and elsewhere on this site. Apparently we are a latter day Holy Roman Empire!!!! Apparently I'm a Canadian in the making. Maybe I should emigrate :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: I...
  3. mirrorinthefog


    Heh, that would make me loose more hope than gain any. :D :D
  4. mirrorinthefog


    I don't like to think that far ahead, but if I did, I'd say not very darn much.
  5. mirrorinthefog

    Gods? Who created those?

    I've come across many explanations for this, one being that dieties were/are representations of various aspects of a single being or entity; or that they are seperate entities that together serve to establish divinity. Another is that although the essence that makes us who we are is...
  6. mirrorinthefog

    Making Observations

    Sacredstar, Have you ever read the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz? A lot of your statements seem to parallel his :D I'd recommend it if you haven't read it already.
  7. mirrorinthefog


    Interesting theory. :) However, I have to agree with this statement. I don't think the answers are that complex-or simple-if that makes sense. People seem to leave no room for questioning when it comes to religion. My opinion is that questioning and challenging is what breathes life into...
  8. mirrorinthefog

    Idolatry in modern day

    Jwcouch, Not everyone has to believe in a single diety, or believe in a diety at all. It's unfair to simply dub everyone who doesn't agree with your idea of divinity an "idolator" because it suits your purposes.
  9. mirrorinthefog

    Want to Live a Good life? Here's what Ancient Greece had to say.

    What on earth are you talking about???? Anyone under the right circumstances is capable of violence-regardless of what their inclinations may or may not be. The key is to recognize what ones potentials are and use them to ones advantage-to build and not to destroy. That's what makes us...
  10. mirrorinthefog

    Want to Live a Good life? Here's what Ancient Greece had to say.

    Trying to push what you think morality should entail on other people is no different from the Roman policiy you love to criticize. And, being rude about it certainly doesn't help. If anything I'm less willing to listen to your preaching now. Insulting other people's way of life, labeling them...
  11. mirrorinthefog

    Mohammad from Mecca to Medina

    [/size][/color][/color]Question: What about people who meet the above conditions (I don't believe in a Judgement Day, and I don't agree with the prohibitions in the Qur'an entirely, and I have no religion, and I don't necessarily accept the Judeo-Christian-Islamic idea of God) and are not...
  12. mirrorinthefog

    Sufism and Islam

    There is already a thread about this subject!!! lol Just stumbled across it :D
  13. mirrorinthefog

    Scientific Miracles and Discoveries in the Noble Quran

    Hello again, You seem to be assuming that I have a holy book, which I do not. I don't feel the need to constantly show people what I believe or validate it, as I don't think anyone is required to hold my views but myself. However, if you say the thread is to share ideas, then I won't argue...
  14. mirrorinthefog

    Scientific Miracles and Discoveries in the Noble Quran

    I have several questions about this thread. 1. What is the purpose of it? To share information? To encourage others to share their thoughts? To preach? 2. Someone who doesn't interpret these things the way you have is not intelligent or isn't capable of understanding the Qur'an? We're...
  15. mirrorinthefog

    I'm trying to convert a friend. Can you help me?

    With all due respect, I don't understand why it's up to one person to save the world....Isn't everything up to God in the end? Why impose your will on another's free will, if perhaps they are capable of finding their own way to honour the Divine?
  16. mirrorinthefog

    Women and Islam P:I

    You're missing my point, I think. You are not talking about a restriction that is accepted by all Muslims. There are Muslims who do not believe that gold or silk are forbidden. I'm not asking you to justify it. I'm offering an alternative viewpoint.
  17. mirrorinthefog

    Sufism and Islam

    Depends on the sect? I don't think it's right to generalize.
  18. mirrorinthefog

    Women and Islam P:I

    From what I've learned so far, men not wearing gold and silk is entirely a matter of what brand of the religion you practice. You cannot say it applies to everyone. This is one interpretation only. There are groups of Muslims who do not believe in such restrictions.
  19. mirrorinthefog

    Women and Islam P:I

    I don't think I'm a commodity, or a man's property. This is hardly a praise worthy example.
  20. mirrorinthefog

    the earlier Jews and Christians recognize prophet Muhammad and expect his coming

    ...Popularity is hardly a measure of anything.