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  1. Aussie Thoughts

    What NON-POLITICAL, NON-RELIGIOUS Headlines Are You Following?

    Good job funeral home staff noticed before embalming the poor lass! Makes you wonder though, how many may have been prematurely sent to their reward. -:oops:
  2. Aussie Thoughts

    Senior Moments

    Ad came on telly about folks becoming their parents and I immediately thought of this thread. Only in our house that old adage seems to have skipped a generation. Rather than becoming his old man, my son seems to be becoming his grandfather. More soft spoken than he, but got me dad's work ethic...
  3. Aussie Thoughts

    Who's Sin is it Anyway?

    For the native peoples of Australia, the cockup came when the western notion of sexual equality was forced upon them and the lines between traditional male/female roles became blurred. Suddenly, where once a harmony had existed with one sex fully dependent on the other, discord took it's place...
  4. Aussie Thoughts

    Who's Sin is it Anyway?

    Down here, traditional native tribes are often viewed as a patriarchal, which is true to a point, but rest assured, any decision made by a man, was done so with a woman's blessing. The older gals in particular, take no guff off anybody. Theirs is a society where men and women are of equal...
  5. Aussie Thoughts


    That disparaging sound you just heard was the simultaneous cringe of all the actual theists in the room at the thought of having NJ's perspectives lumped in with theirs. -:D
  6. Aussie Thoughts

    Who's Sin is it Anyway?

    Use to have a small studio in Sydney when I was first married that we lived upstairs from. Back then the bulk of my work was boudoir photography. My clients ranged from professional models looking for some sexy shots to add to their portfolios, to everyday gals just wanting to take some sexy...
  7. Aussie Thoughts


    Talking deaths stats. Not the number of cases or how it's spread. Not denying Covid in the least. just wondering out loud how many of those who died while infected actually died from some other condition or would have died anyway regardless. Bloody mess down here too mate. We've had huge spikes...
  8. Aussie Thoughts


    What I often wonder is, yeah they had Corona, but was that really the cause of death? Down here for instance you'll here so and so has succumb to Corona, then later it's mentioned they also had stage 4 cancer. Not downplaying Corona, but I can't help wonder if instances like that aren't skewing...
  9. Aussie Thoughts

    Who's Sin is it Anyway?

    I shoot a little bit of everything myself, both video and still media. Anything from tin soup labels to lingerie catalogues. (Quite fancy those -;)) I even take the yearly class pictures in these parts. Only thing I won't shoot is porn. Not that there isn't plenty opportunity in my line, just...
  10. Aussie Thoughts

    Who's Sin is it Anyway?

    Yeah, what amounts to porn is not something we agreed on 5 years ago and not something we're likely agree on now. There's blokes that get off on feet. Does that make manufacturers of shoes that accentuate the foot pornographers? You're right, it's all in the eye of the beholder. That is, his...
  11. Aussie Thoughts

    Who's Sin is it Anyway?

    Mat 5:29 "And [if] thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out...." put another way, [if] you're bothered by such imagery and feel it may be detrimental to your well being, condemn not the artist, just don't stand there looking at it! -:cool:
  12. Aussie Thoughts

    How Was Your Week?

    Just lazing about these days. Did have some amateur photogs happen by with their instructor, hoping to catch some shots of the locals. Had nothing better to do so grabbed my cam and gave them a quick tour. Think I miffed the instructor bloke a wee though. Afterward he's looking at the shots I...
  13. Aussie Thoughts

    And we’re back

    Figured you guys got hacked or something. Any road, glad it got sorted. -;)
  14. Aussie Thoughts


    Quite the opposite, mate. Just that, you only cast your seeds where there's fertile soil. Otherwise, they may not grow at all or become lost amongst the tares. Matthew 7:6, 13:24-30 and 13:58 come to mind. Then too we must recognize that there are those who approach God from an entirely...
  15. Aussie Thoughts

    Another Media "Star" Passed

    "That's a lovely sweater you're wearing, Mrs. Cleaver." My kinda bloke, that 'Eddie'! -:cool:
  16. Aussie Thoughts

    Corona and you!

    I never knew buffalo's were into catering! -:D
  17. Aussie Thoughts

    How Was Your Week?

    You know, it's been a pretty good week. Photo projects are on hold, but business as usual on the farm. The best part, nothing's open. When the work day's over, everyone goes in and spends time with their families. I mean, I actually had a meaningful conversation with my wife! I could get use to...
  18. Aussie Thoughts


    Most of our barley goes into the production of beer and wine or here of late, hand sanitizer!
  19. Aussie Thoughts


    The noise I speak comes from combines, tractors and other farm equipment. No choice, but to scream over the roar when working nearby. -;)
  20. Aussie Thoughts


    No worries, dusty as hell down here. What with bush fires and heavy farm equipment going night an day. We were walking around with scarves tied around our faces long before all this happened. Of course, we also have a habit of lifting those scarves and shouting at one another over the noise! -:p