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  1. izniss


    The best little treatise I've ever read on "something" and "nothing" was Wei Wu Wei's "All Else is Bondage". Part of it is available here.
  2. izniss

    God and Soul in Quantum Theory. / by Socratus /

    I think advanced physicists have peered all around the circumference of physicality and are now looking squarely at their own backside as a result. Didn't Einstein say "Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them."? A shift of some sort is going to have to happen...
  3. izniss

    One God with many names / One religion with many names

    Religions and names for God are to spiritual growth like training wheels are to learning how to ride a bicycle--useful in the beginning but something that becomes a severe handicap if desperately clung to beyond their span of usefulness in getting you started.
  4. izniss

    Pope Francis says baptism is for all, even Martians

    Maybe they're just killing two birds with one stone. Would be a economical and practical way to perform other animal baptisms too. I've even know a few humans who would benefit. ;)
  5. izniss

    Pope Francis says baptism is for all, even Martians

    The Ecumenical Fellowship of Sheepranchers
  6. izniss

    Stupid 'Smart' Phone Apps!

    I have one and don't really know why unless I just succumbed to advertising pressure in a moment of weakness. I never use it for anything other than (wonder of wonders) talking on the phone or maybe checking the weather radar. I have apps galore installed on it but they sit there like dusty...
  7. izniss

    Morality & Violence in Modern Movies

    Excellent opportunity to apply the Golden Rule, IMO. Pause a moment to reflect if you were in the situation of the person you are turning, or trying to turn, into a spectacle would you want to be turned into one yourself? If your heart's honest answer is yes then snap away to obtain all that...
  8. izniss

    On What are your Religious Beliefs Based?

    Mine have been based/unbased on everything from unbending Southern Baptist dogma to equally intransigent Atheistic rationalism. I've found something worthwhile in most all of them I've perused -- even those that deny the existence of any form of deity whatever. The Buddhist emptiness teachings...
  9. izniss

    Were it not for Death, do you think Religion and Faith would even Exist?

    When you wake up from a nightmare (or dream) by whatever means all its violence, wounds, anguish, death, desires, enchantments, longings, destruction, beauty, attachments, and drama begin to fade in the light of a new reality (a context swap). And the plot of the dream/nightmare, it's whys and...
  10. izniss

    interfaith question: What is the "job" of the "church"

    I don't know but from what I've seen it varies from church to church. Some seem to function mainly as community centers where congregants socialize. Others focus on charitable social action. Some focus heavily on proselytizing. Some focus on religious studies. Some focus on directing the lives...
  11. izniss

    Sharia and social justice

    I don't know enough about Sharia or Islam to say much meaningful but think the economic rules I understand are suggested by some of it's earlier forms, and even some forms of early Judaism, are orders of magnitude superior to the obscene inequities we live under today. That said, I would not...
  12. izniss

    Were it not for Death, do you think Religion and Faith would even Exist?

    I don't think the spiritual reasons for death are all that different from the physiological ones. In both cases "death" is a way for life to move on out of broken or worn out "forms" into new ones or remain formless. The spiritual equivalent of a physical body is the mind made sense of self...
  13. izniss


    I must say that I've never had a cat, but many cats have had me. Wherever I go one (or more) wanders about for a while in a gradually tighter orbit until a claim is finally staked and residence assumed. They are, for the most part, very kind masters and reward regular petting and feeding (in...
  14. izniss

    Does God Learn?

    If God is Love and Love is ever growing and expanding then, yes, God does "learn" just like a doting parent "learns" when they see things through the eyes of their children as they are learning. Not necessarily new facts, principles, or bits of wisdom but how we see and experience things from...
  15. izniss

    Christian Baggage Carousel #1

    I was raised in the Southern Baptist hellfire and brimstone, no dancing, no drinking, no premarital sex, no smoking, no cussing tradition (although infarctions of the latter two were generally allowed indulgences of the flesh weaker brethren might not have mastery over just yet). It has an...
  16. izniss


    I think the right tack to to take on smoking, and other "social habits" that cause us all a lot of grief in the long run, is not to outright ban them but make those who partake/practice them pay the price of all the ills they can cause. If you love it enough to pay forward the statistically...
  17. izniss

    Free Will

    Free will and determinism are two sides of the same coin. Where you have one you will necessarily also have the other -- they are, in actual experience, inseparable as are all the other dualities the human mind posits in it's attempts to statically comprehend a universe that is constantly in...
  18. izniss

    Morality & Violence in Modern Movies

    I find it disturbing that people "like?" to watch such things and don't understand how it is they do. I don't. I don't think it is funny or entertaining in any way whatever. If that makes me an old Pollyanna then so be it. We have no problem understanding that if we eat tainted food it will...