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  1. T

    About Homosexuality and Religion

    To each his or her own.... We all have our own beliefs and values. I do not tend to live for what I might like, but for what I believe is in my best interest. I have discovered that is other people, God and religion, not sex.
  2. T

    About Homosexuality and Religion

    FYI, Baha'is are not supposed to be ascetic, I just happen to be more like a Buddhist because I believe that sacrifice for God is good for my soul. ;) Most Baha'is get on my case when I say these things about sex, not that they are self-indulgent, but they are not ascetic either. There is one...
  3. T

    About Homosexuality and Religion

    Only for as long as it takes to procreate. ;)
  4. T

    About Homosexuality and Religion

    There does not have to be a practice because not everyone wants sex, and nobody actually needs sex, they just think they do.
  5. T

    About Homosexuality and Religion

    As Dale once said, sex is not love and love is not sex. Sex is a part of our lower material nature, not part of our higher spiritual nature. Unless people want children, I do not think anyone needs sex, they just want sex, and that says it all. Love is part of our higher spiritual nature, and...
  6. T

    About Homosexuality and Religion

    Wow, thanks for those verses. Baha'is I talk to say they believe God loves everyone, even the evil, but I think they have been unduly influenced by Christianity. I have been away from this forum for a while. I refuse to argue with people on forums anymore so I do not want to argue about sex...
  7. T

    About Homosexuality and Religion

    No, it is not a Baha'i teaching. It is based upon logic. Logic tells you that if people did not know they were homosexual from childhood, they could not have been born that way. It is also based upon what some homosexuals say. Many homosexuals say that it is a choice they make, not something...
  8. T

    About Homosexuality and Religion

    It is not like blue eyes because people are not born homosexual.
  9. T

    About Homosexuality and Religion

    Hmmmmm... So you do not believe like Christians, that Allah loves everybody or that Allah is love itself.... Can you elaborate upon that? I do not believe that either but I get a lot of flak from some of my fellow Baha'is who believe God is All-Loving. That might be true, or it could be that...
  10. T

    About Homosexuality and Religion

    Great. It is nice to have a Muslim to converse with, there are not very many Muslims posting on the other forum I post on. As a Baha'i, I have many beliefs in common with Muslims but of course there are also differences. Homosexuality is also forbidden by Baha'i Law but we do not believe our...
  11. T

    About Homosexuality and Religion

    If they created him.
  12. T

    About Homosexuality and Religion

    I do not know if you are a Muslim, so I do not want to make any assumptions... However, if you are a Muslim, don't you think that Muhammad can speak for God, as God's Messenger? What does the Qur'an say about homosexuality?
  13. T

    "Ode of the Dove" composed by Baha'u'llah

    I hope you had a nice few days away from the forum. :) I am sorry if I put you on the spot to explain that, I know it is not explainable. I wish I had more time to read and reflect, but I am swamped on another forum right now. I can usually explain my experiences in words because they are not...
  14. T

    Christian worship service

    No, that is not true. Baha'is believe in an afterlife and a heaven, but we do not believe heaven is a geographical location. Rather, heaven is nearness to God. Baha'is do not believe that God lives inside of them but rather that God is separate from His Creation. We cannot be partners with...
  15. T

    Christian worship service

    Okay, I understand. People want what they are not supposed to have, the forbidden fruit. That might be true of some things, but I am not so sure it applies to religion. I doubt there are any accurate records of that, but there might be some records I do not know about.
  16. T

    Christian worship service

    That is interesting that you say that. I think that more Baha'is were formerly Christians than were Muslims. I do not know any Muslims who became Baha'is. I think there are more people walking away from Christianity than Islam. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and...
  17. T

    "Ode of the Dove" composed by Baha'u'llah

    Sorry, you lost me again. :confused: Mind you, I am the practical Baha'i, not the mystical Baha'i. I find mysticism fascinating and interesting but I often do not have a clue when trying to interpret meanings of passages. :( But if people explain the meaning then I can usually go back and...
  18. T

    Christian worship service

    There are no consequences whatsoever. Joining the Baha'i Faith is strictly voluntary and it always will be.
  19. T

    Christian worship service

    The Baha'i Faith does not plan to establish one world government or one world faith. All we say is what we believe the future the government will be as described below. That does not say anything about the Baha'is doing anything to make this happen or Baha'is being a part of this. It is...
  20. T

    Christian worship service

    We all look at things with a different perspective... It is not as if women are pining for the great responsibility of serving on the UHJ. The Baha'i Faith is all about service to God and humanity. We can serve in ANY other capacity, so why would we care if we can serve on the UHJ? That would...