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  1. Daughters of Frya


    I think it's far better to live the most useful life possible while you still can, than worrying about any possible afterlife.
  2. Daughters of Frya


    Thank you for your welcome. An interesting interpretation, for sure, but it still demotes Nature to subservient status, in need of saving. I don't believe any of us are in need of saving. OLB 4:iv "Wr-alda, who alone is eternal and good, made the beginning. Then commenced time. Time wrought...
  3. Daughters of Frya

    What do your real life friends believe?

    Yes, the property is owned by the order.
  4. Daughters of Frya

    What do your real life friends believe?

    Seven of us live here full time, and other members often visit and stay over.
  5. Daughters of Frya

    What do your real life friends believe?

    Yes, we share everything.
  6. Daughters of Frya


    I don't know if there's any life beyond earth. There might be, or might not be. The creative principal is the lifeforce, which brings matter to life, and brought the universe into being in the first place. I'm not sure these are sentient though, in the way that we understand it.
  7. Daughters of Frya

    What do your real life friends believe?

    I live in a community and have done so for many years, so all of my "socialising" (if that's the right word) is done with other members of the community.
  8. Daughters of Frya


    I don't think that's the best way of looking at it. The Goddess is Mother Nature. We are told that the earth brought forth three daughters, who became the foremothers of humankind.
  9. Daughters of Frya


    Thank you. An interesting question. We have no evidence that life exists anywhere but the earth, so it may well be that the earth is unique. Nature encompasses the whole universe, of course.
  10. Daughters of Frya


    Yes, all female. Mother Earth is Mother Nature, the Goddess, our universal mother.
  11. Daughters of Frya

    Atonement in religions

    Yes, only a few are called.
  12. Daughters of Frya

    Atonement in religions

    Perhaps so, but some feel a calling to dedicate their lives to service.
  13. Daughters of Frya

    Atonement in religions

    Spirit, the lifeforce, is a part of nature, I would say, but the lifeforce came first.
  14. Daughters of Frya

    Atonement in religions

    Nature is the Goddess, animated by the lifeforce, or Spirit of the World. I don't see the distinction you're trying to make. As for my own beliefs regarding reincarnation, I don't think it's a given, or eternal, and nor do I accept any notion of karma. Those who dedicate themselves to the...
  15. Daughters of Frya

    Atonement in religions

    As a general rule, the concepts of "atonement" and "sin" don't exist in any Pagan religion that I'm aware of. Most believe that what you do, good or ill, tends to come back to you. Some even formulate this, so that, for example, Wiccans say that it comes back to you threefold, while many, but by...
  16. Daughters of Frya


    As with all intoxicants, we strictly avoid alcohol, as it pollutes and poisons the body.
  17. Daughters of Frya

    Practice and belief

    Thank you, glad to be here.
  18. Daughters of Frya

    Practice and belief

    That's interesting to know, I'm not overly familiar with Baha'i philosophy.
  19. Daughters of Frya

    Practice and belief

    Under the proposals, parliament will remain sovereign, as it is today, with the ability to amend or change any part of the settlement. Currently, judges in the UK are chosen through a system of elite education based largely on privilege. The proposals seek to replace this.
  20. Daughters of Frya

    Practice and belief

    The underlying philosophy is one of mutual service and obligation at all levels of society, to create a harmonious whole.