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  1. A

    There is no proof of God ...

    Nice use of logic! The conclusion is…. There’s too many shallow, twisted-to-their-own-bias thinkers.
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    Evolution is Unscientific

    First of all, I agree with most of your post. But here are some examples of gene mutation: MRSA, different breeds of dogs, different breeds of cats. If you mean creating new genes, there’s nothing. Except inference, which is really philosophy. The evolving of new species always stays within...
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    questions about astronomy...

    Atmosphere gases.
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    I converted to Jehovah's Witnesses

    Yes…. That’s interesting to think about, isn’t it? The Bible talks a lot about the Earth & the future of humanity living on it - very little about going to or being in Heaven - yet, what does almost every religion teach? About going to Heaven immediately when you die. But the Bible’s promise...
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    I converted to Jehovah's Witnesses

    If I may interject: Revelation 7 mentions a tribe of Joseph. Was there a tribe of Joseph in ancient Israel? No. That this is referring to spiritual Israel, can be understood from the Apostle Peter’s 1st letter. He was addressing his fellow Christians (of course), and in 1 Peter 2:9, he said...
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    Why I take the Bible literally

    So you don’t take the Creative Days as literal. Good!
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    Why I take the Bible literally

    Yes, you will, everyone will, and I don’t think it’ll be to our detriment. (Only for the incorrigibly wicked.) But I’d like you to rethink something. In your first post, you implied that the Lake of Fire was hell. How could that be, since hell is “cast into” the L of F? (Revelation 20:14...
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    Why I take the Bible literally

    Exactly! How did you arrive at this conclusion?
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    I converted to Jehovah's Witnesses

    Yes…. except they had the ability to live forever; that was what they lost. Just like the ability the angels have: if they stay obedient, they will live forever. But they’re not immortal; just as the Bible says about Satan, he knows he “has a short period of time.”- Revelation 12:12. I hope...
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    I converted to Jehovah's Witnesses

    You bring up an interesting facet of discussion. In Revelation 14:3,4, it speaks of the 144,000 as being “bought from” the Earth / among mankind. So just to reason on it, where would they be if they are “from” the Earth & mankind? In Revelation 5:9,10, it mentions some who were “bought”, and...
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    I converted to Jehovah's Witnesses

    Yes. And Adam died over 900 years later, didn’t he? Some might say, “Well, that meant their spiritual death.” (I’ve heard that before.) But wouldn’t that require at least some explanation on God’s part? Of course. (Omission is a form of lying…and God cannot lie.) Did God explain anything...
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    I converted to Jehovah's Witnesses

    An indeterminate amount of time. Just like when I say “back in my Grandfather’s day.” Best wishes.
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    There is no proof of God ...

    My post doesn’t state, aver, or imply that ‘God works in mysterious ways’. You apparently misunderstand. I’m not selling it. Genesis 3 is about sovereignty, basically. Who has the right to rule, and if humans are capable of self-rule. Nothing mysterious about it.
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    I converted to Jehovah's Witnesses

    Good reply! Malachi 3:16.
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    There is no proof of God ...

    Science believes the Earth was formed by accretion, a gradual process. (Such a theory, accepted by many scientists, should only be an hypothesis; it doesn’t realistically take into account the Sun’s immense gravitational pull!)
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    There is no proof of God ...

    That statement attributed to Epicurus, overlooks the concept that God is allowing it (evil, suffering) to occur, for a reason. An in-depth study of Genesis 3, when rebellion began, tells us the reason: it reveals the issues that were raised and that required answers. And for some issues to...
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    I converted to Jehovah's Witnesses

    Crosses, or types of, are ancient symbols, even back in early Egyptian history. Google “Crux ansata” or “ankh”