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  1. omner

    Motorway at 5,000 yr old Hill of Tara, Ireland

    I wish the automobile had never been invented. I always wanted a horse and was dismayed when I discovered you're not allowed to ride one anywhere anyway. Driving just makes people angry all the time too.
  2. omner

    What do you look like?

    Instead they saved on money and sent everybody to America. Of course in the 20th century the idea became "eat the rich" which may be more practical since they're fat already. I only heard the Motorhead song but I just googled and found out it's a movie too, British of course ;) I rolled with...
  3. omner

    question against science, reason and logic!

    i have to object that you group science and reason and logic all together... and maybe only out of personal interest, since my education is in these areas, esp. mathematics logicians admit they cannot know everything, and only examine what can or cannot be known given certain rules -- including...
  4. omner

    Could God become man?

    This discussion has gotten somewhat complicated. I was going to post a reply but noticed that Snoopy already posted basically what I was going to say: The question sort of implies monotheism. I'd say that in non-monotheistic religions, there appear many instances of gods becoming humans...
  5. omner

    Even fish eats some creatures and so there is no sin if I eat the fish. Even plants

    Re: Even fish eats some creatures and so there is no sin if I eat the fish. Even pla Even humans eat some creatures and so there is no sin if I eat the human. Plants create while animals (and fungi) destroy, usable form and potential energy within the world. Thus plants are more moral and...
  6. omner

    Mother Theresa's Crisis of Faith

    Doubt is part of how our understanding grows. As children we look at the world and make our conclusions based on very limited knowledge. We may develop a complete picture of the world as revolving around us for example. I've read that's common to children but I'm no psychologist. Let me just...
  7. omner

    Does God speak to you?

    For me, only once, maybe, and it was in a dream. I was in a world made all of paper. I was made of paper. I was wandering around a bit examining this strange place, and hoping nobody came up who needed to write a note, when I found myself near a spinning vortex, like a whirlpool of paper all...
  8. omner

    Challenge: Produce a 4 word description of the cosmos?

    Latin, Spanish, French, Italian pretty well -- I had the first three in grammar school because I went to a good school I guess. I kept studying Latin and Spanish for quite a while. A friend of mine claimed we shared a past life in France and after speaking with her for a while I found myself...
  9. omner

    is there a real philosophers stone?

    No negative because opposites do not truly exist. The negation of a thought is a thought itself. You can observe this with any child: tell them not to do something, and what they hear is "something: that might be fun to do!" I think the reason laws prohibiting things are generally failures --...
  10. omner

    Challenge: Produce a 4 word description of the cosmos?

    Muslimwoman, Well that wasn't the challenge of the OP, though it seems to have been expanded to include being in Arabic back on the first page or 2. Sorry I'm really only fluent in English though I can read a lot of other languages, I can't write or speak them very well. I love your picture...
  11. omner

    Was Abraham insane?

    I think one of the things that is hard for people of faith to accept is that today we are by and large much better people than the people of legend in whichever scripture we may accept as our own. I don't see Abraham as insane by the standards of his time but he would be considered insane...
  12. omner

    Challenge: Produce a 4 word description of the cosmos?

    one more verse came to me while i was taking a bath you came from paradise: every soul's first home; a world of possibility through life to unfold.
  13. omner

    Challenge: Produce a 4 word description of the cosmos?

    Ok, I'm working on my "verse" (in English) a little more: life born from nothing: in inky darkness, light! my miracle of creation: a beautiful living egg. time unfolds, eons pass, until this present day. history is the record: and you're the recorder! witness to the...
  14. omner

    Isaac Newton calculates the end....

    The article was very interesting, thanks! I have to say, in support of Newton, and alchemists in general, that before roughly 1700, alchemy was considered a reputable profession, and alchemists highly prized by rulers of various nations. They prized experimental method (at least since Geber)...
  15. omner

    doesn't anyone believe in miracles?

    hm, i just posted a very long reply and it seems to have all been lost just after i posted it. don't know what happened but i'll just summarize: yes yes and yes maybe my post was too long and got rejected or something
  16. omner

    doesn't anyone believe in miracles?

    i believe in miracles. i think awareness itself is a miracle of which we all have first hand experience. but as for the 'physics defying' or whatever... i think being able to perceive miracles is just a matter of openness or receptivity to them. when there have been people gifted with the...
  17. omner

    Where is the Garden?

    it's always sounded to me like a state of being more than a place... but i had a dream it was a place and in the dream there was a song singing that's in everything, like a musical sort of where all the parts of the place come together to sing this song, and everything is moving in time to the...
  18. omner

    Challenge: Produce a 4 word description of the cosmos?

    my miracle of creation not my miracle only but maybe yours too... do we all even live in the same world? each of our souls, or our minds, or our brains, whichever you choose to believe is your instrument of perception, creates a complete cosmos for us, our own view of the world. or maybe a...