Does God speak to you?

I can relate. Prior to my religious conversion experience I was an atheist although I considered myself "agnostic"--really, when one does meet God or rather the Power of God in spiritual communion you come to realize the agnostic indecision is also without God or a-theistic. Once touched by God there's no going back to agnosticism--one "knows". The authentic experience will change your life forever. :)
Thanks guys. Remember these posts when I totally offend you with what this person receives in mystic communion..;)
Ok totally serious now... He did, he freaking spoke to me... He said... Seventeenth my child... I know there are a few new 'Stone Island' branded clothes that you need... And I will help you.... Tell the people of to send you their money... Send it all in and in return there will be a nice seat in heaven in the front row... And you give that and that's what you gonna get from god!! LEMMY HEAR AN AMEN!! *smacks a person in a wheel chair in the face* You can walk mah brovah!!! 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o *signals for his donation squad to hand out the baskets while he does the funky chicken to some organ music* *grabs a fan off some fat old lady to cool himself down* The holy spirit is running like eletric dyno-mite through me!! I need a halleujah brovahs and sistas!!
Ok totally serious now... He did, he freaking spoke to me... He said... Seventeenth my child... I know there are a few new 'Stone Island' branded clothes that you need... And I will help you.... Tell the people of to send you their money... Send it all in and in return there will be a nice seat in heaven in the front row... And you give that and that's what you gonna get from god!! LEMMY HEAR AN AMEN!! *smacks a person in a wheel chair in the face* You can walk mah brovah!!! 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o *signals for his donation squad to hand out the baskets while he does the funky chicken to some organ music* *grabs a fan off some fat old lady to cool himself down* The holy spirit is running like eletric dyno-mite through me!! I need a halleujah brovahs and sistas!!
wow that was freakin did you feel? goosebumps...scared...elated...confused...did you ask any questions or just listen...didja see anything....I can't believe you didn't give us your address...I just had my bank wire money to stone island directly...just go take your stuff...however much you need off the shelves...its yours...paid for...tell em at the desk that G-d told you you could have it....

now seriously...I get the nudges and the notions and when my kids were little they used to tell me things and I know it was only because I wasn't listenin that spirit chose another little that I would listen to.

no skies openin up or burnin bushes...but signs and thoughts and knowledge...understandings that I didn't have before...
For me, only once, maybe, and it was in a dream.

I was in a world made all of paper. I was made of paper. I was wandering around a bit examining this strange place, and hoping nobody came up who needed to write a note, when I found myself near a spinning vortex, like a whirlpool of paper all flowing around in a circle and draining down and away. Something in me clicked with recognition, and just as I was thinking "wait... wait... I know this place" I found myself being sucked down into the vortex.

I fell for what seemed like forever, and as I fell I picked up speed, but never reached a bottom. It was just like the whole of existence was blacking out as I fell faster and faster, and time as well as space ceasing to exist.

Then in the midst of the deepening darkness, I was touched, and pulled forth, and back into the room where my body was, awake, and thankfully a biological human again. A voice said quite clearly "Now, boy, it's time you meet your maker" -- which is all it said although I thought I picked up the thought "and don't do that again" at which a brilliant dot of light winked into existence at the very core of me, where you think you are when you try to pinpoint where your consciousness is. It was there, just there, within me no matter how closely I tried to look at it, it was within where I was looking from and still I somehow saw it, and how bright and clear and in focus it was I cannot even describe.

It was just a point, and it vibrated and rotated and split into a line, then the line vibrated and rotated and split into two perpendicular lines, then three, then four, then an infinity, each as bright as the dot and yet of no thickness whatsoever. As the lines split they divided space, cutting first my left off from my right then my top from my bottom then my past from my future, and more into dimensions I cannot even imagine, but saw as it happened somehow. I was somehow in the middle of all the chunks of myself that the light divided, watching my parts cleanly separated from each other by the infinite dimensional light drifting off and away from each other in amazement. I remember thinking "this can't be happening but it is".

So was it God? If it wasn't I can't imagine what else. Not that it really had said much to me, but I guess it saved me.
As an extension from the issues raised from the "Prophecy" thread, I'd like to pose a somewhat different question:

Do you personally feel that God can communicate with yourself?

This can be either directly, through intermediaries, or through phsical circumstance (ie, coincidence).

And has anyone ever felt as if they could commune directly with the mind of God? If so, what was revealed?

A devotee asked a question about the possibility of talking with God directly. He should investigate the human incarnation at present and can talk directly. The procedure to identify the human incarnation based on the scriptures is extensively explained by Me in several answers to the questions that are placed in the web-site (Universal Spirituality). One has to identify the present human incarnation using that procedure, in which the inseparable characteristics of God in the human incarnation are well explained. God is coming in human form in every human generation. If He had come only in a particular human generation God becomes partial to that generation only. God wants to talk with His devotees to please them by clearing all their doubts. This is the main purpose of the human incarnation of God. If you don’t believe the human incarnation you need not approach the human incarnation.

But there is a devotee like Jyothi, who is very much anxious to talk with God. You can neither object her nor the God to take the human form. You carry on your representative worship. She is not objecting you. If you don’t want to purchase the original diamonds do not purchase. But you should not object a person who wants to purchase the original diamond. Thus God provided both the ways separately. You purchase the artificial diamonds and let somebody purchases the original diamond. Those who want to pray God without talking with God, let them have the representative worship having formless God or statues. Those who want to pray, talk and worship the living God, let them have the human incarnation. You should not object the desire of other devotee and also the God who is capable to fulfill the desire of that devotee.
*looks at his last post* lol I am too much, *gives himself a big hug* Is there anyway we can like hot list our favourite posts from the threads? So like... BAM! One click and I can see the post? Or, or, or what would be even better.... So like... BAM! One click and I can see all the posts in like an amazing list? With personal preferences making it popularity descending order? That would be great.
Sometimes it may be lesser beings working for God who actually guide us (angels, our own good ancestors like grandma, saints). The guidance may take many forms...intuition, dreams, yes, good coincidences, once, I had a 4 year old child unknowingly give an answer to my prayer...this child was reputed to be especially intuitive....she began to speak to me of the topic I prayed about (something no 4 year old normally even thinks about). I was dumbfounded! But I could not deny the very clear answer to what I had asked in prayer!
First of all, we should decide what we mean for God. It could sound strange,but even among people of the same faith God is not always meant as the same thing. I can tell you if the God that I believe in actually speaks to me, but that God could also be nonexistent at all.
Though that, I believe that God can speak to us in many ways. He can speak through dreams, coincidences or even other people!
First of all, we should decide what we mean for God.
tall order...seemingly unsurmountable
pro said:
It could sound strange,but even among people of the same faith God is not always meant as the same thing.
exactly and unnacceptable for some
pro said:
I can tell you if the God that I believe in actually speaks to me, but that God could also be nonexistent at all.
please explain how both could be possible
pro said:
Though that, I believe that God can speak to us in many ways. He can speak through dreams, coincidences or even other people!
I got all that except "He".
I believe that when I read the Torah, G-d is speaking to me. The same applies to other texts such as the Prophets, Writings, Talmud and derivative works, but then the words pass through human filters and are less direct.

Understanding what He is saying is another matter.
As an extension from the issues raised from the "Prophecy" thread, I'd like to pose a somewhat different question:

Do you personally feel that God can communicate with yourself?

This can be either directly, through intermediaries, or through phsical circumstance (ie, coincidence).

And has anyone ever felt as if they could commune directly with the mind of God? If so, what was revealed?

Yes, but through the Tanach and Nature.
First of all, we should decide what we mean for God. It could sound strange,but even among people of the same faith God is not always meant as the same thing. I can tell you if the God that I believe in actually speaks to me, but that God could also be nonexistent at all.
Though that, I believe that God can speak to us in many ways. He can speak through dreams, coincidences or even other people!

But through dreams. (Numb. 12:6)
God communicates primarily through a community of the faithful. He does and is known to communicate and reveal himself to individuals who have some specific need or to stimulate change as a means of redirection. This He does through the use of people, nature, the devil and any other means He may act through and which He uses to control His Divine Plan.
The folks that claim G!d's revelation.... often aren't folks I'd think G!d would be pleased with....

Insert cartoon of G!d holding shaking her head, "No, that is NOT what I said!"
The folks that claim G!d's revelation.... often aren't folks I'd think G!d would be pleased with....

Insert cartoon of G!d holding shaking her head, "No, that is NOT what I said!"
If the rapture happened you may think ....ohh why did that person go they did so much wrong....god judges us different from how we judge each other.