What do you look like?

:confused: are you suggesting that my calls for moral restraint have something to do with population control?

No No my dear...I'm all for moral restraint as long as it's imposed on the other person :D, but I was referring to 17th's altered quote of yours that mentioned "eating babies".

One of your 17th century countrymen, an economist named Malthus, suggested that the dismal economic straits of those times in England could be easily solved by fattening up babies and then eating them. That has forevermore been known as the Malthusian solution.

No No my dear...I'm all for moral restraint as long as it's imposed on the other person :D, but I was referring to 17th's altered quote of yours that mentioned "eating babies".

One of your 17th century countrymen, an economist named Malthus, suggested that the dismal economic straits of those times in England could be easily solved by fattening up babies and then eating them. That has forevermore been known as the Malthusian solution.

oh, well then, that's much better.
One of your 17th century countrymen, an economist named Malthus, suggested that the dismal economic straits of those times in England could be easily solved by fattening up babies and then eating them. That has forevermore been known as the Malthusian solution.

Oops, I had heard of his population theories but never that particular one. Sounds about normal for 17th century England. :eek: What a colourful hisorty we have!!!

No No my dear...I'm all for moral restraint as long as it's imposed on the other person :D, but I was referring to 17th's altered quote of yours that mentioned "eating babies".

One of your 17th century countrymen, an economist named Malthus, suggested that the dismal economic straits of those times in England could be easily solved by fattening up babies and then eating them. That has forevermore been known as the Malthusian solution.


Instead they saved on money and sent everybody to America. Of course in the 20th century the idea became "eat the rich" which may be more practical since they're fat already. I only heard the Motorhead song but I just googled and found out it's a movie too, British of course ;)

I rolled with laughter reading 17th's joke. Of course don't hamsters or gerbils do that?

Coincidentally, I just posted something similar

The OP was

Even fish eats some creatures and so there is no sin if I eat the fish.... analyze...

s/fish/human/g : "Even human eats some creatures and so there is no sin if I eat the human"

Why is Cannibalism so funny? Is it because it's actually been practiced in some parts of the world? Is it because our ancestors did it and we have that grisly racial memory? Or is it just because people look tasty?

Oh, me:



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17th, I have emailed the international legal committee on avatar attrocities. You shall be hearing from them soon.

Timmy bloody Mallet, what did you do google the most annoying picture in the world (oh no, that would be Bush).
17th, I have emailed the international legal committee on avatar attrocities. You shall be hearing from them soon.

Timmy bloody Mallet, what did you do google the most annoying picture in the world (oh no, that would be Bush).

I've comited a International avartar crime? But, but, what aboot the tinsy weeny yellow polka dot bikini's?????? :eek:
It was Jonathan Swift, a satirist best known for "Gulliver's Travels", who wrote "A Modest Proposal" (proposing that Ireland's population woes could be solved by selling infants for meat). Malthus did write on the population problem, noting that improvements in agricultural productivity never really end hunger because population will always grow until it exceeds the number of people we can feed.
I still cant put a picture of me up here. When I finally get the courage to do it, I find I am an imbecile:( HELP:(

There's a paperclip icon up there ^ when you are replying to a message. If you click it, a window pops up called "manage attachments." Hit the "browse" button next to "Upload File..." and then find the photo that you want to upload. It has to be less than 100 kb and of a certain file type (all the info you need is in the pop-up window). Once you find the file, click upload. Ding! You're done!
