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    Christianity Outside the Box

    As is God Consciousness.
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    Thinking like an atheist for a moment....

    I suggest that you tell us why you are an atheist and I will show how that belief rests on the mistaken view that sense impression is reality. And I will point the rest of the logical and factual errors in basis of your belief system. But, of course, you won't do this because you already know...
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    Thinking like an atheist for a moment....

    Ah, evasion and invective, the stock in trade of atheism. What a surprise. Your inability to defend or even articulate your beliefs suggests that even you know they cannot stand the light of day.
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    Christianity Outside the Box

    Omprem: "One cannot know a Mystery if they are on the outside of it." The Mystery may permeate the mundane but examining the mundane with the flawed and limited senses will not reveal the extent of the Mystery. It will forever remain a Mystery following that route. The apprehension of the...
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    Christianity Outside the Box

    You misunderstand Arianism quite substantially. First, that 'demiurge', as you put it, was Jesus but, more importantly, given the Arian belief in reincarnation, even the 'demiurge' was not necessary in the very long term because everyone had that opportunity to perfect themselves to the moral...
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    What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed?

    Re: What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed Does that admission mean that you are unable or unwilling to learn? It would in keeping with atheism to say yes.
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    Thinking like an atheist for a moment....

    Evangelical Atheism. What a great description. In my associations with atheists they spend a great deal of time evangelizing themselves. They engage in group think and high five each other for doing so. They have the curious belief that the more times they repeat their illogical statements...
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    Thinking like an atheist for a moment....

    Still unable to defend your atheist views, I see.
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    Thinking like an atheist for a moment....

    You are quite mistaken. You have forgotten to factor in the reasons why atheists 'lack a belief in deities'. They believe that sense impressions represent some sort of reality. Consequently they believe in the supremacy of empiricism and its handmaidens reason, logic, language, space and time...
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    Thinking like an atheist for a moment....

    As usual, atheists are unable to defend their completely illogical beliefs and have to resort to invective as a defense never realizing that ad hominem comments are logical fallacies and provide even more proof of the illogic of the atheist belief system.
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    The Ego and "Seeing Things as they are"

    Sorry, but that notion makes zero sense to me. You have just limited God and made Him human, in the sense of having limits and frailties. If God needs know Himself and needs a creation to do it, then God is not perfection, nor omniscience, nor omnipotence, nor omnipresence. Your view may well...
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    The Trinity - a comparative view

    Hello Thomas I would be very surprised if Shankara said that the answer to the question, "What is Consciousness" is "the own-nature of perceiving" because in order to perceive there has to be a perceiver and a perceived. That is duality and Shankara was an advaita vedantin. A possible...
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    absolute truth

    Sounds like Absolute Truth and relative truth to me.
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    Who understands what the goal of the religion of Judasim is?

    In the U.S. and Canada there is no statute of limitations on murder. Apparently there is none in the Middle East either. Oh well we will just have to wait for Iran's nuclear bomb program to come to fruition. Then the times will be interesting indeed. Have you noticed that your attempted...
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    Who understands what the goal of the religion of Judasim is?

    I see that you are an apologist for Zionism. It is too bad that your literalism prevents you from understanding the Torah. And it is too bad that you think it is okay to invade someone's lands and expel or kill the rightful inhabitants. Perhaps you would have a different view if someone...
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    Reconcling Christianity and Islam ?

    Exactly. Now if you could explain how Iran justified a program of murder to get rid of its Baha'i poplution I be interested in seeing how that explanation fits in with the Qur'an quote above.
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    Thinking like an atheist for a moment....

    You should bear in mind that Swedes as a result of their atheism are well-known for alcoholism and suicide. Hardly a ringing endorsement of atheism.
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    Thinking like an atheist for a moment....

    Each and every atheist is a perennial candidate for a Darwin Award. They dumb down their gene pool and ensure the ultimate demise of their belief system. Atheists like to proclaim that they rely only on observation, reason and logic but every atheist commentary that I have seen is riddled with...