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    The Journey of Love for God. The Hajj (pilgrimage)

    Yes, you are right. The main idea behind sacrifice is that you keep your heart pure for God. There are some animals that are too expensive and beloved to people, yet the true believers sacrifice them for God, seeking his High Pleasure. Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him and his family...
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    The Journey of Love for God. The Hajj (pilgrimage)

    Hi Avi, All the muslims from all nations have one distination, that is toward the House of God. Muslims are praying to God facing His House, and they are in the state of Rukuo (bowing down).
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    The Journey of Love for God. The Hajj (pilgrimage)

    God is the One Who has created the heavens and the earth and sends down rain from the sky and with it bringes out fruits wherewith to feed you; it is He Who has made the ships subject to you that they may sail through the sea by His command; and the rivers (also) has He made subject to you. (32)...
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    The Journey of Love for God. The Hajj (pilgrimage)

    The best days of the whole year are the 10 days we are living in. They started 9 days ago according to the Islamic calender that uses the moon to account for monthes. Verily, the number of months with God is twelve months, so was it ordained by God on the Day when He created the heavens and...
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    Hi Abdullah, May God bless you.

    Hi Abdullah, May God bless you.
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    Haji Muslim wants a beard!

    The examples you gave me are different than that I based my post on. For every situation, there is particular judgment. Forgiveness is not to do sins, but it is to encourage you to come back and be a good person and help others. It is to build the life not to destroy it. If someone want...
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    Haji Muslim wants a beard!

    I believe that whether you are with beard or not that doesn't mean that you are muslim or non-muslim. Some people have a long beard but they are cursed by God for their evil deeds and some shave theirs but they are among the rightous and the Mercy of Allah is upon them. The core of Islam is...
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    Why Judaism and Christianity reject Koran

    Hi dear brother c0de, Adam peace be upon him had no father and Jesus had no father, too. I believe that Jesus was created from dust like Adam peace be upon both. And both of them had the spirit from the breath of the spirit of Allah Glory be to Him. [3:59] The example of Jesus, as far as...
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    thank you very much greymare Sorry for being late in responsing to you. Best wishes.

    thank you very much greymare Sorry for being late in responsing to you. Best wishes.
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    why doesnt god show up

    109. On the Day when Allâh will gather the Messengers together and say to them: "What was the response you received (from men to your teaching)? They will say: "We have no knowledge, verily, only You are the All ­Knower of all that is hidden (or unseen, etc.)." 110. (Remember) when Allâh...
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    Welcome brother.
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    Hello everyone

    Welcome Minty.
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    Hi everyone!

    welcom Auster, what is the meaning of Namaste?
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    why doesnt god show up

    Allah is The Lord of Jesus. We muslims fear God and love Him, as the prophets peace be upon them and the angels do. It is something natural that we fear Allah and love Him. Allah is The Owner of Majesty and Nobility, All The Majesty is Allah's. The Majesty cause fear and cause...
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    Why Judaism and Christianity reject Koran

    I agree with you, I think the idea in the holy Quran is clear, Mary was not even touched by human being. So she was a virgin.
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    God's Plan

    I didn't understand the purpose of the OP, but I will talk about the free will as I know it. * Firts, the free will is there, no one can deny it. * Also, Allah Glory be to Him is Higher than us, so His will is Over our wills. When our wills oppose Allah's Will, His Will will be and ours...
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    Why Judaism and Christianity reject Koran

    I think we muslims are judged according to our prophet Mohammad prayer and peace be upon him and his family. If any muslim or any one claim to be muslim say some religious thoughts, he has to prove them from the Noble Quran and the true Hadeeth for these are the only reference of our religion...
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    Why Judaism and Christianity reject Koran

    No, However we as muslims hope that they will come back to God and seek His forgiveness. We don't hope that they will die as disbelievers. We hope all the people are truthful, honest, loving and merciful as we...
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    Why Judaism and Christianity reject Koran

    Look, we follow the truth wherever we find it. If they can prove that they are truthful in what they say, then why shall I deny them? My religion is the Truth.