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    (Exodus 21:22-25) . . .“And in case men should struggle with each other and they really hurt a pregnant woman and her children do come out but no fatal accident occurs, he is to have damages imposed upon him without fail according to what the owner of the woman may lay upon him; and he must give...
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    Most of the charity work in world history has and is being done by people of faith and their ministries.
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    The modern abortion industry offers ritual blood sacrifice to the ancient abortion demon. It is in every way a demonic religion. It has its sacred dogma ("choice"), its ruling hierarchy (Planned Parenthood), its theologians (feminist ideologues), its sacrificing priesthood (abortionists), its...
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    Is abortion Demonic

    In what sense is abortion demonic? The spiritual dimension of this grisly “business” is its systematizing of ritual blood sacrifice to the god of child murder, Moloch, who we know of from the severe condemnations of him in the Old Testament (Lev 18:21, 20:2-5, 1 Kings 11:5.33, 2 Kings 23:13 and...
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    God's name

    In Psalm 34:3 worshipers of Jehovah are exhorted: "O magnify Jehovah with me, you people, and let us exalt his name together." How can readers of Bible translations that omit God's name respond fully to that exhortation? Christians are happy that at least some translators have had the courage to...
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    Jesus is not God....part 2

    The history of the Trinity fits in with what Jesus and his apostles foretold would follow their time. They said that there would be an apostasy, a deviation, a falling away from true worship until Christ's return, when true worship would be restored before God's day of destruction of this system...
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    Is abortion Demonic

    Is killing babies by abortion Demonic?
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    Almost anything is better than killing babies
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    conception + 9 months = Baby
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    I mean people who would use the dishonest term "pro reproductive rights" in order to in order to belittle the rights of the unborn babies
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    To be pro-abortion are you mentally ill or morally ill? My opinion is you have to be both.
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    “The Law of Moses did not permit a homosexual to exist within the congregation of God: ‘If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death, their blood is upon them.’—Leviticus 20:13, Revised Standard Version
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    Why is Christianity loosing the cultural war ?

    Its because we are nearing the end of this worldly system of things (mans rule over earth) The apostles had asked for ‘the sign of Jesus’ presence and of the conclusion of the system of things.’ Jesus foretold wars, earthquakes, food shortages and persecution of Christians. He added...
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    Jesus Christ: The God in the midst

    Jesus is not God. Otherwise how could this scripture be true. (Hebrews 5:8) 8 Although he was a Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered. . . How can God almighty learn obedience?
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    Why do Christians use the cross?

    Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Not Use the Cross in Worship? Jehovah’s Witnesses firmly believe that the death of Jesus Christ provided the ransom that opens the door to everlasting life for those who exercise faith in him. (Matthew 20:28; John 3:16) However, they do not believe that Jesus...