are you on the right thread Dharmaatmaa ?
and least try and keep it on topic, or are you just just testiculating ?
Actually, as a Christian, I quite liked Dharmaatmaa's post, and I think (perhaps accidentally) he's pointed out something very important to the meaning of this passage: That it can't be understood unless we separate
Jesus from
church and, indeed, the posers that are part of it. Not that all, or even most Christians are posers but come on, guys, we all know that not everyone who we see on Sunday is there because they want to humble themselves in the sight of the LORD.
Bob, I disagree with your take on the Gospel of John, because I really don't think anyone except John could have written it because it's just too personal. If it was conjured up by church fathers, it would have been a lot more like the Old Testament: a lot drier, and official-sounding, and bleak! (sorry, church fathers, but it's true) To me, the Gospel of John is the starting point to knowing Jesus because it is so personal, and because it's so uplifting.
The verse in question, by the way, is uplifting, and not meant to throw into the faces of non-Christians and say, "Ah ha! This proves you're damned!"
From what I can see, to a large extent Dharmaatmaa's assertion is true:
Churches are not fulfilling the spiritual needs of an educated public, or any public for that matter. Not all churches, mind you, but I've seen a lot of churches in my short life, and would describe none as fulfilling. That's fine, though; I don't want
church be fulfilling, because if it was then there would be no room left for
Jesus. I submit that if anyone was to meet Jesus, at least two things would immediately happen:
1. They would absolutely fall in love with the guy, because he's so incredibly cool and kind and amazing;
2. They would understand more about God in five minutes than they would in an entire life of studying out of books and listening to sermons-- in any religion.
Jesus himself holds the truth about God, because he came to Earth from Heaven and because he is one in spirit with God. Know him, and you will know God, and in your mind, heart, and spirit you will come to your Father. There is no other way to know God this completely-- not in any religion, not even in Christianity as a religion, because the relationship must be personal, and religions are formal. Dharmaatmaa, you're right when you say that people are unfulfilled these days, but don't be mistaken in thinking that Buddhism or any other religion is going to fulfill people's spiritual needs, because they just won't. People who find fulfillment in Buddhism may also be the same people who find fulfillment in a new plasma TV with surround sound; they'll dive right in because it's new, and then after a while they'll become bored and move on to something else. Nobody who finds Jesus, if they truly have found him, will ever want to move on; Jesus is where our (everybody's) wandering ends.