First I think bringing God into this conversation is dumb. Knowing that we understand only what we are capable of understanding, with regards to this I think it is better to leave the conversation on why we do the things we do, and likely answers would be found around us and within us.
We can ask God why 1+1 is 2 and I don`t think he`s gonna care that much. What he may do is make us suffer maybe through nature, if we do things that he doesn`t like, anyones call if it is an act of God. As he doesn`t speak to anyone I know, I`d think its absurd to try to reason the details by thinking about what God thinks.
I'm not sure I would say racism is hardwired. ..
Either way, we are all *us* now, there is no more *them.* The world is too small to have any more *them." ..
While juantoo, you may wish that there is no "us" and "them", and I too would like it to be the way you note, but unfortunately I must inform you that it is not that way yet, as we are still bound by our society instincts or practices. Just look around where ever you are, and if its not a racist world triggered mainly by the way women select men according to their preferences I`ll consider moving to where you live. I`m an outsider where ever I am in the end so I know. But to note for me there is no "us" and "them" unless I`m surrounded by small town people who clearly don`t like foreign objects..
I`ve been in places where people would spit at where I walk (only to regret later), around the globe, I asked a local on the spot to find out if that was anti-social behavior, they told me yes, and I brought hell (one of the things I`m good at world-wide). What I would like to get is an antenna for recognizing monkeys wearing the skin of humans in both sexes, I`ll get there soon enough so that I don`t have to go near them and those particular pieces of land.
Sanskrit and Indo-European are the same. As for Japanese, like Chinese and Korean, they do not have an alphabet like most other languages. ..
Dude, this is by far the most ignorant statement I have ever heard from you man, are you in a slump? If you`re interested, you need to spend more time in the eastern section. Everything east of India is rooted in buddhist India, thats a fact. Noone will deny that except for maybe some Muslims who may want to change that fact eventually (some of them are working on it clearly..), but Muslims are severely new kids on the block in Asia. And I wish good luck to them.
The glyphs are likely to be originated from China, but just ask anyone from Asia about how their culture was influenced by India, and you`ll likely get the same answers from everyone, except from maybe a Mulsim.
If you asked any European or from one who is from a European descended culture, they should all say that their culture is rooted in Babylon, but unfortunately while every European is exposed to concepts rooted in Babylon every day like driving past churches, they have a hard time coming to grips with that question. Some may say Greek, some may say Rome, some may say Spain.. IMO, it`s ridiculous. It all came from the Middle-east as far as everything west of India is concerned. Only after that can we begin to talk about India and Babylon, and how there is a possible root language. But its not there yet, because of Zionism IMO.
Another thing to note that I think you might want to really think about is,
knowledge does flow from the new to the old. Like we have MacDonalds in Europe. Like how America doesn`t revolve around Europe. Like why we speak English and not Latin. And sometimes the ancients are just gone, except for maybe Babylon, and the world simply does not revolve around what is the oldest otherwise we`d all be saying we`re Africans, which we are in a sense.
Simply put, unlike Europe (this is just pride and egos clashing IMO), in Asia Japan 2000 years, Korea 3000 years, China 4000 years old, all influenced by Buddhist India because at the time Buddhism was the most civilized civilization in the world. Just like how Christianity was like that relative to all the European countries, but buddhism wasn`t forced incessively like Christianity to the masses mostly. FYI, Japanese does have something like alphabets, its like a mix of alphabets and glyphs, pronounced and grammar like Latin. So Spanish/Portuguese can speak Japanese in a year if they really tried and vise versa, surprise huh! (Japanese is way more simple than Korean or Chinese, btw, in that sense it is the new language of the far east on a island much like English is the new language of the far west of Europe). UK and Japan roughly have around 2000 years of history too. Just look it up, and you`ll likely find what I`m saying.
Whether Sanskrit is the mother of all languages is going to be hottly debated for times to come, maybe thanks to Zionism.