Pathless, I think that women are better team players, leaders and bring less ego to the table. Part of the reason for this is because they have been minorities for so long (eventhough they are the majority of the population !) that they have deeper understanding of concensus and power sharing.
So yes, you are right, it is time for paradigm shift.
/quote shawn
What we have is a paternalistic society, worldwide.
With big brother, and big uncle as well.
But it is a single parent family being a patriarchy with a mistress/maidservant.
So for the sake of balance, our dysfunctional family structure needs some reconciliation.
Both patriarchy and matriarchy need to be wed in equality.
Something which has not been done before in recorded history in any significant way.
Both have good qualities which can be emphasized.
But on their own they can become tyrannical and capricious. /unquote
l don't think anyone here has advocated a switch to total matriarchy a la total patriarchy system we have witnessed if the
system and
structure is the same ie competition, aggression and warfare over the worlds resources.
We dont know how a 'total' matriarchy would manifest anyways would we? we are still using the same concepts in imagining that. its all very well pointing to Boudecia [who no doubt still had her husbands lieutenants etc ie the same system in place], its just like Thatchter trying to be a man in a mans world [as it has been evolving]. Very succinctly discussed by Linda on a Judaism thread ie the inherent patriarchy within Europe at least.
/quote juantoo
Seems to me estrogen isn't all butterflies and daisies...despite the hype to the contrary.
Another case in point...don't get between a momma bear and her cubs. Not much different translated to humans.
I think if one really tears the situation down to its bare essence, "paternal" and "maternal" societies are illusions, just one more way of attempting to label. The reality as I see it, is that even if the men do happen to rule the halls of government; momma rules every supper table that exists in any form it exists. So women always have and always will have a formative influence regardless of political structure. At least until the state figures out a way to usurp motherhood from the raising of children (like Huxley's Brave New World)./unquote
Aye and testoterone isn't all ball cocks and black eyes; no one is denying shared human hormones and instincts. Russell just pointed out the correspondence between the moon/female cycle and therefore perhaps a greater attunment to earth and how to treat it and it inhabitants. l believe the male is obviously 'influenced' too, just not manifested so blatantly bloody and without the insight of childbirth and suckling which entails a different 'take' on 'things'. He was just making the point of natural connectiveness with regard to his culture viz a viz 'mother nature' thats all, and looking back fondly no doubt when folk did live relatively peacably [in contrast to the dehumanizing genocides of the 'civilized' world]. The fact that men do happen to rule government [and religious hierarchies,still] makes them the
continual creators of weapons of mass destruction; who knows how it would have panned out if women 'ruled' the world? Methinks not like this.
Of course, since the other half of the population were not allowed 'open' joint citizenship/power it is no wonder it seeped out sideways hence the remarks made about women eg rudyard Kipling [wasn't he a racist btw?].
Maybe we need to look at what communities [eg tibet] that are left in the world who do practice either matrilineal,matriarchal or maternalistic modes in some form or another to see what benefits it may bring 'to the table'. l have no doubt it will involve much more talk before so easily 'reaching for the gun'.
The political structure must change but unfortunately it is irrevocably wedded to the religious androcentric structure of Europe. l have high hopes for the next generations though as they have gone through much more sexually, the women becoming more logical and the men emotional 'in general', here at least l can see it.
So nature is 'redressing', slowly, if we can stay alive that long.